Executive 3-30-2011





Prata- Barbeque is May 1st at our house after Oozeball. Pay frosty if you can. Somebody suggested doing BBQ as a potluck instead.

Coates- People can bring stuff, but I will be getting burgers.

Prata- Kim said we didn’t have that much. Should I ask Casey to start collecting $3-$5?

Coates- A couple weeks before.

Prata- Other than that, going to announce senior speaker during report. That person will be notified after the meeting, and the other two will be notified that they did not get in. Going to miss all of you guys!

Coates- Questions?




Rossi- President’s meeting on Monday. Last one, not at the alumni center, in Atrium 1. One bill on the floor to vote, haven’t replied yet so hopefully they show up.

Coates- New group coming in tomorrow, going to sign up for next Friday-Anthropology Club.

Prata- I’m starting a Yoga Club. Can we get faculty and staff to participate? Or make it an option to have donations for the Yoga Club? Or can we get money for Yoga mats from Senate too?

Coates- Category S you get money for instructor costs.

Prata- In the future.

Coates- Any other questions for SOARC?




Mackinnon- Stipends are in. Bills are being paid. Elections- bill on the floor tonight, confirming elections.

Coates- Questions? Congratulations to Elections Committee for being done.




Holzman- Working on transitional stuff. Nobody talked to me over break about transitions.

Prata- Getting mine to Casey by next week.

Holzman- Happy to work with you guys. Compose your binders with people who are going into your positions.

Coates- Questions?

Holzman- I can get alumni contact information from foundation, but we have to agree not to solicit from them.

Coates- Did a really good job on the Equity Council presentation. Going to be a part 2 at the next meeting. More in my report.

Holzman- That’s about it.

Coates- How are the RFI’s coming along? Request for Information

Prata- Who does requesting?

Boiteau- anyone




Boiteau- Have you talked to EMA?

Coates- Gave them $2,000. Bill is already signed.

Boiteau- Has to go to committee Monday. Immediately consider next week. Gave money to EMA for Dance ‘Til Dawn. Also had SAWA come to us for another fashion show and wanted to see what they needed.

Prata- SAWA does the hairshow. SASA does the fashion show.

Boiteau- They’re coming to Finance this Monday. Came to us last week. This week during my office hours, revamping finance presentation so finance chair will already have what I have discovered through the years. Talked about how groups get recognized every week last week, so I thought that we recognize a group at any point during the semester, they won’t be able to sign signature card until the beginning of the next semester. We should have a mandatory finance meeting before they open their budget, would alleviate a lot of the problems that we are facing. Wouldn’t be able to open a budget, sign signature cards until the fall.

Coates- Offer the workshop multiple times. Shouldn’t restrict organization from fundraising because they don’t have a 900 account.

Mackinnon- Is there something you can say to don’t buy anything until meeting with finance?

Boiteau- I think some groups should have probationary period first.

Coates- I do not want to have people go on probationary period because it will slow the process more. Don’t think there is ever going to be a solution to people not caring about finance handbook or rules or being able to understand them.

Boiteau- Trying to think of a system.

Coates- My suggestion is that if a group gets punished, we make them go through a workshop instead of punishing financially.

Boiteau- Have to define what messes up means.

Coates- We can offer voluntary workshops ones as well with messed up situations. Don’t feel comfortable limiting the time frame that our groups have to operate.

Boiteau- I don’t think they should apply for contingency one week later after the group has been recognized the week before. Need to get on their on the ground and be familiar with the policies.

Coates- I want to make it easier for groups.

Prata- Another thing is that if groups have to start realizing they are waiting, there is going to be a slow process in the system. And will have more people at general meetings trying to get recognized.

Boiteau- I think one system needs to be in place.

Coates- Need to develop the nature of the workshop first. Make it more interactive and make it work. Once it is put in place, then we can say that we require them to go to the workshops. Have to utilize SOLC and SPO to make sure it is as effective as possible.

Boiteau- Powerpoint also does not stick with people.

Coates- Each member of Finance needs to be capable of putting on the presentation for smaller groups.

Boiteau- Talked to Casey last night about bringing the presentation instructions to Finance meeting next week.

Rossi- Can I have that outline to give to groups?

Boiteau- Yes. And besides that, that’s it. Scanned a couple of things for inventory. Gaming club has a television coming in next week.

Coates- Questions?

Rossi- We should look at the bill Sinapi just sent us.

SS-10/11-XX Bill Calling for the Student Senate Opinion on the Demographics of the Bias

Response Team Whereas, the URI Student Senate supports the Bias Response Team and its projected goals Whereas, the current makeup of the Team lacks anstudent’s perspective, and

Whereas, this will limit the ability and effectiveness of the Bias Response Team’s efforts, and Whereas, this will ultimately delay or prevent the fulfillment of the Bias Response Team’s

projected goals, therefore be it

Resolved, that the URI Student Senate recommends that the Bias Response Team include an undergraduate student within its membership.


Campus Affairs Committee Chairman Sinapi Wednesday, March 30, 2011 ( – – )

Perpetual Vote Next Week

Coates- Ask Sinapi if it is okay if we can change the Bill Handler and Committee.




