Committee: Chairman Temple, Vice-Chair Morabito, Senator Alquirtas, Senator Benedict, Senator Howard, Senator Leach, Senator Murray, Senator Needle, Senator Nelson, Senator Sardinha
Non-Committee: Representative from the URI Bookstore
- URI BookStore
- Watch-Survey
- Previously participated → 1009 responses
- Looking to do more
- Prizes for Survey
- $1000 nationally → last year it was given to a URI student
- Locally: 6 $50 Bookstore gift cards
- Survey will go from February 19th-26th
- Advertising
- Small fliers have gone out to advertise for it via the “box and carry” program
- An email will be sent out to advertise
- Questions range from:
- Where do you shop?
- How satisfied are you with all of the places that you shop at?
- Looking for help on outreach
- Data that stood out from previous survey
- None that really stood out too much
- No one was either satisfied or not satisfied with the way their shopping experience
- Most expensive average textbook $130 and the average student is willing to spend about $134
- Prices of books is determined mainly by the actual book, the bookstore does not have a lot of say in the prices
- It in a way is the cause of the professors because if they require an expensive book then the bookstore has to sell it at an expensive price
- It can also be determined by the Faculty Adoption list
- If the adoption list by the faculty is submitted late it may cause the bookstore to buy the book with rushed shopping making the books more expensive
- Affordability Ad Hoc committee is meeting soon
- They have grant money to possibly be donated to the survey to boost incentive or possibly to the the bookstore to lower the cost of the books
- Possibly asking faculty to give extra credit to take the survey:
- Business management
- Writing
- Psychology
- Changes are being made
- Changed adoption form from the Faculty Watch-Survey
- There has not been enough time to implement changes from the National Survey
- Possibly having different ranges of time to rent books
- Chairman Temple
- Sent emails → awaiting response
- Library
- Mother’s Room
- Rough plans are drawn
- They are getting a quote Thursday
- Daily Grind
- They want to put in a window to see inside the Daily Grind and a laptop bar
- Extra Money
- CVS vending machine
- New chairs for desks in library
- Research Office located in the library
- Mother’s Room