Executive 9-20-2010

Boiteau, Coates, Cologna, Davis, MacKinnon, Messineo, Pezza, Prata, Rodrigues, Segal, Stewart




MacKinnon: Paying bills, writing stipends Friday.




Boiteau: Contingency for Pro Jo. Table outing club bill because budget is frozen. Called him and told them to come October 7th. But I don’t want to take bill off so just tabling. K Stew had good idea to do calendar for finance, to look at bills from past. Budget in advance for yearly events. Kristen and Tom are going to get list of things groups have purchased. Once we have lists well know what they have. Chris Knight is going to work on quote for computer. Need a new computer because it needs own system. And were supposed to get a new computer every year.




Pezza: T shirt ideas want to make sure everybody likes it before we order. Would like to do this so we have it for elections. Talked to somebody about voter registration booth. People can register here as long as they have lived here for 30 days. They have to use RI address, not home address. Me and Bobby are going to work on press release tonight. Let us know about media mentions.

Stewart: There is a way to do that on google, to get all URI stuff or senate stuff.

Pezza: There is a way to track people who visit our website. Want to mention in meeting everybody to invite friends to group to triple numbers.

Prata: Voter registration drive, if they register to vote in RI, can not vote in home state? Need to find out.




Segal: Nothing except I beat Brenden in checkers when I triple jumped him today and he almost cried.




Davis: Yesterday I went over strategic affairs and relations they should have with different people. Started seeing a couple people. Meetings for student advisory diversity committee is Wednesday 16th. Going to find out info for student equity counsel. Want to produce a survey to find out what students think. Create log of resources. Diversity week is soon and we still need to figure out what exactly to do for the event. Topic is diversity. Want a facilitator for the event so it wouldn’t be conflict or bias issues. Somebody in mind.

Prata: Good to kind of have it be somewhat question and answer kind of thing so groups can feel like they can ask us questions. Students come here because they want to be there and structure a better relationship with senate.

Davis: Awareness of senate?

Prata: Yeah but also when groups say they have problems with senate and what is their problems.

Coates: It should be more diversity on campus and helping with that.

Pezza: There is going to be a lot of mixed crowd. URI 101 has to attend event.

Coates: Focus on climate of diversity on campus and what is exploring the role of senate and multicultural groups.

Boiteau: Brief presentation of what they can join and what groups exist. Let them know where resources are.

Prata: Question and answer at end or no?

Coates: I think we can but it should be like were all equal partners. Structure in a way that’s us and groups. Not us presenting to them.

Davis: That’s it and I feel better.

Coates: Found another moderator too.

Prata: What are we doing at event?

Davis: Member of crowd and participating. We want a purpose. Open discussion change it up, ice breakers. Break into discussion groups with different topic and relate.

Coates: Title?

Davis: We have one, can’t remember but I’ll look it up and let you know.

Coates: Question for discussion moderator can open up with?

Messineo: Start with a question with a listed answer. Problems preventing diversity on campus? Getting list of answers break to groups and give each group one, come back together and have full discussion.

Boiteau: Give freshman scenarios

Coates: Send something to groups over listserv. Goal should be fostering constructive conversation about how groups and senate can improve campus.

Davis: Somebody from senate should talk.




Stewart: Don’t have too many updates. Talked to lawyer, collecting stats. Left message to officer at police station to try and collect stats. Should have them all by meeting on Wednesday. Sam and I are working on press release have it ASAP. Working on getting coalition meeting set up for October. Usually first Thursday but probably moving it later because would be better. Its going to be here, getting word out on campus. Want a good showing. Have more updates on weds. If you know anybody with incidents tell them to contact me, they can talk to lawyer. A lot of people are intimidated and scared.

Coates: One year we did a know your rights with a former police officer. Explain to you if in this situation this is what you should do.

Stewart: Who do I contact for that?

Coates: Clarke’s mom is a police officer so talk to her. People probably advertise on internet too. I think it would be valuable community service we could provide. Found out on ride along, entire time that they’ve had tazers, only have used them 2 times. This year used them 2 times in one night.




Cologna: Had a 20 min argument with a guy who is building manager with CBLS because they are aesthetically unpleasing and people won’t clean up. So I’m going to fight him till I graduate and then after. He said we could put them outside but no. Dean is in favor. Everybody is on our side. Passed bill so were all ready. I’m going to keep working. Money for Pro Jo, signing contract tomorrow. Started going over JCAP for Coates. Looking at 3 opinionated bills on AA. One calling for offering a GMAT study course. Jorge wants a 1 credit LSAT study course. Might be more difficult. 1 concerning technology at URI and master calendar and ideas pilot. Then syllabus but talk to faculty senate first. Farrow met with human sciences dean and she is going to Butterfield learning community to meet with RAM there. Dean is in favor of ideas. Think college reps should go to buildings and do as program there. She was in favor of having college reps and liaisons giving reports on floor.

