Executive 1-31-2011

Segal, Prata, K Stewart, MacKinnon, Sinapi, Juhr, Ferreira, Pezza, Holzman, Coates, Cologna, Holden, Boiteau


Coates: Motion to close minutes

Holzman 2nd


Coates: 2 members not enrolled in UI. Ryann will replace for SOARC until election. We need a SOARC chair because of things coming up. Still waiting on external. Checked he’s not enrolled right now. Were going to have to all pull it together. Any problems? T Jones is vice chair so she would step up. By the time there was an internal election it would take too long. Bylaws doesn’t say what to do. It just talks about vacancy for president/vice president and appointed

Holzman: Add to bylaws

Coates: Ryann is going on the payroll were still waiting on the other one. In addition everybody knows there was finance meeting because no quorum. If people don’t attend meeting say somebody

Cologna: cant attend Wednesday but it would take too long to replace so vice chair would replace them in meeting.

Coates: He is also going to jcap

Cologna: I can interpret bylaws to say I can be kept if somebody brings it up


Coates: Motion to reopen minutes

Holzman 2nd




Pezza: Tickets for groups. Can use e-publisher for enewsletter. For more input can give me info. Once a month committees get involved what they should hear. New bulletin board, something about rental cars and other services. Input would be appreciated for that. More for facebook and twitter. If people could see what groups are doing so we can put it up. Media mentions binder for people. Invoice for PC tickets

Holzman: E-publisher lets you save as pdf. How do we feel about live tweeting the meetings.

Pezza: My opinion is I’m not a huge fan, its used more for celebrities, certain businesses, more about making a connection about what other people like, not valuable for relaying info

Coates: The more comments the better. I have a couple of things. When we do the enewsletter, come up with logo that reflects website that we can market.

Pezza: Senate logo

Coates: We could put them together and have drives so people sign up for enewsletter. It will be helpful when elections roll around. People don’t know we have a website right now

Prata: If you need help let me know

Holzman: A lot of newsletters that go around university, but maybe we can talk to person who controls student wide email list and go to format where when join university you’re signed up for everything and then you can click what you don’t want.




Holden: Meeting Wednesday 5pm, talked about what we did last semester, making a plan. Right now preparing to make final bill for end of semester.

Sinapi: Sign shop in bookstore as cheaper services than services utilized by our groups. Put they would have to use it

K Stewart: More of finance handbook, I’ll tell Steve.




MacKinnon: Exec getting paid tomorrow after 2, minus the 2chairs. That’s it. Me and Dave finished budget. Can’t wait for budget meeting.

Coates: What did the bill about Kim’s raise say, so it can be adjusted next years budget

Prata: For budget do we vote line by line then

MacKinnon: We fill out happy not happy form and argue with finance




MacKinnon: Declaration was today but no meeting so pushed back. Meeting Wednesday at 5 before regular senate meeting. Mondays at 5 generally before exec. Concerned with getting advertisements out right away. Focusing mainly on first election, then stuff to talk about for on off campus and presidential election. Live broadcasting service for debate $45 an hour and they would film debate or anything we want live on website. It can be used in a number of ways. Kim has a copy of the email.




Cologna: No quorum last week so held unorganized gathering. Meetings are going to be Tuesday around 6 or 630. Drop period proposal not on faculty senate again, wondering if she is having 2nd thoughts. This can only really be good for us. If you know faculty senators keep talking to them. Complaint about guy who didn’t give out student evaluations, the grad assistant has not been hired again and he is being closely watched. ProJo still sells out, but they don’t want to give us more I feel like. Economics department held interviews to hire new professor. Faculty senate wants to hire new associate dean. CELS but out article on Shirley which is good. One of the professors in college of business was brought up on 3 felonies. Took inheritance from student, something with a mortgage with his wife. See where they plan to go. URI wireless recently approved it so you only need to sign in once for a semester. Working to make a lot of web pages mobile accessible.

Coates: Ours is almost there

Cologna: Vote Labate new vice chair?

Voted in

Coates: Brenden is going to jcap




Ferreira: Meeting last week, Wednesday at 3 official time, last week was welcome reception for new diversity coordinator. Brandford talked to her and other people waiting on reply to meet with her on individual basis she is going to attend events. Martin Luther King week events on MCC homepage. Goals for cultural is Rammies in April. We had to switch to April 26th in the ballroom. Working on Ellery pond, split into sub committees, originally thinking about have black tie event, but now there will be a fair with info on diversity centers. In April, outside. Tentative date Thurs march 31st 12 to 4. Tyler Curry is abroad in Australia so need new MCC liaison, Ashley Smith is really interested in joining senate, junior from Atlanta. Planning project with is lock in with MCC and senate. Friday march 11th 8pm to 8am. Great room. Upstairs classroom will have discussions etc. tomorrow starts black history month so cultural encourages you to learn about culture.

Prata: Failed giving you transition binder for Rammies so if you have questions

Ferreira: We have time line and a folder

Coates: Thumbs up on Ashley




Sinapi: Contracts soon for cars, lost Mazdas. L Posters to go up, dorms are all done, all I can think of is academic buildings.

