Executive 10-12-2010

Boiteau, Coates, Cologna, Davis, MacKinnon, Messineo, Prata, Segal, Sinapi, Stewart


Vice President


Prata: Meeting about question 2 stuff. They want Senate to help work at polls for election day. Being sent email with link. On election day we have classes, but if you have time between classes you can sign up. You’ll get info where you’re expected to be at what time. Need to get word out to students.

Stewart: If I am resident of other state can I work?

Coates: Yeah with signs 50 feet away

Prata: Asked if wanted Brenden to email deans but they want us to just deal with students

Coates: Sign up booth outside union across from Pastore.

Prata: I can go to meetings

Prata: Worked on internal ads. Understand split orientation? This Wednesday mock Roberts Rules 5:30, Mock meeting. Week after, Thursday 21st actual new senator orientation with pizza. Thursday night 5:30 room 318. Promise I’ll start planning formal. Maybe invite SAA?

Coates: Have printed our contact sheets for tomorrow

Prata: October 17th this Sunday Dooleys house 7pm

Coates: Sign up sheet for that tomorrow and for people coming to talk about website with Kim talk about where we want it to go

Prata: Ad going out for chemistry week.

Coates: Email sent to dean of CELs telling them we still need a CELs rep.




Messineo: We’re good.

Stewart: How doomed?

Messineo: Group not getting rerec but has event in 2 weeks. Kid from NESBE brought new contact info but no rerec paperwork. ASA girl is holding on to paperwork waiting for treasurer to sign. Said she’ll hand in sometimes this week.

Coates: We can’t not rerec 33 organizations

Prata: If they were at last presidents meeting we talked about it for a long time

Coates: I think we should go to Cigar and make a big deal about it.

Messineo: Groups that weren’t at either presidents meeting and didn’t hand in paperwork, assuming their done.

Coates: we need to explain it’s a yearly audit to make sure things are being spent how they’re supposed to

Messineo: If paperwork not in by next Tuesday going to miss first day to book event.

Coates: No mercy on that

Messineo: Once everybody is recognized work on listserv. United nations girl wants to get recognized immediately. She came to SOARC, national convention money, wanted to get some travel money, wanted to get recognized and get money and she has to register for event. All needs to be done in 3 weeks. I’m going to write up bill, we’re in favor as organization, but shouldn’t be recognized immediately. Geology club also wants to get recognized. Rerec on floor next week. Because might be another 33 groups.


CIO Bill


MacKinnon: Like it and adjustments made to it, stipended?

Coates: Yes required for 3 office hours. Used same whereas but cleaned up language a bit.

Sinapi: If the got bombarded?

Coates: I mean if they get too many then that is legitimate question I didn’t want to say binders specifically because it might not be, do you think we have 5 people to sponsor it or do we vote on it as exec. Exec bill Wednesday I’ll ask for recommendation. If there is debate, DOC position has a lot of work added on and secretary has expanded powers. If you reject 2 of my appointees then the senate chooses. Appointees have set work load but chairs don’t always.

Coates: I’m planning appointed Holzman if it passes because he has been here longest. Said we should use 3rd party sources.




MacKinnon: Paying bills




Cologna: Just got out of the BSAC meeting. Talked about stuff in college of business. Assistant dean brought up state of learning for students one thing I brought up was a lot of other majors have living learning communities but not business. Exploring whether or not to create one, or what can do in general to make them interact more in the first 2 years. We don’t make friends. Pharmacy is all very close, also CELs nursing and engineering. Housing asked if she wanted to do it or not and she has said no but I told her it’s probably better. Told her to talk to Dooley. College of business offering a passport class, prepping for your senior year. What internships to look at, when to apply. Then senior year prepping you for life after college. That’s my job and I love doing it. Emailed professor who sent students to groups. Meeting with provost next Tuesday.

Coates: When I was academic chair talked about ID where you can get 24 hour access to class with your major stuff. Follow up about that. Think it would be good.

Cologna: Temporary solution in lounge in residents hall most tech advanced classes in New England. But haven’t found out about CBLS thing yet.

Coates: When board of governors votes on recommendations for budgets were going to need to look at that, its going to effect us all.

