Cultural 11-27-17

Date: 11.27.17


Chair: St. Amand

Vice Chair: Creese


Committee Members Present: Cohen, Kohl, Ndayishmiye, McWeeney

Committee Members Absent: Vu

Non-Committee Members: N/A


Meeting Start Time: 5:13PM


-Spirit of Giving donations at next general meeting

*$48 so far

*need a little more for toys as they also need winter coats, etc.


-everything is booked for Ace of Cakes

*start planning after winter break


-Nicolette received an email from Pam Rowland (disability services director), all set to get wheelchairs from health services

*will send out follow up participation sign up email to listserv tomorrow

*can only use 2 a day for 2 days [4 people can do wheelchairs in total]


-Nicolette will email Adrianna in order to receive complaints about accessibility from student body via Instagram, twitter, etc. * and email the cultural email


Meeting Adjourned: 5:17PM