Jones- Road to the Statehouse is pretty much all set to go. Gifts are in. I will be sending sign-up sheet at the next meeting. Rides will be coordinated at the Senate office. Meet there at 1pm. Leaving at 1:30pm to get there for 2pm. Starts at 2:30pm.Roy with Coalition/Town Council meeting news?

Roy- Coalition/Town Council. I went up and said that the Senate has not viewed the Action Plan and there are things we will not accept. Shields spoke, and Town Council said they were very offended that the Coalition feels they are not doing these things already. Carol Stewart does not want presentation going forward.

Coates- Gerry will be here next week to talk at the Senate meeting. Basically, the Action Plan is going to be presented to the Senate by powerpoint. If there are portions of it we want to expect, I can do that. External Affairs can also express their support as a committee without supporting the whole thing.

Jones- Also will be putting a Resolution on the floor showing Senate’s appreciation of the Governor’s budget proposal which supports higher education and the $10 million given to the University. Thanks to Holzman’s idea.

Holzman- Thought it would be a good idea to get more student support through this lobbying.

Boiteau- Do we stay for the General Assembly meeting?

Coates- Think they closed the chambers on us last time.

Boiteau- I can see if my uncle can put on this agenda, so that people from the Assembly will know that we went that day so they can recognize us.

Coates- What town?

Boiteau- Lincoln. Might help for funding issues. I will call this afternoon.




Segal- Transition binder will be done before I’m done. Today is when Liasion reports are due.

Jones- How many are you supposed to get?

Segal- College reps and certain ones that meet every month, so technically ten.Any ideas for Kudos, text me. That’s it.

Rossi- Are you still going to help with the Big Bang Event?

Segal- When is it?

Rossi- April 8th @ 9pm-3am.

Coates- I will probably go.

Rossi- I need one more person.

Coates- Questions?




Davis- Tomorrow is the Diversity Services of URI event. 12-4pm in front of the Union. Monday is the Meet and Greet with they Keynote spoker for black scholar awards which is the same day (Monday, April 4th @6pm) in the CBLS Building. Refreshments will be served. From 11am-2pm is the Meet and Greet, with food being served, and opportunity to meet VP of Senate in 1999. Rammies is underway. Co-host is Alexa Roy and Jonathan Bolano. Bobbleheads are in. New ones have the name of the award that they are winning and with the year. Advertisements going out next week or week after as well as the script which is in the process of being revised. Rock the Pond- Ellery Pond- is in the proess of being advertised. Just had a meeting at Jodie Hawkins at REC Services to finalize outdoor concert and giving prices for the electricians for anything we need. Going to have cookout and outdoor concert at the Pond and we are not having a party anymore following that night due to the stress of the cookout and concert. We have two more days of fun activites planned, for example, Saturday that goes into Hempfest. Possible Foam Party on the Quad. Sunday is also Oozeball and the cookout. Questions? On April 12th is the Diversity Awards. I have the honor of receiving an award. Thanks to all of you guys for putting me in the position to do the work that I do. If anybody would like to go the awards ceremony, it is a dinner ceremony that starts at 6pm. Have to RSVP. Will send around a sign-up sheet at the meeting tonight, and I will RSVP for you.

Coates- I RSVP’ed for myself. I expect Casey Holden will be coming too.

Davis- Other than that, I have been working with Michelle Fontes-Barros. Also, April 13th, the march in response to the civil issues on campus. Start and end on the Quad. More information to come next week. That’s it.

Coates- Questions? I would encourage everybody to go the Diversity Awards and the Meet and Greet. Former Student Senate VP is going to be there, so meet him and talk to him.

Davis- Also the linebacker for URI and the editor for the Cigar. 11-2pm. Also, can I be excused? Have Cultural Affairs meeting. I will get them started and be right back.




Coates- Picked a new DOC. Talked to all of you to make it clear. Her name is Ashley Cordisco. Junior Public Relations major. Currently in Italy, so I will nominate her tonight and then table it until the last meeting of the year at which point Pezza will relinquish her roles as DOC, and the new girl will be confirmed. By-laws are not very strict, written in a way that term ends when new person takes over. Don’t want to lose out on the best candidate because she is abroad. I have been working with the Memorial Union Event policy. It has been requested that all events end at 1am on Thursdays and 2am on Fridays and Saturdays. As of right now, they would also like our organizations to pre-sell as many tickets as possible and want advertising to give a door price even though you may still get in at the door. Short-term issues that arose were Dance ‘Til Dawn and Big Bang, which were advertised until 3am. Since advertisements had already gone out, it would create crowd control issues. Dance ‘Til Dawn will also be continuing as scheduled. Any other questions on that discussion? Plan on holding court at the President’s meeting and talking about policies and ask groups to come talk to me about it.

Holzman- Ticket policy does not need to all go to advanced sales. Ticket system should not have allowed that to happen.

Coates- During the winter, they use the second door as the ticket sales point so people are not waiting out in the cold. When it gets warmer, that first door will be locked and that is where tickets are sold. People were inside the building and not inside the event and event reached capacity before they got into the event. Did not feel they could turn aside the crowd in the Union. That night, people were being extremely rude to building managers and felt threatened, assaults ensued. It was not the norm. Many PINK events that did not have those types of issues. Anything else?