Executive 11-1-2010

Segal, Prata, Coates, Cologna, MacKinnon, Messineo, K Stewart, Davis, Sinapi, B Stewart




MacKinnon: Paying bills, money for Bobby and Holzman’s stipends. Bill on floor this week or next week.




Cologna: Bill open to change I want my committee to vote on it. Recommendation on Wednesday. Open to changes.

Coates: A few things need to be changed.

Cologna: 2 week open drop is too short.

MacKinnon: Do we want more votes from survey?

Cologna: Part of reason we’re waiting

Cologna: Ok I’ll make changes

Coates: Tell everybody you know to vote

Cologna: Got new card readers and newspaper holder for CBLS. Not sure where it is yet. Same spot with syllabus and course materials. Coates and I are meeting with provost Friday.


Vice President


Prata: New applications for scholarship. Getting lots of people to go to formal. Planning laser tag.




Messineo: Meeting in an hour. Anybody with announcements, write them down. Working on same projects as last week. Book of proper senate speaking. 6 bills on floor for this week, 4 late rerecs and 2 new groups. Encourage you to all ask lots of questions why they were late. Not recognized groups are having dances in ballroom are having senate recognized groups names being used. Also students were getting bused in from UMASS. If we were paying money, we shouldn’t be paying for kids that don’t go here. Met with kid from some weird group who could combine with another group but its going to be interesting. Maureen came to me today and I guess SPO has been getting pressure of why Greek life needs to follow same requirements as other groups. Were going to have to have a meeting. Bills from last week will be on floor. Rossi will be giving my report.

Rossi is new SOARC vice chair.




K Stewart: Outing club came, looking to buy new equipment. They have a lot of new members. Current officers are seniors so trying to get more people involved. It wasn’t too much they asked for. We approved Holzman’s stipend and Bobby’s from last year. SAWA HIV awareness day, asking for $2,000 having performer and singer, but no quotes, so coming back next week. Talked about selling things, but told them they shouldn’t.

Coates: You should talk to sigep because national philanthropy is aids.

K Stewart: Computers should be coming in this week.




Sinapi: walk went well, lots of things to fix.

K Stewart: How do we get rid of a light?

Sinapi: Talked about rising costs of housing and dining services. Talked about speed bump ideas and stop signs. Might need to go to town.

Coates: be ready for snow issues




Davis: next week is fair, tonight Steve is doing us a favor. After tonight final number of participating organizations. Gingerbread houses atrium 1. Holiday drive, Brenden let RAs know. Next week, it is Wednesday were making it from 7-7:30 set up and then they can walk through and then 8pm gingerbread. This Wednesday, pass out sign up sheet so people who want to participate in ours can. Been talking about fundraising for Ellery. Looking to do project Pangea. It is a CD of URI students. All genres, mixed CD. Thousands, probably in march, they will put on production and charge for CD and it will goes towards Ellery. Also outdoor concert on quad. Don’t have date yet, so when would be good, before spring break, or after.

Prata: They recommend to do earlier in Spring.

Davis: Also looking at adopt a plant, each organization or person can adopt a plant, either they plant it or we plant it, and it will have a nameplate. Not sure of location either, thinking around Ellery pond area. Thinking of tasking snapshots of Ellery so we can see what else to add.

Coates: to make it more permanent is make a list of donors and do a plaque. If you have outdoor concert you can have donation jars and sell CDs before hand and try to get people excited. Senate could probably pay for concert.

Davis: If it’s with students on CD, we will let them know in contract they aren’t getting paid.

Prata: in past we have steered away from concerts, so should we work with SEC

Davis: Yeah. Also next semester focus is Ellery pond fundraiser, small events on weekends.

Sinapi: As far as plants, remember lands and grounds does own thing.

Davis: My committee thought of doing senate movie night.




B Stewart: Roy is working on traffic light, so Ted is going to make a visit there. Berger is working on trees, never going to get done. Probably transfer it to campus. Probably send Berger to you.T Jones ran my meeting today and the only time they could meet was 1pm today. Talked about road to the state house. It is not till April, but tried to figure out exactly what to get done for it. Talked about projects for Fall, maybe next Fall.

Prata: For road to the state house ideas you should do booth in Hope so you can get ideas.

B Stewart: Got date shamrocks closed down. But before they had flooding so I’m not sure why they were closed. She said it was about underage drinking and flooding. Went to bobby g’s to see when they stopped having 18+ events. Was told it was sometime last spring. I think all the numbers correlate. Cracked down on fake IDs. Raids going on. Stickers have gone up. Would love to get October numbers from student life.

Coates: Lock doors.

Prata: Can we do a test case

Coates: That will involve a sticker and a bunch of people getting fined.




Segal: I’m just pissed off that people who should have gotten me their liaison reports haven’t.