Campus 9-26-18

Time Start: 5:03 PM
Present​: Chair Gall, Vice Chair Blanchflower, senator wood, senator bagley, senator nelson
Non committee​: Tristram
Not present​: Aaron Schneidereit

Swearing in of Vice chair
● Gage is sworn in as vice chair

Quinn hall​:
● Construction is happening and bees are being removed.

Liaison positions​:
● Positions available working on getting the positions from Adriana and starting official emails

Student wages​:
● Bagley- Research what nearby colleges do for wage rates, the nationwide trends, How they differentiate between skill levels

● Gall- How much cost of living expenses has increased nationally and locally aka real purchasing power of these rates

● Tristram- Research the total budget of URI in case they say they do not have enough money

● Gall- Why graduates paid much more, do they by default work at higher skill level than undergrad, do they have union

● Tristram- Uri’s college wage rates details

Change in laundry company​:
● New laundry pay system either in bulk or pay as you go

● Possible laundry plan that is similar to meal plan

● Possible consolidation of both meal plan and laundry plan

● Possible detergent dispenser

● Most dryers need to be updated across campus

Ending time: 5:18pm