Time: 6:30
Attendance: Stuart, Oliver, Anderson, Stikeman, Ferrara, Patterson, Rode, King, Montecalvo, Glass, Siniscalchi, Hetland, Boutmy
Report of the President
- Declarations are open
- Recruitment event
- Coffee and Hot Chocolate (and cookies?) in the Senate office
- Senate Chambers Student Meetings
- 12:15-1:15
- Every Monday and Thursday during February
- Goal is to hire a new Vice President in March
- Open Student Forum
- February 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, and March 1
- Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:30 to 11:30
- Narragansett
- Moved the bill to the planning board so they can give a recommendation to the town council
- Planning committee will be asking opinionated/feeling thermometer questions
- Student turnout needed
Report of the Finance Chair
- Budgeting is in full swing
- Bylaws
- 5 Senator Bills for tomorrow
- Chairmen in bylaws have to report members to rules and ethics committee
- Special Interest Liaisons
- IFC and PANHEL merged to Greek Life
- Elections Bylaws
- Flyer into bylaws
- Elections committee makes decisions on campaigning material
Report of the SOARC Chair
- Next week is the President’s Meeting
- Stipend Review
- The last day is by when budget submission is due
- Needed:
- Bylaws
- How elected
- Portfolio of evidence (past 3 semesters)
- Position has existed for 2 years
- If you weren’t doing this, how would this affect the student body?
Report of the Campus Chair
- They aren’t sure about cable yet
- Anti-Drunk Driving Campaign
- Freshmen Folders
Report of the External Chair
- Start marketing to dorms over the next semester
- Wednesdays at 5:45 (Meeting Time) in room 360
Report of the Cultural Chair
- Working with Annie Russell
- Looking to send committee to DIVE RI
- Rhody Paws
Report of the Academic Chair
- College reps interacting with their deans
Report of the Vice President
- Formal
- Committees
Report of the Chief Information Officer
Report of the Director of Communication
Report of the Director of Marketing & Recruitment
- Recruitment plan for Spring 2016
- Goals for the campaign
- Posters/Lawn Signs
- Movie Voice Overs
- Facebook Event
- Template Poster
Report of the Treasurer
- About to do budgeting
- Stipends might be tomorrow or Thursday
- Purchase requisition from SOLC for $3000
Report of the Secretary
Adjournment: 7:36