Committee: Buck, Percy, Wilding, Taylor, Temple, Watka, St. Amand, Bertel, King, Cordova, Mattern
Non-Committee: Senators Alquirtas, Benedict, Flath, Gall, Howard, Morabito, and Strobel; Cigar’s Caitlyn Picard
- President
- First meeting of the Culture of Respect team is tomorrow afternoon. There will be an introduction for new members of the team. I am hoping that I will find more information out on the timeline of when the report that was submitted to President Dooley will be returned.
- Tobacco Free Committee is planning some events coming up. March 21st is national ‘kick-butts day’, where they will be looking for more student engagement. There will be a bunch of stuff in the Union to promote it.
- Overview of SOLC meeting: Sent them our proposal that you all saw. Conversation was mainly on the introduction of it and not the changes. They are very firm on staying a Funded org and will submit a counter proposal. Plan is still to implement the changes proposed for the March 21st meeting.
- Vice President
- I am in the final stages of planning formal. I posted stuff on Gavel Gang. I am also sending information to everyone’s formal emails.
- The application for commencement closes today. We received many applicants today. We are looking to listen to the top 6-8 candidates.
- If you ever feel that you cannot handle conflicts, contact me.
- Treasurer
- I went through the budget. I went through the past four years of Senate’s budget vs Actuals. I was able to deduct 6,000 dollars off of our administration budget. I took off what I thought was reasonable. I you have questions, ask.
- Paperwork with Ace of Cakes hit a snag. It will be submitted soon.
- SEC took a little longer than usual.
- Advertising for the Debate tomorrow for hopefully a larger turnout
- Social Media posts focusing on Declarations and Ace of Cakes
- Bulletin Boards will be finished this week, they look a lot better
- Newsletter will be out on Friday/Saturday
- Read the Cigar article on page 4 please and thank you.
- Prepare yourselves for the Cigar this week, the Senate report will be interesting.
- Reference Officer
- Get me your bills.
- I’ll email you if I have more for my report.
- Academic
- My committee is discussing an Inter-Disciplinary Major Program proposal. We will be presenting this to the FS Executive Committee.
- Campus
- I received a complaint. I am working with Public Safety about it.
- I am having meetings with Parking.
- We are working with the SWEW Campaign.
- I got my transition materials from ZT.
- SAAW is in the works.
- We are carrying on with the Gun-Violence Prevention Walk-Out.
- Crosswalks are a major concern of ours.
- Cultural
- Meeting with Dan Graney: incorporated new measures when sending emails to try to eradicate the problem and advised me to send students who still have problems to him and gave me measured they can take to report a problem
- Meeting for Earth Month: Amy Cabaniss, coordinator for the office of sustainability wants senate to help promote earth month (April) events and come up with our own programming. Also have a table at the earth day celebrations. She said she will help with getting the word out about our beach clean-up. I have a meeting with some clubs who are participating in Earth Month to see how Senate can help them.
- March Diversity event is coming up. See me for more details.
- External
- Town Council is probably coming to Public Forum next week. This will be an informative thing. RIPTA Survey will be going out. This is affecting many off-campus students. I have a lot of new information on a town liaison.
- Finance
- I posted second round. Not much change. We gave SEC some more money. We shaved some from S.S. Admin. We saved $6,000.00 I am reaching out to those I have not heard from in terms of budgeting. These include PINK and BOND.
- Finance will be making careful budgeting decisions regarding SOLC. Come to Finance Committee if you want to participate in discussions.
- I had an interview with the Cigar about external bank accounts. I gave them the quotes from the Finance Handbook. Look out for it in the paper.
- Stipend review is still going on. We finished Cigar and we are finishing SOLC soon.
- We are putting together a de-recognition bill. I have three groups that have not attended President’s Meeting consistently. After several warnings, we enact disciplinary measures. This appears to be an unprecedented action.
- I have a letter in response to the Treasurer of the members of Debate who came into the office and had a “heated” discussion without construction that was borderline disrespectful with a Senator. I plan on sending this out to all the groups on the listserv. Give me your thoughts.
- New Business
- Bylaws Bill. See me for details. It’s about Article IV.
- Elections
- Discussion on Elections.