Coates: Commuter lounge

Cologna: Emporium

Sinapi: We can ask them

K Stewart: Exam rights poster in Hope

Coates: From 2 years ago

Sinapi: Tried to get them at Hope before and wasn’t happy

Holzman: Residents are a better target market for this. When people start using them resident parking might go down.

Cologna: Blast orientation groups

Coates: We’re going to

Coates: Sam, find out when welcome days are and sign us up

MacKinnon: Rams den

Sinapi: You have to make sure its clear under us

Cologna: Buildings have tv’s to advertise

Sinapi: Bruce me and Berger and a few more will have emergency cards. Fairly self contained, wont have to do much.

Holzman: Market towards faculty

Cologna: Would that be a double standard letting faculty use it through us even though they’re paying

Sinapi: If they offer to faculty, we would just get more cars. 2 spots behind us 2 by parking service and 2 by Merrow.

Sinapi: Fire, about $130 for cleanup, majority of cost. We could do it as often as we want, just question if we want to pay for it.

Coates: Senate isn’t about programming

Sinapi: But gingerbread houses bring people together so why not this too.

Coates: I’d prefer it to go through cultural not campus

Sinapi: Parking ban email problem

K Stewart: There was graffiti on the side of Roger Williams a huge word and flowers

Cologna: Possible to do safety and snow walk.

Sinapi: We could but getting people to show up is hard. Want to do one anyway because of blue lights

K Stewart: One on front of Burnside is flashing

Coates: Take a walk with cigar reporter and photographer

Sinapi: If you think ripta buses are being delayed speak up and find out why. Sakai voting working on that




Boiteau: Big dilemma, me and K Stew were the only people and nobody showed up we tried to call them nobody answered or said they wouldn’t come. I told groups that we would immediately consider them next week because some stuff is time sensitive. Didn’t feel comfortable voting with 2 people. Got about 25% budgets in, everything is due Friday, but president meeting is Monday, may extend to middle of next week

Prata: Make sure you get strict attendance. Looked bad but we only had 2 people.

Coates: How many budgets in?

Boiteau: Got memo and all boxes in. Gave another note.

Coates: Put ½ page add in cigar saying budgets are due Friday and bring flyer to multicultural center.

Coates: Call club sports and Panhel and IFC

Prata: We shouldn’t have to chase them

Coates: Concerned before because we didn’t have presidents meeting this semester.

Coates: If we ever get locked out of email again master account that all committee email filters too. So Kim has access, and passwords to all other accounts.




Segal: Nothing really but if you know any potential future secretaries let me know




Holzman: Transition binders are priority, so help you get started. To expand on this, with list of responsibilities, really important to include responsibilities not in constitution that position just does. Make it clear what you have to do. State purpose. Not just annual things, but even if it is onetime thing. Contact list of contacts particular to your position. Time line for certain things. Down the line hopefully each position will be able to put thing on calendar further in advance.




Coates: If no class Wednesday, calling special meeting Friday night and you can only miss for class, death, serious illness, hope it doesn’t come to it but cant push back elections anymore. We lost the lawsuit, not going into the same thing, as I will Wednesday. Talked to lawyer, he has other clients, but not sure if they want to go through with it.

Holzman: Android app for decimeter measure on it.

Pezza: A few people got stickers this weekend,

Coates: They got a call from town and I’ll be waiting. Beyond that don’t expect to here from the supreme court if file new lawsuit it would be in state court. Over break I testified at hearing proposed jitney service, 15 passenger van, run on loop from frat circle to the bars. Don’t know how much it will cost, private thing. Rhode island jitney. Police against it, I’m in favor. Felt it would cut down on drunk driving incidents.

Holden: why didn’t they want it?

Coates: Said whenever bus on campus in general it turns out bad. We won, it got approved, URI will be appealing in court of law.

Pezza: Contacting universities that use the services?

Coates: They are afraid about insurance liability, I said we would be against if it would affect URI financial situation. 3 articles about it. Email about extension of add period. Meeting with exec about long term and short term planning


Vice President


Prata: Hope you had fun at formal, ill give transition info to whoever is next. Sarah Moffitt is no longer on senate, she was in charge with ski trip so she turned it over to me. Talked to exec member of snowboarding club, doing trip around say time, thinking about combining trips. Working on Rainville application, we got nominated for team excellence award. Working on application process and 2 recommendations. If anybody wants to edit that for me, we are a team. Last year asked by MCC to be on diversity awards committee, pretty big deal, didn’t have time this year but offered to recommend somebody from senate. Not so much time consuming, but it’s a lot of work. Mathematical and unbiased. Takes a few hours. Get flyers out over the summer to orientation. Going through the attendance after and giving some people the boot. From now on committee attendance every week, anybody with class till 645 let me know before its fine.


Exec meeting February 13th at 12:30




Rossi: We have to talk to group, nobody showed up to meeting Friday, yearbook is having issues so meeting with them tomorrow, just recognizing groups


Coates: Got email raving about Abigail as a college liaison.