Meeting Time: 5:32
Committee: Mark Gall, Kelly Watka, Tristram Howard, Danny DePetro, Gage Blanchflower, Esoheosa Igbineweka
Committee Discussion:
- Discussion of campus complaint of physical altercation nearby Tootell Aquatic Center
- Joe Paradise replied to Chair’s email about public forum on parking. He said he does not have the authority to speak on behalf of parking, and contacted Director Baker to find representatives of parking to attend parking forum
- April 16th to 19th is the planned period for Sexual Assault Awareness Week
- Barstool Rhody responded to outreach from Danny DePetro. They asked for specifics on how to carry out collaboration.
- FLOW, College Democrats, College Republicans, and USABridge are student organizations that are working on gun violence prevention walkout
- Discussion of possible opinion bill on gun violence
Meeting Adjournment Time: 5:55