Call to Order: 9:52
Attendance: Blewitt, Howard, Kohl, McWeeney, Morabito, Nelson, St. Amand, Straube, Taylor, Wilding (Committee); Bagley, Blanchflower (Non-committee)
Absent: Nelson (Excused); Evers, Gall
McWeeney: Please send me bills by Tuesdays at noon from now on, unless your committee meets late in which case talk to me and we can either do an addendum or I can slightly extend the deadline.
Howard: Chairs, I will shortly be sharing a spreadsheet with you so that we can all look at committee attendance; please update it regularly.
Howard moves that the Executive Committee recommend the passage of bill SS-18/19-40, bill calling for the impeachment of senator Palmer, which motion is seconded by Taylor.
Kohl: Why isn’t rules and ethics handling this?
Bagley: The Rules and Ethics Committee has a procedure to follow in which we have to meet with the complainant and respondent before we can rule on a case. The respondent did not respond, so we were unable to work with it.
The motion passes (7-0-0).
Howard moves that the Executive Committee recommend the passage of bill SS-18/19-41, Bill Calling for the Impeachment of Senator Pelisson, which motion is seconded by Morabito and passed with minimal debate (7-0-2).
Howard: Senators Palmer and Pelisson also had very spotty attendance at the finance committee, and this was interfering with the committee’s ability to function. I have therefore removed them from that committee and asked them to contact me about what committee they would rather be assigned to, but have not yet received any response.
Morabito: Can we get more people on committees other than Campus Affairs?
Taylor: Yeah, I need people on Finance. I’m not sure that SOARC really needs the membership right now.
Morabito: When Austin was chair of SOARC, stipend review really needed the people.
St.Amand: Does SOARC still have “liaisons” to student organizations?
The general conclusion is probably not, but no definite answer is given.
Bagley: Campus is heavy, but they have a lot of projects right now. That said, I still think that people should be moved to SOARC.
Taylor: I’d like this not to turn into micromanagement of SOARC without that committee’s chair. We have no idea what their plans are. I’m meeting with Senator George, the Vice Chair, to discuss SOARC’s plans soon.
Blanchflower: I’ve heard a few names of committees, can we work on them? Campus still doesn’t need the membership. Let’s move people from there to the others.
Taylor asks a question to which Blanchflower responds.
Howard explains that, as mentioned in his report during that night’s regular meeting, this problem is already acknowledged and being addressed.
Howard: I will also be sharing a spreadsheet for people to sign up for an hour or two to just meet one-on-one with senators during the first couple of weeks of next semester. Send me a paragraph or two about who they are, why they’re here, and what they want to accomplish with the remainders of their term.
Morabito: Zack Yip told Rosie that we have storage space, but I’m pretty sure he was talking about the closets. I was under the impression that those were full, what was he talking about?
Wilding: I think there’s more downstairs.
Blewitt: Just ask Yip. Also, apparently there’s been an older gentleman coming into the Senate office, and I’ve been instructing the Building managers that if he’s coming in and being a problem, please come talk to us.
Bagley: To be fair, we haven’t really tried to get rid of him, we just sort of all leave.
Blewitt: Anyway, the point is to please find a building manager.
Wilding: Only four people have filled out the When2Meet for next semester. Please fill it out; I’ll resend it. My schedule completely changed for next semester, so all I have is night classes.
10:11 Taylor moves to adjourn, seconded by Morabito. The motion passes (8-0-1).