Campus 10-25-17



Committee: Chairwoman Tate, Vice-chair Saint Louis, Senator Howard, Senator Gall, Senator DePetro, Senator Watka, Senator Morabito, Senator Blanchflower, Senator Igbineweka

Absent: Senator Findlay

Non-Committee: N/A



  • Topic 1

Someone wanted to come to our meeting to talk about bike path, but we haven’t heard from them. Can’t take bike to go uphill, it would only be use at the bottom on campus. It would help a lot of people. Good alternative to driving. There’s definitely pros and cons. People stealing would be an issue. Zip bike, assisted electronically would be more appealing. Money should go instead to the shuttle system or capital improvement.

  • Topic 2

Shuttle system problem. Use Disneyland mono-lids cart, and use RIPTA to do the long distance. We would need a winter version. Adding to the route that the buses have. More buses that go to the same route. Better to have our own shuttle system. It might increase tuition. Off campus and ON campus students are complaining that they can’t find parking. Thinking about having a public forum with parking services in early November, so that regular students can ask parking related questions. We will send out emails about facts to know about parking services before having the public forum. For example, we will compare parking costs and rules with other schools like UConn. University personnel have stated before that building a garage would cost $10,000 per parking, but no cost analysis has been presented as of yet.

  • Topic 3

Most of the building are built on the swamp. They are trying to figure out how to renovate the old buildings.

  • Extra

Safety and lightning walk was a success. The new director of dining will start November 6, and the search committee need as much student inputs as possible. Chairwoman Tate Will email the details about interview time and dates for new director of dining services. Headshot will be on November 6th.  We are planning on doing a Sexual assault week, as well as the Handicap challenge.