Executive 1-28-2015

Absent: Anderson, Boutmy, Kilduff



–  Declarations have started so spread the world

–  Working on the newsletter so let Kathleen know if you have anything to add



–  Stipends are out


URI Cultural:

–  Once facilities open, promotion booths for Ace of Cakes will take place

–  Same link as last year will be used for teams to register

–  Working on the flier

–  Register for DIVE RI

–  Diveri.org



–  Looking for 2 people to run the alumni chapter

–  Plans on working with them to host a suprise event…



–  No report


Vice President:

–  Formal is February 27th

–  Price has yet to be determined but is expected to be between $30-40.

–  Scholarship winner was chosen

–  Spread the word about Commencement Speaker applications



–  SEC, MUSIC and The Cigar want new stipended positions

–  May be meeting with these groups soon to talk about the situation

–  Input on what to do?? Talk to Amanda!

–  Ideas: Should we decide on these positions with our current Bylaws or put forth a new By-Laws Bill for stipends and wait



–  No report



–  No report



– No report