9:00 PM
Attendance: Rode, Boutmy, Glass, Montecalvo, Stikeman, Siniscalchi, Oliver, Hetland, Patterson, Ferrara, Stuart, Anderson
Absent: King
- Report of the President
- Meeting time – Tuesdays at 6:30
- Send a formal request to Administrators of the college for the Narragansett Town Hall Meeting
- Report of the Vice-President
- Report of the Finance Chair
- Report of the SOARC Chair
- Report of the Campus Chair
- Tow Company Complaints
- Sears is coming in tomorrow to talk about cameras
- $1000/Camera
- They Have the money
- Report of the External Chair
- Opinion bill
- Discussion of “Bill Calling for the Student Senate Opinion on the Narragansett Town’s Ad Hoc Committee Proposal to the Narragansett Town Council” handled by Chairwoman Brianna Montecalvo
- Report of the Cultural Chair
- Report of the Academic Chair
- Review bylaws
- Meeting on Friday for academic standards and calendars
- Possible makeup day Spring semester
- Report of the Chief Information Officer
- Report of the Director of Communications
- Report of the Director of Marketing & Recruitment
- Report of the Treasurer
- Report of the Secretary
- Opinion bill