ATTENDANCE: Murphy, Nowinowski, Sit, Stewart (Weinreich was late)
Surf Club – Extreme Sports caravan Monday Oct 29th between 4-8pm
- Give a sense of Community
- Bring together different groups
o Sports and clubs
- Build and recruit members
- Providing activities not just tables of information
- On the Quad
- Big Event
- Brings together the small events
- Free Stuff and Free Music
- Rock Wall
- Asking for money for $11,000
- Big Fish
- Some of the Lighting costs
- It’s too much – not worth risking putting the bill on the floor
- Other Sources of Funding
- SEC 4-5 thousand dollars for lights
- Diversity Fund
- Sponsors each pay $250
- Attendance last year:
- 800 ppl at the show even though location and time had to go.
o Pretty well put together event
- Concerns
- Bringing the same very expensive band 3 years in a row
o SEC brought in Guster for 10 years in a row
o Used to be 20k now 10k
- $11,000 is 78% of our Contingency Grant Money
o We can move to next semester and it will be better
o We can grow contingency later in the year when we know how much we could have spent
- Timing
o Monday
o Dark & Cold
o Weather
o Homecoming Timing
o They want to make it a Homecoming Event
- Monday is the last day of Homecoming
o Sponsors may back out if moved to next semester/year
- This event could be moved to the Spring
o The event could be an end of the year bringing the community together
o Murphy: “I think it would be much more successful in the Spring”
- Purpose would be better served in Early Fall
- Budgets can be kept open
- More risky this year than last year
- This can be so much more if we wait
- If you’re trying to bring varied groups in, does it make sense to put that much money into music that a lot of groups wouldn’t necessarily like.
- Lots of Sponsors:
o Breakwater is paying 1k for T-Shirts
o Hurley $200 paying for the banner
o Anarchy, Orange Leaf, Jeep
- Voting on $11,000 2-2-0 Chair counts as 2 in a tie, Denied
- You can ask to get a 5 senator bill put on into the floor.
- 30 minutes to go write a bill and get 5 senators to sponsor
- ¾ vote
GSA – Halloween
- Uhuru Sasa is working it this year
- Provides experience and manpower
- Everyone loves a free party
- This year it’s about Halloween
- The party last spring was avoided because of the LGBTQ focus
- Lights being donated
- Passed: 4-0-1
Muslim Student Association – Eid Festival
- Food
- Talked to Anne Gregson to waive concerns for outside catering
- Anyone can come
- Food – buffet Style
- Quote for the Food: $1440
- “Not so convinced about the chicken wings and pizza”
o More ethnic food would be better
- We don’t usually fund food unless it’s part of the event
o Eid part 1 – end of fasting
o Eid part 2 – Charity and community – like Christmas
- Henna Tattoos: $300
- Artist is already confirmed
- Education about Muslim culture
- No Contingency Grant form filled so we can’t vote