Academic 10-23-18

ACADEMIC COMMITTEE MINUTES                                                                    DATE 10/23/18





Committee: Chair Morabito, Vice Chair Nelson, Senator McGrath, Senator Leach, Senator D’Aguanno


Non-Committee: Senator Menard



TOPIC 1: Freenters

  • Freenters emailed back with a few testimonies from schools that use them
  • Got an email today named Mark Oliver who works in IT and he saw the cigar article and he wants to be included in discussions about freenters

TOPIC 2: liaisons

  • List of academic liaison positions down in the office
  • Thanks for signing up for positions
  • Academic chair works with president to pick the official liaisons for the positions
  • People will be emailed soon if they are appointed for these positions
  • If you are not assigned as the liaison or to the committee you can still help out with the person who does have the position

TOPIC 3: School materials give away

  • Have not heard back from Gage about his father as a contact for school materials give away
  • The person who was the lead person for this project had dropped senate, so no one is leading the research on this project as of now
  • We need a new leader for this project
  • We could work on it as a committee without a leader
  • Need to figure out where we can store the donations once we receive them

TOPIC 4: Instagram post

  • On November 7th we will be having internal elections
  • Please nominate people who are interested
  • Important to academic is college liaisons such as Engineering, Education and Professional Studies, Health Sciences and Nursing

