Exec 4-30-18



Committee: Wilding, Alquirtas, Sardinha, McWeeney, Blewitt, Morabito, Evers, Taylor, Watka, Kohl

Absent: Kohl, Alquirtas

Non-Committee: Howard


  • President
    • Wilding: Committee chairs please send me the people you want on your committee soon, so I can work my schedule out. The tobacco free campus initiative will start on January 1st, 2019. They will be working to educate students about the policy. Many people have also been asking about the punishment for breaking this policy. You will not be kicked out of school or face any serious consequences, you will just have to sit down for a meeting with the dean of students and explain why you were smoking. It is meant to be a learning experience.

Morabito: How will they handle all those meetings? Do they just expect people to stop smoking?

Wilding: So, here’s a scenario: Imagine if I’m walking down past Bressler and the police catch me smoking a cigarette. The police will drive by and give you a ticket and tell you that you have to go in for a meeting.  

Evers: For the sake of my clarification- basically inhaling anything will be illegal on this campus?

Wilding: Smoking tobacco-based products won’t be allowed.

Evers: Also, how does the school plan on enforcing this? Are they going to differentiate between joules with tobacco based and non-tobacco products? 

Wilding: Yes, this does include tobacco free products.

Evers: When this doesn’t work next semester are they going to blame us or will they take the blame?

Wilding: The administration will handle any issues with the ban.

Taylor: Also, I am interested in seeing where health services is getting their information. I do not feel like they should be intimating students into following a policy.

Blewitt: I understand that if you are caught smoking you will get a ticket and you have to go to a meeting. What happens if I don’t go to the meeting?

Wilding: As of now, there is no penalty for skipping the meeting.

Taylor: I think airing our grievances is good but giving this to the cultural committee would be better than having us sit here for an hour.

Morabito: I don’t think that they can actually punish people for this. This isn’t in the handbook, so students didn’t agree to this.

Watka: Can I join the faculty committee? 

Wilding: Moving on, Kelly and I had a really productive meeting with Franky about where to take HRL in the future. Also, Yip’s contract expires tomorrow. Sherly, Carl and I are doing something a little bit different this year. He has to reapply this year. So, over the next couple of weeks we will open the application online and Yip can apply for it if he wants to.

Howard: So, if his contract expires tomorrow, will we have a coordinator?

Wilding: Yes.

Howard: Will he get paid.

Wilding: To my knowledge, yes.

Evers: Is there any reason why they are doing the process different this year? Were there concerns with having him in this position?

Wilding: I view this as just to look at other options.

Taylor: As far as I know, the administration simply wants to hold everyone to the same standard.

Watka: Can other people serve on this committee?

Wilding: It’s not a committee it’s just myself, Carl and Sherly. Also, summer senate will be happening. Next, exec next semester. I have a class on Monday and Tuesday night. The other days that would be available are Thursday and Friday? This may happen, it is not definite.

Howard: Exe could also meet during the afternoon on Monday or Tuesday?

Wilding: This would affect my committee schedules too.

Taylor: May I ask where your priority is? With exec or with the off-campus committee meetings? You don’t need to answer now its more of a hypothetical.

Wilding: Finally, our legal consul is retiring soon so we will begin our search for a new counsel. That will be an open exec type of thing. Finally, I nominate Wahab for vice chair of the executive committee.

Congratulations Wahab Alquirtas.

  • Vice President
    • Alquirtas: Nothing really to report other than summer senate and first night. I have also come up with an idea for recruitment with the photography department.

Evers: Did senate have a first night booth this year? Also, I will be on campus due to being an RA next first night can I help out with the booth?

Wilding: Yes.

  • Treasurer
    • Blewitt: Not much to report, we still have money. I’m trying to see if we can maybe get some new chairs for the office.

Morabito: Do you have any plans for the old chairs?

Blewitt: We can store them or maybe donate them to clubs.

  • DOC
    • Sardinha: Not everyone has paid me for hats yet. Billboards will be done by the end of finals. I also want to change the way the newsletter looks. I will go and introduce myself to the groups and collaborate with the cigar.
  • Reference Officer
    • McWeeney: I made some mistakes with the minutes last week, I am sorry.

Watka: I have a few things that need to be fixed with the minutes. The committee bills didn’t have the correct number titles.

McWeeney: I’m very sorry. It’s only been two meetings and it was a tough meeting to take minutes for.

  • Academic
    • Morabito: The Indigenous peoples day bill is still happening. Over the summer I plan to draft some bills about that and then when we come back I can present them to you all. Maybe we will vote by roll call on them just to see what our counts are. Then the rule about 8.51.16 is having issue with interpretations. There is a line in it that says, “professors cannot have an examination in the last five days of classes in lieu of final exams.” Next up is final exam rights, and we have a poster for the library booths. It will be at the booth on Wednesday. Finally, interviews for student assistant to the ombud are happening this Wednesday.
  • Campus
    • Watka: Not much is happening this week. No one came to our meeting about wages. Also, we are talking to people about Quinn. Also, I will be in China this summer so I will try to get most of my campus stuff done during the month of May.

Morabito: Do we know when we will hear back about parking passes?

Watka: They went out today.

  • Cultural
    • Kohl: Our social media profiles have been set up and are taking off. We also have a new drop box complaint. Also, fall fest is happening for next semester. It will be the week of homecoming, the Wednesday and Thursday.

Morabito: Do you know if Yip ordered a fall fest poster yet?

Blewitt: From my understanding no.

  • External
  • Finance
    • Taylor: I cleaned behind the finance desk. I have been signing signature cards. Also, summer budgets are also flowing in.
    • Evers: Transition for my role hasn’t been too smooth. I have tried reaching out to ASL (American Sign Language) club but they have not responded. I would like to create a binder of contact information for clubs. Austin and I also worked on model constitutions before he left. Austin and I had also talked about getting rid of the recognition of funded and unfunded by SOARC, since our job is really to decide whether to recognize a club or not.

Taylor: Yes, I would like to sit down with you soon to discuss that, without getting in the way of finals.

Howard: Maybe we could recognize groups as either budgeted or unbudgeted.

Evers: I liked that idea, I just think its something our group should not be considering.

Howard: Yes, we could remove the funding status part of SOARC’s bylaws. I’d have to review the bylaws to see how that would work. 

  • New Business

Howard: As I mentioned before, rules and ethics opened an investigation of gross misconduct against Senator Taylor. On Thursday, April 26th, the Rules and Ethics Committee adopted a motion in a closed session to uphold the charge against senator Taylor. A bill sponsored by five senators or that executive committee calling for his impeachment would now be justified.

Watka: So, the campus committee had an idea to do a bathroom walk, which would be similar to the safety and lighting walk.

Wilding: Over the summer I will be in contact with all of you about my actions for transparency sake.

Watka: Just make sure that you a utilizing your chair people.

Taylor: Motion to adjourn.

Watka: Second.

The motion was approved.

  • Extra