Pezza: Can you let me know when papers are coming out and if there will be signs so I can post and make them

Coates: If looking into LSAT talk to pre law society and see if there is a reason they don’t.

Cologna: I’m not going to do it for just LSAT’s, it would be for all

Coates: Ideas, get survey results from Sinapi.

Cologna: That and provost meeting next Monday.

Pezza: Date for meeting?

Cologna: 27th of September at 5:30.





Messineo: First committee meting today, Jorge took minutes. Rerec October 7th. Finished updating contact list of student organizations. Only bad thing when emails aren’t checked. One piece of rerec paperwork in. pre physical therapy club. Like Branford’s idea of meeting with groups. Giving speech next Wednesday at PC. On goal planning and goals. Bringing list of some of groups and how we make them go together. SOARC is going on tour. They will be going to meeting of student organizations. How can we help you what can we do for you? Especially groups with large sums of money who have big events. So we aren’t giving money to dead causes. With the upcoming tour I’m also going on tour with the breakout sessions individually for groups. They can book us for parties. Pick a break out session they want out of dates and times and we’ll give it to organization. It is well worth our effort. In effort to alleviate some problems. Holzman already wants to impeach Hillel president and we’ve only been through about 2 of the 17 Jewish holidays. Rerec paperwork due on the 7th.

Coates: Have you talked about blog idea?

Messineo: Needed to talk to interns first. Problem is people don’t check email so probably won’t check blog. Looking at organization handbook



Vice President


Prata: Kicked 4 people off. They weren’t at last meeting. Haven’t heard anything from rules and ethics. Told them in email they have 1 week to appeal. Cuts numbers lower but people haven’t been here in 3meetings anyway so doesn’t feel like it. Printed retreat waivers. Need better count who will be there and saves time. We need to think of ideas why we want to do high ropes, what are our goals for the retreat. We’re usually very serious, so we need to have fun. If have ideas let me know. Have fun it’s a challenge.

Davis: We did low ropes when we first met each other but now we trust each other and should do high ropes.

Prata: Kim told me today to fill empty board outside with printout of main web page. Times of meetings and the fact you can just show up. Starting scholarship committee. 2 scholarships one for anybody involved in student senate recognized organization. Another one for a member of the Greek system. They are about $400 or $500. Need to get committee together and put together an application. If you want to apply you can’t be on the committee. Keep track of attendance and let me know if there’s a red flag.




Coates: Thanks for coming yesterday. I felt good about it. Can we not use term general senators?

Pezza: To get people more involved if people have something to put up.

Coates: I have meeting this week still haven’t gotten formal agenda for board of governors. CCRI 3 o’clock next Wednesday.

Boiteau: Kim put a thing on top of website with dates of things.

Coates: Come up with things to put on that.

Rodrigues: Its mind boggling.

Prata: October 17th to see president Dooley it’s at 7pm Sunday.

Davis: Can we do exec before that?





Rodrigues: Booth went well today. David Coates didn’t show up. More people signed up. Tomorrow 11-3 in union. Email sent out for days

Coates: Anybody can use listserv

Rodrigues: You can hit reply all

Prata: Don’t reply all. You’ll piss a lot of people off’


At end of email remind people not to respond to the whole listserv. Send an email to a specific person

Rodrigues: Wednesday student organization fair going to be beautiful out. Next to ice cream. Declaration adds I’ll print out. Dorms/academic buildings or just dorms?

Pezza: I think we need to hit everything.

Rodrigues: Going to be late to elections ballot counting. Sept 30th 5-whenever. I’ll be late so they can start without me. Got the booth so that week 2 election times. That will count as office hours.

Pezza: I know a girl who wants to run and singed up and was told she should send a thing to Cigar but you should send an email to people so they know what to do.

Rodrigues: Facebook event coming this week, Thursday prob. Need to link it to URI student senate group.

Prata: When is date that they will be sworn in?

Rodrigues: New senator orientation is Tuesday October 5th and sworn in on October 6th.

Coates: How many open seats?

Rodrigues: On bill is 18

Prata: Need something on quad with panda suit. We need to get a table tomorrow out there

Pezza: We need to be aggressive.

Coates: Table at breakfast at Butterfield? Anybody with a listserv let them know for colleges do email saying student senate needs a rep for your college.