Executive 2-27-2012


Mullin- This is the old board for recruitment. I am making a new one. It will be a lot less text. Went to External today and decided we are going to make advertisements for events and road to the statehouse. Also, need the twitter password.

Holden- Do you know where we can go for sweatshirts and t-shirts?

Mullin- Yes. I will be looking into that. I’ll look into the logo and printing with or with out it.

Troiano- Scott is going to work on the PowerPoint for Road to the Statehouse. Email him or me. He will also be working on event for March 22nd.

Caisse- What is going on PowerPoint for statehouse?

Mullin- Up to you.



Juhr- Want to have the safety and lighting walk on the same day as the presidential debate, but that is a bad idea so I will schedule until after break. Waiting for Pishdadian to email me her RIPTA connections because she is not on the committee anymore. Counseling Center- Liz Blanchette is going to be speaking them tomorrow on my behalf.

Farrow-Gabe and I were waiting for the bus from 4:50-5:25 today. They are slow at that time. Still over a half hour.

Coates- Find the cutoff point. I got an update on RIPTA-they do have trackers on the buses. They have not been able to activate because RIPTA tried to host tracking service from their own servers. There is also a 5 minute delay on where the shuttle is. They are going to try and get it down 5 and 20 seconds. That’s what they are working on right now. Also, the hearing on arming campus police is tomorrow.



Ferreira- Ace of Cakes is tonight. Out of 22 groups that signed up, 2 responded. I sent out a mass email to other groups. I talked to Lorrie about this and going on a larger scale. Rammies are going along well. Dave had said that the CDO search is down 3 candidates, so my committee is going to be contacting the multicultural orgs about what to ask the CDO candidates. We will have an open Q&A for the rest of the candidates.

Coates- Try and get a feeling about who else is going to be coming with them for their groups.



Farrow- Tomorrow we have a booth to recruit people to sign up for Senate elections. If you are in the office and want to work the booth, stop by. I will not be able to work the booth. There’s 5 people for off-campus and 6 for on. Booth closes Friday at 1pm.

Troiano- Can we have petition advertised during the booth?

Coates- Or Student Rights and Responsibility?

Farrow- Is it possible to somehow film the presidential debate so we can post it on other forums other than people just coming that night?

Coates- You would have to get permission of the candidates because was not part of declaration form. There is a service on campus that offers that.



Roy- I want to get out my survey this week about the faculty and staff about advising for student orgs. I have a document that I can show you. XCEL and Actuarial Sciences Club came and was recognized together.



Caisse- Valerie Maeir Speredelozzi wants to come back to for either my committee or general Senate. Reviewing handbook for academic steering committee. I will be writing a response to Nancy Eaton about Second Grade Option. Provost Advisory Council meeting tomorrow at 5pm. Other people are doing research so I will be speaking with them.

Coates- Are you going to agree to give presentation to Faculty Senate?

Caisse- I don’t know if I want it to be Academic presentation or a joint Senate presentation.

Coates- It could not hurt to coordinate between the CIO, DOC, and DOM for all of our activities during the year. It is a good opportunity for the faculty to show them the spending that we do.

Caisse- The Faculty Senate has offered us of a spot to present at the end of the year.



Troiano- March 22nd is the meeting at the statehouse to discuss the rising tuition costs. Trying to coordinate bus ride. Petition booth will be next Thursday. A lot of booths. Scott is going to work on a flyer with Cordisco to get the word out to the general student body. If you guys have any ideas about what should be included in that, let me know. Road to the Statehouse- Scott will make a PowerPoint for it.



Holden- Have until Friday to get your senior commencement speaker applications in. Had a booth on Friday advertising it. It is not like we can extend the deadline that much. We will have people who apply and pass it in on Friday. The committee needs a week to decide and announce to general senate that they are speaking on the 21st. Really spread the word to your friends. If you are in 300 or 400 level class, please announce it. In addition to that, we are not “supporting” it but the Nearly Naked Mile is on Thursday. If you could donate clothing, that would be great. Have evaluations regarding Senate formal. Working on Senate sweatshirts. Did you talk about sashes yet for graduation, Alexa?

Roy- Working on it with Abigail.

Holden- If you guys wouldn’t mind keeping March 21st open for Public Forum, we have three speeches to listen to.

Farrow- I may do it.



Segal– Sat in on the finance meeting. Did not have to defend Senate stipends. Stipends come out tomorrow.



Zaman- Just a reminder to everybody to work on his or her transition binder. Let me know if you would like any help.




Coates- Firstly, Student Alliance for the Welfare of Africa has a major event on campus on Thursday. The other thing we discovered is that they handle a purchase requisition for $2,700. Neither was the signature of the president or treasurer. This has happened many times. Does wasting the money and not having the event and making sure they are able to have all other events in the fall and spring outweigh having this one event and de-recognizing them?

Caisse- We should look for other ways to punish them not to diminish future events.

Zaman- If we do not let them have the event?

Coates- We will lose some money committed to the contract. We are going to have pay at least the town. My feeling is that we should cancel the event to prove a point. They do Lights of Africa in the fall which is really cool. They do AIDS Awareness Week. Freezing their budget after this week would be ineffective because they do not hold any other events.

Caisse- I think it would be more harmful to cancel this event in the long-run. Can we explain other means for punishing them?

Coates- This is like the third or fourth time. They have put on events with outstanding checks owed to people. My question is that it is not just these people benefiting them, it is the people of the campus. There are already committed contracts. I have advised our accountant to examine all signatures on accounts for student organizations.

Caisse-What other groups are involved with the hair show?

Coates- SAWA.

Zaman- We should not allow an event if they have not filed the proper paperwork.

Roy- Can we cancel this event and revoke their recognition?

Coates- You have to do something particular.

Zaman- Can’t we just have the correct officers sign it?

Coates- The treasurer is still not a student and the original person who signed the paper for the grants.

Zaman- Why can’t they elect the treasurer?

Coates- The issue is that do we allow this event to continue? The second signature on that form was the new treasurer. We are not going to do anything. Motion to close minutes

2nd Holden

Adjourned 7:51pm