Executive 10-10-2012

ATTENDANCE: Zawatsky, Jones, Cicero, Kilduff, Pishdadian, Atkins, Musali, Dobryznski, Smith, Segal, Pickard



Zawatsky- Have some complaints about e-campus format regarding selecting classes. So I am going to be meeting with Dr. Carnell-Jones Jr., the new director for Enrollment Services. Working with my committee right now to get new flyers out there for Academic Rights. Trying to decide if we should make 2 separate posters about Exam Rights and Student Rights. Drop deadline survey on surveymonkey that I am going to be working on. Have a lot of work to do with these things.

Pishdadian- The “W” really does affect your transcripts. There is this thing that I have to do that factors your GPA, including a withdrawn courses and ends up



Jones- Going to get a voice recorder for next week’s meeting to make sure everything is recorded.



Cicero- Talk to Dr. Plouffe who is interim director of Housing. Talked about how we can increase diversity in housing, maybe in areas such as room assignments. Going to send around sign up sheet at the meeting tonight about signing up to help work the homecoming booth and making caramel apples.


Kilduff- Groups are being pretty lenient about requesting Immediate Consideration and the point about requesting Immediate Consideration is for something urgent and something that is needed now. What I am going to do is start logging every time someone requests it or grants to help enforce it. Talked to a lady at the library who does archives- she is having trouble finding some things to get to me.



Pishdadian- Working on re-rec. Bill is probably going to go on the floor next Wednesday hopefully. Voting on it no later than Halloween. Cutting off people for sending me these things after tomorrow. After I get re-rec done, I will be working on changing re-rec so that next year does not have to send them all these files. Will work on making an online application. Have a couple groups coming back.

Zawatsky- Has SAWA approached you?
Pishdadian- Yes. Don’t want to cut them out, but they sent me their paperwork late and signatures were not signed. I only got signature from the president yesterday. Told them what time I would be in today and they did not come to my office hours. If they can’t come in tomorrow, then I can’t re-recognize them.




Atkins- Re-did the DOM ad for Stephanie. Going to make up those forms for the newsletter.


Musali- Met with the search committee with Major Baker. That is going to continue this Friday and next week. Went to the Dean of Students search committee yesterday.



Dobryznski- Talked to this lady at URI Catering about the “coffee” idea. Got some prices from her. Talked to her and said she would be able to give us all the materials as well. I am going to do my office hours on Friday. Do I need contingency grant for it?
Segal- Yeah, I would talk to Kristen.

Dobryznski- Got the email from the guy for the website. Will be in touch with him next week. Has anyone been coming into register?

Pishdadian- Yes, a lot of them came on Friday.

Dobrzynski- Yeah, Rhode Island’s deadline is the 6th.



Smith- Signed off on a bunch of bills today. Brian Sit had a check reimbursement for the Rhodyvotes sign. Did not know we had purchase order for that. I wanted to ask if that sign goes up?

Jones- Think I saw that.

Smith- Paid Ron’s check reimbursement. Calendars will be coming in next month probably.



Segal- Met with two students from the LGTBQ Center. One contacted me asking to speak with me and the other one was obtained through emailing student staff workers. Joint committee on online and distant learning- would anybody like to be the person I appoint to that committee?


Adjourned 5:36pm