ATTENDANCE: Chairwoman Oliver, Vice-Chair Garcia, Senator Inkley, Senator Cordova, Senator Temple , Senator Porter, Chairwoman King, Senator Curtis
Absent: N/A
Non-Committee: Paul Whitney-URI Bookstore, Nataly Garcia-URI Bookstore
- URI Bookstore
- Historically the bookstore has work with the AAC.
- Adoption: faculty published their work and print using 4 publishers that controlled over 85% percent of all the book publishing industry.
- Marketplace for books is changing faster than ever. It went to copyrights or edition every 5 years to event one per semester.
- Timely Adoption: Course by course, faculty by faculty book “requirement” meaning changes.
- The industry is trying to recreate the materials to stay updated with the new generation that is engaging and purposely serving the students.
- Affordability: Used books and keep cost in line. Funds are used for capital improvements on campus.
- New softwares that allows to see data and market trends to better buy and sell books at a cheaper price.
- We haven’t promote the URI Bookstore mission and affordability services accordingly. they seek your help promoting this mission and help us design policy to best practices regarding textbook adoption.
- URI Bookstore student employment source and involvement.
- More competition from the national market.
- Some faculty bypass the bookstore. Other faculty are understable of book selection and affordability.
- Possible Action Items:
- Letter of support to faculty and staff to early adopted course materials to ensure affordability.
- Survey on coursework affordability and access.
- Student employment source and involvement.
- Increase visibility, education and feel of ownership.
- Senate Liaison for the Bookstore.