Prata: Psycho professor who stole kids phone, must have gotten phone back because she gave us piece of paper saying that.




Segal: Now I’m collecting liaison reports but I guess I still need the rest of the liaisons. Also I need committee minutes I’ve only gotten 1.




Stewart: Coalition meeting Thursday but all speakers put me on hold. They don’t know if they can come so they’re going to let me know last minute. Happens to be this day. Thinking about postponing it. Haven’t been able to advertise or tell people. Even if they magically appear I don’t know. There aren’t back up speakers,.

Messineo: Another month

Stewart: Maybe January or February. Wanted to ask you guys what we should do.Won’t be tough to set up room. It wont be a problem, we have agenda, but no one to come speak.

MacKinnon: What consists of normal coalition meeting

Stewart: Won’t be normal. Were going to have a panel. Usually people at a table talking but we don’t want a bunch of old people talking here. More of a forum thing. 3 speakers. 3 different diverse opinions. Each speak for 10 minutes. Past experiences at end question and answer section. Issue is all 3 speakers aren’t sure if they can come. All fail poorly at same time.

Coates: We can do it just to do it because people won’t show up anyway

Stewart: Already had secretary of coalition send out things. But residents don’t want to come here. They don’t like to park or know where they’re going. With the appeal being recent we might be better off not having this now. Only 3 or 4 people will complain. Student life doesn’t even care at this point.

Coates: It’s not even externals most important job. Don’t forget road to the statehouse.

Stewart: Gathering stats on Narragansett and making a binder so next external chair will have it all. Anything we can potentially use.

Coates: How many DUIs

Stewart: Called at inconvenient times and didn’t say in voicemail.

Coates: Only 7 students so we want to see how many altogether

Stewart: Numbers we get are so opposite. Double triple our real numbers. Need to get real numbers major problem

Coates: I think they count up citations as arrests.

Stewart: Berger sent me proposal for tree thing. Berger wrote it up

Coates: Traffic light?

Stewart: Not yet

Messineo: stop sign?

Stewart: Going to records to find out accidents at intersection and go to town manager and get stop sign there.

Cologna: How many if any boy scout troops in area? They need to do massive service project so if you advertise a lot of things that need to be worked on that will improve our image and theirs. We would paint fire hydrants. Lots of things they can do. Boy scout camp that processes 10,000 kids a summer. 7 week program.




Boiteau: Supposed to have speakeasy tonight but didn’t come. Wildlife kid brought me contract. Asking for contingency and charging for event so made contract that they can donate after all contingency is paid back. Senate is getting new computers and 4 Microsoft 2010. As soon as computer comes in start inventory. Didn’t get alcohol free money this year, so I’m having a meeting because numbers Kim provided were different from what he had.

Cologna: Plenty of write-ups

Coates: Might have compiled that money into diversity fund

Coates: Splitting summer activity tax with us and Providence campus

Cologna: Sailing came to finance last year and were charging?

Coates: Should be free but biggest cost is insurance



Prata: Pezza said waiting on new senators for t-shirts and send stuff for facebook and twitter.




Sinapi: Talked to lawyer and enterprise was still talking about it competing effort. Said we told them no. Chrissy Juhr vice chair. Approved.





Coates: Major update on senate projects, guaranteed that by Fall 2011 playing on intramural field. Convince people in charge of electricity that we aren’t going to wire underground. If we go underground it would cost all $300,000. Trying to convince poles are way to go. Other update they aren’t moving challenge course. Not going to spend $100,000 plus to build something we have. We’re 1 step away from having building designed. Going to go quicker because just hired firm because they’re understaffed so more employees. After building designed state purchasing to get contract we funding rock wall their building building. We’ve been approached about basketball courts I said no till we get fields. Outside, it would be important but this needs to get done first. Hopefully will guarantee more progress. Next thing, want to close Tootel east and so it wont be open to general students. I said I’m not comfortable, Dugan understands why they’re doing it, but I suggest we do something about it. Send out survey monkey about it. Got $2 million to build gym for athletes to train at. I think IFC and Panhel need to be involved talking about reestablishing Presidents Cup. That’s even more recreation. Raised $2 million in donations from former athletes and supposed to get $5 million for new facility so now they need to spend it. It wasn’t in budget proposal to repair court in Keaney. They close it for wrestling and football. Talk about keeping gym open later but same people will just stay an extra hour. I don’t like plan, I think is terrible. Other option is to replace cardio area. Move it. New $11 million facility with cardio area.

