Committee: Buck, Percy, Wilding, Taylor, Temple, Bertel, King, Cordova
Absent: Tate, St. Amand
Non-Committee: Senators Watka, Howard, Morabito
- President
- Elections are coming back up. Yip outlined our plan for the upcoming elections seasons.
- Public Forum: I have been emailing people the link.
- Tobacco Free Campus Initiative. A survey is being sent out to students, faculty, and staff later this semester. A report will be compiled for the University.
- We need interim speaker: CIO Rec: (6-0-1)
- We need interim CIO: DOC Rec: (6-0-1)
- We need a VP. I would suggest Treasurer Percy.
- Vice President
- N/A
- Treasurer
- Nothing much going on.
- I got some stuff for the office.
- I have been signing a lot of stuff for SOLC. They have been increasing which is a good sign.
- Bulletin Boards are changing this weekend. I hope they end up as nice as I see them in my head.
- Senator Sundays and SOARC Saturdays cannot happen without your input.
- The group photo is happening this week.
- For committees, please give me a photo of your committee.
- With social media, it has been quiet. I know some clubs were doing things, but it is quiet.
- The Newsletter is done, maybe Zach Yip will email it out.
- Advertising: I hope to build an army of senators to advertise us. If you have committee members interested in advertisement, tell them to come to me.
- Sweat shirts and t-shirts, you all have until November 15th.
- Head shots must be done until Friday and must be done at appointment.
- Institutional Memory
- Bimonthly Report
- Informing Ourselves
- Academic
- I think we should get together to organize meeting times for next semester.
- I sent out a when2meet for my committee, I suggest you all do the same.
- I am sending a few things to Faculty Senate over the next few couple of days.
- Campus
- No report
- Cultural
- No report
- External
- Final input for magnets. I was told to get it below $5 per, so I got it for 37 cents per.
- I looked into potential taxes/fees for shipping them and I cannot find anything.
- I made only one last minute alteration. It was bullet 6 which was saying that you should get your house inspected which puts us at a liability issue. We are changing it to “examine and document any deficiencies when you move into the house”.
- We are planning a future event to celebrate commuters. The tentative dates are 11/30 and 12/01. We plan on handing out a few things. We talked about a few potential funding sources. 2100 can sponsor the whole things but we will run the event. I am setting up a meeting with the President of the 2100 to discuss this.
- Rhody Outpost is happening 11/15.
- Nothing much out of the most recent Narragansett Town Council meeting.
- Finance
- Hi everyone! I hoped you are having a blessed week.
- The Box Office Computer Contingency Grant went through., Whatever is not spent will return to our contingency line. This has been signed off by the President. Hopefully it will last.
- We had Club Soccer about opening about an external account. We found it to be a convenience thing not a necessary thing. We hope this will spur a conversation and that expectations for these will be more clearly defined.
- Working on closing some external accounts for clubs,
- We have had an asset fiasco. Someone acquired for one of our ping pong tables. Sit bought three and were stored in Adam. At some point they were moved to Hillside. HRL through two away after deeming them in poor condition. The third is in Graduate Village. This is the tip of the ice-berg for a larger problem we are approaching relating to assets. If you see things that senate has bought, let me know. I have been informing clubs that need to return assets if appropriate to do so. I am going to work with the Zach Yip to update inventory lists and other things related to assets.
- ReRec is almost done. The bill is beginning to be put together. A few groups are outliers. Before we put the bill on the floor, we need to have one more meeting. We have no meeting on Monday, so we are rescheduling committee.
- I put together lists for liaisons. I am sending these out for tonight or tomorrow.
- I know I talked about shifting all accounts to Rhody Senate. Org accounts for next semester.
- New Business
- Bylaws
- Everyone knows where they can find information on Article 3.
- We decided that we did not want to take out the part where everyone has to stay within their constituency. From the people who were there, there were no objections. Discussion was more or less the same as last week. We did not find that “logistically impossible” to be a good enough argument.
- Here are some quotes from discussion on the topic of whether to amend the Bylaws to require representatives be members of the constituency the represent:
- “We should not implement policy we do not plan on enforcing.”
- “Selectively following rules is a horrible practice.”
- “It is an equity complaint waiting to happen.”
- General Discussion on the Bill
- Bylaws