Executive 4-16-2012


ATTENDANCE: Kilduff, Musali, Pishdadian, Lamoureux, Pilkington, Dobrzynski, Mullin, Ferreira, Atkins, Smith, Jones, Holden



Lamoureux– Gave out an email to all the liaisons that they can give their deans about what to ask. Went down to the bookstore and the date that the professors can their get their books in is April 1st. Other than that, nothing else.

Dobrzynski– What did you think it was before?

Lamoureux– I thought it was June, but if they don’t get any books from all professors, they’ll send out an email at a later date.



Dobrzynski– Got some leases together at my meeting. Probably going to have to wait until next semester. I assigned everyone in my committee a paragraph to write. For the office hours, they are going to have to write out 12 envelopes because there are 98 senators. I changed my meeting next week to 5pm.



Mullin- Committees- need bios to do boards. Can’t make it to Welcome Day this weekend, but last weekend went well. Got 5 or 6 kids that came out signed up. I think people were deterred because there was a group of us at the table at the same time, so rather than having everyone there, maybe we should split up in shifts. Less intimidating, more people may come over and talk. Hoping to see the appointed DOM on Wednesday.

Holden- For this week’s Welcome Day, I would like one person from Exec there all day.

Mullin- Thanks to Andrew Pilkington for providing candy for promotional item to students.



Atkins- Registered us for First Night. I also put down the list of everybody’s name who needs to move in early. I am going to send out sheets to all committee chairs soon, and I would love if you could send me one big thing your committee has been working on and some notes about it. I do not know all the background information, but I can put an article together with pictures.

Ferreira- For end of April newsletter?

Atkins- Yes

Holden- Talk to Summer Senate and new DOM for First Night. Can help you plan.



Ferreira- The Rammies still need presenters. Have about four signed up and we need eleven. Our survey monkey account- I set up a survey that went out to the list-serv. I am going to try and find out or get in contact with the deans if they can send it out to college list-servs. Senate is going to be required to take it. I have paper ballots to hand out on Wednesday. Counting ballots we have so far. Need a vote on Chris Cicero for vice-chair when Casey gets back.






Smith- Just got out of Finance where I had the category transfer. They passed that so I will have money to put into Category 109 to pay bills. I also had them do the co-sponsorship for Oozeball. We will donate about $300, but it will have to go the floor. It was passed in committee, but Weinreich and somebody else opposed. I personally do not know the answer to what SAA is going to be spending the money on that they asked for Oozeball.

Holden- We are not spending money. It is a donation. I can give you contact information to ask about it.

Smith- Have a bill tonight for dunk tank from First Night and a bill from Commuter Appreciation Week for back in November, which should have been paid, so I am going through currently all the payment orders to see if they have been paid.



Jones- New committee minutes templates look good. Please continue to get minutes into me on those templates. Suggestions for Kudos- I will give out Kudos this week if there are any commendable activities going on in Senate.

Dobryzynski- Change the name to Hutchins for one for the committee members. Also have a question about attendance with spreadsheets. Do you want us to email back to you every week?

Holden- If somebody is there, I need to see it and you do not need to email me. If there is someone absent, I need to see it to see if people are not showing up.



Kilduff- Meeting with Hania on Wednesday. I emailed the liaisons about reminding them to get their reports into me once a month. Going to try and meet with them individually once they are appointed. That’s about it for me.



Musali- I have been working on the transition USB that Chrissy has yet to give me. I am emailing a professor to see if he wants his money back for the Ellery Pond project. I am working on the new gender-neutral restrooms issue. Talking to people in Disability Services about that issue as well. Tomorrow in my committee meeting, we will be talking about the restrooms and how to go about that issue.



Pishdadian- Last week was the last week groups could come get recognized.



Holden- Hope attendance is going well for the committee. One of the things I wanted to work on this year is working on committee chairs delegating responsibilities. Wanted to work on having better system. Please make sure if members are not attending members or completing their assigned tasks. Welcome Day-thank you to those who worked last week. As far as the Senate cookout is concerned, no one has offered their home. I would like to get an answer on that. I would like to have an end of the year event, but please let me know if we can by the end of the week if possible.

Holzman- I can do Welcome Day, but I am working parking so I cannot be there until eleven.

Holden- I can have you there until the end. Ends about 1pm. Also, I just want to mention that we are still putting on the bill this week for Elections. The DOM can be on the committee but it will be part of their job description. They do not need to be on the committee officially .Can still attend all required events. It is included in their job description.



Holzman- Had two more capital improvements grants come in and a programming grant come in. I wanted to explain to you guys that we have a lot of money and we are pulling from tax. I will explain more about it next week.