Prata: What is the in-between time?

Coates: They wouldn’t do it till new one

Coates: Wang to keep old gym because faculty and staff pay for memberships and commuters use it. I think it would be huge detriment to close gym

Coates: People always perceive athletes on this campus as privileged. They are their own community of students. Issue is I think there would be some kind of backlash between intramural.

Coates: They’re all segregated by teams too. I said we weren’t ok with it and need to draft resolution and talk to proper administrators.

Cologna: Tennis courts, what’s up

Coates: I don’t care about tennis

Coates: Kim’s birthday is November 18th. Ideas for homecoming?

Cologna: Pumpkin catapults

Messineo: Pie eating contest

Coates: Make your own candy apple? And face painting and hot apple cider?

Prata: Date?

Coates: October 23rd 10/11 in morning, plan on being there at 9

Coates: Sad note, lost student this week in car accident. Moment of silence tomorrow night. Wish I had more details.





Davis: I was late because I came back from MCC and met presidents and members from ACN. In meeting, asked people questions, what are issues they see on campus. What senate can help with. ½ of 6 people for trips is not enough money. I’m going to write questions down for exec and I’d like for you to help me answer so I can keep credibility and relay answers to them like I said I would. Also lack of info about how senate works or knowledge of senate. Means they weren’t trying and didn’t come to senate office. Asked if they had bylaws and handbook, but couldn’t understand it. We need to simplify info more. Organizations supporting other organizations. Want to foster MCC with Greek life. Lack of recognition for being multicultural organization. They meant more of judgmental thing. Went to some event and faculty gave praise to Greek life and stuff but the MCC students feel like they don’t get recognized. I don’t know if everybody agreed but majority did. Place of refuge on campus to call own

Sinapi: MCC?

Davis: Broght up but they do so much so its hard for the MCC students and organizations to go there and say this is our building when classes are going on there. They can’t just come chill when they want to.

Coates: They can have group office in union

Davis: More of a socializing place

Cologna: Union

Davis: Difficulty in accessing senate funds. Lady from Hillel center wrote this. Issue with that was they want it simplified more. Reading finance handbook is hard

Boiteau: It has to be strict

Davis: It is not hard but the procedure is difficult

Coates: When come in we walk them through how to get it.

Boiteau: I have been helping groups if they ask

Davis: Student senate difference from last year and this year. Told them don’t look at it as negative, those people aren’t here, so try and look at us in a new light. Hard to change bad image if you have bad image. If senate hasn’t affected you personally next time you come and if you get turned down then I grant them to bad mouth us, but until it happens don’t. Then went back to this, next thing is lack of multicultural competence. Skipped it because it’s bullshit. How can we help people to understand?

Coates: friend on facebook

Davis: Told them that and were trying to be an aid. Everybody is busy but don’t have same schedule so if you even stop in and say you’re from senate and showing support so they know. That we’re trying to be a resource and help them. I’m going to tape this up and get info and relate back to them. Meet with IFC and Panhel and have MCC organizations and Greek life work together. Start doing socials. Looking to do next semester. November 8th either dinner and movie or just a movie and on November 9th were going to help NASA for their event. Then Gingerbread making contest and maybe a food eating contest. No hands and eat the pie, it would be something different. A person from each organization be in contest. Incorporate everything.

Coates: How do we pay for gingerbread houses?

Boiteau: Purchase rec?

Davis: About to make advertisements so people could know and start planning. October 19th first day to submit events. Finalizing events for semester so if you want to do anything leave me a note.





Coates: I’m going to try and talk to people at CCE they have some form of student advisory group so I want to see if we can create a position for Providence campus where they can talk about their issues but don’t need to commute to meetings. A lot of students here even drive up for classes.

Davis: Since we’re senate if opportunity came about where we can save money for phone internet and cable. If business came here and had a proposal?

MacKinnon: In my phone something about website on Friday?

Coates: We’re going to meet 11:30 Friday to talk about website and online.