ATTENDANCE: Boutmy, Cocozza, Strobel, Taylor, Devine, Howard, Saint Luis, Speckmann, Lawrence, Igbineweka, Flath, Ashamu
Committee: Boutmy, Cocozza, Strobel, Williams, Igbineweka, Flath, Howard, Saint Luis, Ashamu
Absent: Williams
Non-Committee: Taylor, Devine, Lawrence
- Parking
- Met with Director Paradise with Andy
- Hiring outside shuttle system twice a day to campus to Schneider building
- Free for labs, engineering majors, have a drop off at train station
- Have not solved nursing shuttle yet, but got bus to stop at nursing building first
- Plenty of parking for engineering and staff members
- Still solving out for nursing majors
- Ripta complaints campaign
- Have a safe ride program not through the police from 7:00 PM to 2-:30 AM
- Must clarify safe ride to students
- Students employed to use the van
- Two students at same time in the car
- 291 parking spots being take away for new residence hall
- Parking consultants hired, it might be freshman and sophomores not being able to have cars on campus residents only
- Going to block off dairy barn once new construction starts
- 66 Ripta only one that goes from URI to Providence
- Marching band takes up parking spaces in Fine Arts lot, figure out a plan with them
- Garbage Trucks
- More complaints about garbage trucks
- Working to have it moved to 8:00 AM
- Projects
- Work on campus wide project, research ideas for campus
- Posting pictures of unique places on campus
- Need to make a committee for cable
- Trying to advertise groups on campus or fun things for students to do
- Meal plans at other universities
- Opinion bill on allowing tank tops
- More speed bumps near Burnside, Hope and Heathman