Start time: 3:15 pm
Present: Maggie Oliver, Brianna Montecalvo, Nina Succi, Amanda Stikeman, Samantha King, Amada Rode, Ashley Spillman, Nick Medley
Absent: Dan Bertel
- Color Guard
- No application Materials were received so we cannot continue with the recognition process
- Is seeking recognition for insurance purposes
- We are not recommending they be student senate recognized because funding and academic affiliation are very hazy
- marching band is recognized under arts and sciences so they might seek recognition through that college
- Bill SS-13/14-84
- Bruce Hamilton used to have the ability to recognize almost any group
- He will now only recognize Academic groups
- every fall, around the time of re-rec, he will request a list of groups under every college from the deans
- Committee recommendation (8-0-0)
- Group of the Month
- Powerlifting
- Enforcing the Finance Handbook
- monitor the advertising status of programming organizations put on
- Interactions with groups after recognition
- follow up with groups once they are recognized
- will keep groups more informed and up to date with senate procedures
- Advertising
- limited space for students to advertise
- want to buy TVs to put around campus
- space to put it
- the library
- Hope Commons
- President’s Meeting
- December 1st
- will focus on finance material
- budgets are closing February 5th
Adjourned: 3:52 pm