Executive 9-27-2010

Boiteau, Coates, Davis, MacKinnon, Messineo, Pezza, Prata, Segal, Sinapi, Stewart,




Messineo: Next week is going to be a shit show. Presidents meeting, rerec.

Stewart: Find somebody to speak at PC?

Messineo: No. Mini finance handbook and document going to groups and we’ll explain them. All new groups seeking recognition will be stalled till after rerec. Email about underwater hockey club. Somebody wanted to schedule to the pool for that. Can’t get approved from safety and risk management.

Coates: 500 family has been derecognized for less than a year and well have to let SOARC decide. I think we should have a bylaws change saying 4 semesters. And no previous exec members should be allowed to serve again.




Boiteau: Still working on inventory. Kristen and Tom are getting purchase rec’s from last year for items over 100. ASA came we approved for $1200 for event they want to do on the quad. Oct 18th. Something informational. Made a google calendar so next finance chair can look at calendar and see if they got money before and how much.




Davis: Event for diversity week finalized by tomorrow. So Wednesday everybody will knows what is going on. That’s what focus is on. Issues around campus occurring. Soon bill on table.

Messineo: Opinion?

Coates: Resolutions before but always responded specific problem instead of bias incidents. Look at past bills, have till Wednesday when agendas are finalized.

Davis: Putting together resource log with student senate list of phone numbers and info with things org does and events and departments and resources around campus so organizations can get in contact with people.

Coates: Talked to talent development and said I’m first white president to meet with him. Senate has seat at equity counsel.




Pezza: Email guy about shirts today wait till Wednesday for sizes. We’ll all have to pay individual so I’ll make sure it’s cheap as possible. Voter registration booth, not good turnout. Weds at meeting ill ask people if they want to add. Vote display case up.

Prata: More stuff for bulletin boards, meet the senators to make it more personable?

Pezza: After voting board ill set it up. But it’s good idea.




Stewart: Dave and I met with lawyer for appeal. Roger Williams October 6th 9:30 am. Meeting was standard ways to help out. More positive outlook for press. Look at it as part law, right to party, want to change. With more press releases more positive perception. Some stats. Article in Pro Jo a few weeks ago bad for us. Stats say its not worse than past, actually better. Need press release for that. Pro Jo sources wrong and made us look bad.

Coates: Me or Sam will call Pro Jo and give earful

Stewart: Run through lawyer?

Pezza: They didn’t quote so it wasn’t technically wrong but give me info for stats.

Coates: Press releases to news stations and see if they pick up on it

Pezza: Guy from Narragansett Times was good contact. Outreach any of them?

Coates: Plan on sending out Wednesday

Stewart: Narragansett coalition meeting at URI October 14th 6-8pm atrium 1. Panel of people to answer questions and speak to students. Berger working on project. His professor is on tree committee. Ripping up trees 2 to 1 but planting a lot smaller and not affective. He has idea to have high school and middle school students plant trees here. I want my committee to work on get well card. Dave and I have meeting Friday as well.

Davis: For planting trees talk to Sarah Miller.

Prata: Talking to students but they were working on trying to fundraise money for Narragansett tribe. If we did something with them that would be good.

Pezza: Email me stats?

Stewart: Light off campus make right on red. Incorporate green arrow and fix traffic. People get tickets. Emailing the guy and figuring out who to talk to.




Segal: nothing.




Sinapi: Car sharing Wednesday. Zip car mailing contracts. Email sent about blue lights. Want to plan walk sometime soon.

Coates: Gianna is going to go with you.

Sinapi: Trying to find out more about Ellery, I don’t know if they actually dredged but it looks like it. Put on the whiteboard a print out of campus.


Vice President


Prata: Retreat went well. Oct 17th is hanging out with Dooleys at 7pm




Coates: Met with talent development today and somebody else. Talked about bias response website, hour later they updated. AA was going through JCAP reports I have to go to meeting for. Me and Cologna met with CIO. Going ahead with pulling all landline telephones from dorms. But will be public access phones. Reducing communication fee but new technology fee that will equal out. Improving new wi-fi device that allows you to use cell over wi-fi to make call. 40 to 600 wi-fi points this summer. Top of line like government uses. Wireless connection should be fast. Adding 4 more points that make it easier on the quad. Federal grant to bring direct connection of fastest internet to URI. Allows access to Brown’s database. Thanks to Gianna for retreat. We have meeting with ems public safety police and fire to check response times going to meeting courtesy of officer mark he hooked us up with that person meeting with Tuesday Dooley one on one. Anything to bring up?

Prata: A way to teach faculty to be good lecturers or anything.

Coates: Bog meeting Wednesday in Warwick before senate meeting. Should be getting ballot. 3-4:30. Not a slight clue what they will have us do. Senate to be involved in holiday thing. Cultural affairs usually spearheads stuff like that. Senates community outreach for semester. Other is conference with external October 7th Dooley’s state of university address. Probably reveal next years budget recommendations.