Committee: Cicero, Sim, St. Pierce, Patterson, Kue, Conboy, Soloman, Plante
Non-Committee: Studley, Pickard
- Update/ Welcome New Senators
- What we’ve been doing
- Diversity Week
- Spirit of Giving
- Homecoming
- Homecoming Timeline
- 9/26 Student Senate Office at 1:30PM to go shopping and bulletin board
- Grocery shopping with Cicero and Pickard
- Kue, St Pierre, Soloman
- Bulletin with Sim
- Advertise for Halloween Party, Ace of Cakes, Spirit of Giving
- Patterson, Conboy, Plante
- 9/27 Set-up
- We’re meeting up at 9AM at the Senate Office and will be there by 9:15AM
- 10AM-Noon – giving out candy apples, with some already made
- Spirit of Giving
- We need one representative to be on the committee for Cultural Affairs to report back to cultural affairs about dates, initiative, etc.
- 1st meeting: October 25th, 12PM at Hardge Forum at MCC (tentative location)
- Patterson
- Halloween Party
- October 26th, 2012 from 10PM to 2AM
- Quote on photo booth is cheaper than the order on Student Senate
- $695.00 from 10PM to 1AM with someone manning the booth
- MC (multicultural) groups
- We need to get this going
- Suggestions: email them, find out their meeting times,
- Ace of Cakes
- Studley: cake-building competition between groups of students (club or not)
- have entry fee to cover the cost, group member limit, time limit, judge (based on criterion), etc…. specifics to be discussed later on
- Information:
- December 3rd , 2012 at the Ram’s Den, 4:00-7
- 7-8 clean up; after 8, we’ll have to pay!
- Suggestions:
- We should invite faculty members (President, Deans of Students, etc.)
- Cardboard/ Blow-up cake to advertise
- To-Do:
- find out the costs of a blow-up cake – Studley
- figure out the logistics before and during the event – Cicero
- rules, check-in, roles during the event, outreach, etc.