Academic 9-8-16



Committee: Chairman Garcia, Vice-Chair Temple, Senator Porter, Senator Russo, Senator Curtis

Absent: N/A

Non-Committee: N/A




  • Academic complaints
    • Send email to faculty senate hoping to have them include an academic complaints section in their beginning of the term syllabus
      • Hoping that faculty senate will feel that we are not overstepping them but instead providing a form of balance.
      • Planning to read faculty senate bylaws in order to see how senate and faculty senate can work together
      • If added to syllabi, can we handle the influx of complaints? Also what strategies will we use?
        • Possibilities: create a standard for judging complaints, divide and conquer
      • Example: grad student complaining about online course in an appropriate manner
        • Sent email to chair of online programs. She responded with an acknowledgement of her concerns which is both respectful and professional. This course of action is what we hope for
        • Feedback is needed in a concrete form. If liaisons (or anyone) can interject and help in academic complaints process to make it more effective and appropriate, they should.
      • Liaisons at URI 101 & professional clubs
        • Get in touch with deans in order to get list of URI 101 classes with intended majors in order to introduce yourselves as college representatives to lowerclassmen
        • Also, introduce liaisons at professional clubs in order to reach upperclassmen related to their major
      • Bookstore
        • Need more understanding in order for us to send memo to faculty urging them to choose books ASAP in order to inform bookstore so they can stock early and reduce prices
        • Not an overnight change but bookstore is moving forward with surveys, data collection, etc.


  • Extra
    • Discussion on student employment opportunities and their interaction and impact on classes and how many jobs with experiential learning related to majors exist
      • Result: Think of specific questions the committee has about student employment and find data and statistics on the subject