5:10pm Start
Attendance: Mark Gall, John Bagley, Rose Wood, Gage Blanchflower
Non-Committee Present: Skylar Nelson
- Mark Gall and Gage Blanchflower assigned to Frankie Minor’s search committee for a new laundry contract for dorms
- new laundry contract will most likely include new washing and drying machines
- new contract can either have a pay-per-use payment scheme or a one-time payment in the term bill
- Frankie Minor told HRL Liaison/Chair of Campus Affairs, Mark Gall, that one of the five goals of the Student Affairs’ Strategic Meetings is Access and Affordability
- Access and Affordability goal would address handicap accessibility for dorms and on campus generally
- one of the ideas to address handicap accessibility is to create a map of color-coded paths to common destinations around campus. For example, a green-colored path would mean it is easy for those with mobility issues to take vs a orange-colored path which would mean it is difficult for those with mobility issues to take
- Access and Affordability goal would address handicap accessibility for dorms and on campus generally
- John Bagley wanted Public Safety Liaison
- Ryan Menard wanted Dining Liaison
- Discussed John Bagley’s resolution for new plaques honoring members of the URI community that have died in service of the United States since 1900
- Committee made final decision to recommend to the Director of the Memorial Union that a 90-day trial of the sleeping pod offer be accepted
- Discussed upcoming Safety and Lighting Walk and the Parking and Transportation Services Public Forum
- focus committee efforts on these two events, then put substantial attention to doing investigative reports
6: 00 Adjournment