Executive 3-5-2012


Roy- Emergency Response Team came to me and wanted funding. Wanted to change their name to “Emergency Response Interest Group.” Brought a representative from the Emergency Response Center. I think they are going to give up after today. Robotic Club is category “R.”

Coates- Did you check with Holzman to see if you can connect with them with the inventory the old group should have left behind?
Roy- That would be awesome. They want to compete in Robotics competitions. Schools for Schools is having trouble with membership. They do international projects for international schools if you know anybody interested.

Segal- I know the girl and they have already done events and it is a great group!

Roy- Making an announcement about it tonight at the President’s meeting. I am working on Cover Letter for survey. Talking to Coates about using survey monkey to disperse information. President’s meeting tonight is about transitions. Anybody welcome to go.



Caisse- Valerie will be coming to general meeting on Wednesday. Faculty Senate has opposed our second grade option, so I will be speaking to them. Emily Dionne met with Paul Whitney and gave ideas about continuity. My committee will be drafting a letter to the dean’s council and other chairs and faculty members, requesting they take into consideration early option and price and other things like that. He may be presenting in the next committee meeting next week. I will be contacting the Faculty Senate Executive members with a letter that I wrote to Nancy Eaton about the drop period. I asked Dave about RFP for technology committee. Have a bunch of money and looking to spend it on groups and organizations. Had the idea about getting Senate ipads- going paperless and bringing us up to speed. Pilkington is on the committee that reviews the proposals. Got 25 proposals for ipad purchases, all of which were shot down. We are going to address the issues with the ipads. A lot of potential. My committee really liked it.



Zaman- Tried to create the template. Have been trying to do it and can’t figure out how, can anybody do it?

Coates- You can pull up documents in Word and use those templates.

Zaman- I’ll talk to Weinreich about it. Other than that, the end of the year report, I was thinking about the best way to do that, and I think if all the committee chairs could send me everything you have accomplished throughout the year, that would be really helpful. Not just committee chairs- all exec members.



Ferreira- CDO student sessions- emailed all the multicultural organizations. Made a mistake by booking Rammies the night of Dayglow. Talking to Fencing Club about switching times in the ballroom. Also, I went to the Diversity Summit on Saturday and got a lot of good ideas for next year. You could text a number, and she can email PowerPoints, so I have a few PowerPoints to use and will put in a binder to use next year.



Juhr- Emailed the director of the Counseling Center last week. Asked about 5 or 6 questions. Gave me a vague answer, and they apparently had said there is not hotline for 24 hours like everybody has been saying. I am going to ask why we do not have one. I am going to ask anybody in my committee if they want to go. Meeting this Thursday at 10am if anybody would like to go. Safety and Lighting Walk planned after spring break. Pilkington working with Sinapi about getting the right software to import the map. That’s all for me.

Caisse- Do we really need to flip the map?

Coates- Yes. Everybody thinks of the campus in three tiers.



Holden- Senior Speaker committee meeting after Exec. 3 finalists will be notified this evening and speaking at the meeting after the spring break. Could you have Gianna send me the transition materials once again in PDF that opens? Talking to Scott about sweatshirts. Nearly Naked Mile is this Thursday.



Mullin- Making a flyer for the March 22nd event to the statehouse. Remind all of your friends that presidential debate is tomorrow night. Still need two shifts for the elections booth. Two openings for 10-12pm. I can work 4-5pm too. That’s it for me.

Coates- Please make sure that you connect with the College Democrats and College Republicans and the Occupy People because they may be the most likely to fill up those buses. I can try and get the Vice President for Student Affairs to write us all excuse notes for that day from classes. Maybe he can send out a blanket email to all professors about the students journeying to the statehouse. We should try and plan for senators to drive themselves and ride with the buses if they don’t fill up.



Jones- Committee minutes, please give me them to me by the end of the break. Suggestions for Kudos.

Coates- Can you work with Kim to see if all committee minutes are online?



Segal- Paying the bills.



Coates- Troiano is downstairs asking for money for statehouse on March 22nd. Making sure he gets all the right permitting so we do not get arrested or anything like that. I am also going to contact the External Affairs Chairman of the Board of Governors and make sure everything is all set with testifying. I want to have at least an idea of who is going to sign up to testify. I will try and encourage representatives from other organizations to sign up to speak. Watch the House Finance Committee on Public Access if you would like any ideas of what we are going to do. Aside from that, spoke to a few reporters from a Virginia Law School. They caught up with the changes to the student handbook from the Cigar. This happened last week as I was getting calls from random places. Law schools are particularly interested in educational policies. Also, I have been able to set up a meeting with the Vice President of Student Affairs. Things are a little hectic with the criminal investigation of the Sports Institute and firing of Coach Baron. Nobody really has a second to spare right now. We need to put our submissions in for changes to the handbook this week. No updates on CDO search yet. Strategic Budget and Planning Council met, and I reviewed the minutes. They are doing some really strange things which does not surprise me. They are entertaining ideas for new ways to spend our money, like new items in our budget.

Mullin- I am making templates. If you go to Microsoft website, there is a 5 minute tutorial that you can use as a template.

Coates- Other than that, we got in contact with Roger Williams University about one of those programs I discussed that manages elections and whatnot. The woman was away at a conference that brought it to campus. She should be calling back this week and telling us their competitors and what they like about their software. Few other things going on.



Troiano- Trying to get buses or wouldn’t be able to go the statehouse.

Coates- I am going to find out if we can get excuse notes.


Adjourned 6:59pm