Executive 10-19-2011


Caisse- Felicia emailed me. I gave her a whole list of things to do but haven’t heard from her. She is from USA Today. Went to the Provost Advisory Council meeting last night, and we talked about the new health studies major, global studies minor. That progress is going on, talking about pros and cons. Experiential learning office and Career Services is under one department and working on getting funding for that. I asked them about what he was doing to promote arts and humanities and culture on campus because we were talking about an increase in science research-based. They mentioned they talked about the new film media faculty they had just hired.

Coates– Chemistry building is third on list of priorities right now. First is the URI-RIC joint nursing facility. Fine Arts Center can be quasi number 2 and they are expecting that to happen. Number one is to renovate all of the buildings around the quad. They have Washburn, East, Bliss, Davis, Roosevelt, and Quinn to renovate. The reason for that is that they are historical buildings and they want to make interior and exterior renovations. Exterior renovations would last 75-100 years. Bond referendum for next election cycle if nursing facility goes on as planned. The plan is for the Fine Arts Center. Re-renovating Ranger Hall is possibility as location for Harrington School of Communications.

Roy-They are also doing something with library science.

Coates– $2 million funds for the library as well

Caisse- In committee, we talked about new ideas. Want to start college liaison packets or binders to formulate what we want each liaison to do. Advisory councils for each team would go in the packet. Talked about Sakai tab for each major. I have one for my major which includes alumni information, classes you need to take, requirements for the major. UC Gen. Ed presentation was talked about. Valerie wants a student forum to have some input on the new proposals. What we decided on is blowing up the provost advisory council and getting input from other college deans. We would ask college deans to submit input

Roy– You can use the binders next to my desk

Caisse– Instead of the ballroom forum, we will blow up council meeting and ask deans to provide list of students who are involved and can provide input. If we can get a group of students for every college, we can work on putting together a UC-Gen Ed forum at the University Club. We also talked about the drop period news. Shooting for mid to late November for the presentation. It will be presented to Faculty Senate to vote on in April. The most efficient time would be late November.


Eric- Needs committee’s approval. I was told committee is going to meet Wednesday at 5:30pm. Basically, the SEC is buying Fall frenzy t-shirts in order to promote SEC and create an identity for SEC. Total amount for shirts this year is $1750, buying 300 t-shirts. Three alternate quotes for the same t-shirt from three different companies that are all over $2,000. Saving money with the company we are going through.

Roy- What account are you taking this out of?

Eric- Advertising.

Roy– You have to have Finance Chair’s approval.

Coates– By-laws says we can overrule the Finance Chair. This is something we do every year, goes out to student body as a whole. We do them for spring fest and fall fest.

Ferreira– Are you giving t-shirts away or are you selling them?

Eric– We sell them and then try to make up some of our money. We are probably going to sell them for about $5.00.

Segal– Once you sell them, is that money going back into advertising?

Eric– It will go back into advertising, but it is not going to make up a majority of the money that we lost from buying the t-shirts. It is just a way to keep demand lower for the t-shirts. We only have enough money to buy a certain amount.

Lamoureux– How many shirts are you buying?

Eric– 300 t-shirts.

Coates– The exception in the Finance handbook is to prevent groups from buying apparel for themselves.

Caisse– Who does epilepsy t-shirt fundraising?

Segal– It goes through the College of Business Administration.

Roy– Motion to vote

2nd Lamoureux

Motion Passes J



Juhr– Safety and Lighting Walk next Tuesday 10/25 at 6:30pm. Waiting on results from Recereational Services survey from Jodie Hawkins. There is a wait on the stop sign to go out in front of the Union out in front of Parking Services. The reason that is not up yet is because South Kingstown has to vote on it as a town because it is a town road.

Coates– It is going to be a 4-way stop sign?

Juhr– Yes

Caisse– Any information on the cork boards and maps we were going to get for campus?

Juhr– Still working on it.

Coates– Are you handling the Union information on your own or delegating?
Juhr– Probably delegating. Have a new committee member.

Coates– Chrissy’s committee is going to be in charge of the committee that is building an expansion on the Union. It is not going to be anything fancy. We will see what happens.



Roy- Tonight, re-rec bill is on the floor getting voted on. Making two amendments on the floor. Film Collaborative wants to be recognized at Category “A.” Student Society for Haitian people changed their name and their acronym doesn’t fit so we need to change that. Five category changes you should make note of and I will be explaining on the floor tonight. Nobody is coming tonight to contest their category. This week, I am working on making a welcome letter for the new student orgs. It will have the links to the student org manual, the finance handbook, by-laws, instructions on if they want to copy or print, mailboxes, office computers, president’s meeting, special dates, budgets, elections, and September re-open budgets. I am going to staple Jacob’s business card to the letter so they know it is the next step. I am working on delegation so I have assigned my committee. They will be taking care of getting student organizations credits. Also, president’s meeting first week of November. Anne Gregson will be there to speak to groups that are potentially risky and have to fill out waivers. Rebecca Murray will be there to talk about orientation leaders. Holzman is going to give a brief finance presentation as well. We are working on the progress of new groups. When a new group comes to be recognized, I will give them a date to come and check in with me on their progress to make sure they are using their resources and their need. As you can see, I am doing a lot.

Coates– Are you planning on giving welcome letter at the meeting when they are passed?

Roy– I will give it to them on the floor.

Coates– The whole time I have been here, they never know what to do next after the meeting, walk in and out of the meeting hesitantly so giving them the letter will be good.

Roy– The finance quiz instructions are on the back of Holzman’s business card. There are a few groups on my bill tonight that had “naye” votes from my committee. I just want you guys to know about them when my bill comes up. Gay-Straight Alliance was objected to. The reason why they can be a category “R” is because they have to limit their involvement to the administration department to the satisfaction of SOARC. It is fine. Just so you know, it is okay.

Coates– The University funds the GLBT Center. They do not fund the student organization.

Caisse– Are they related?

Coates– They are, but they still have space in the Union.

Roy– They do fund each other and help each other, but they are not giving money to the LGBT Center, we are fine.

Coates– They are separated. They are a Category “R” organization.

Ferreira– That is an issue going on during the interviews too. The president of the GSA wants them to know that they are two separate entities.

Roy-They have in their paperwork that they are two separate entities.

Caisse– It will be confusing and it will come up.

Roy– As long as you are knowledgeable.

Caisse– Are you expecting groups to be here?

Roy-None will be here. Ghost Hunting is “nayed” because Pat Brown does not like ghosts.

Coates– You can’t introduce their points of view if they are not here. Refer to the minutes about their opinion if they are not there.



Ferreira– Homecoming this Saturday. 9am set-up in the office. Break down 12:30pm. Sign ups are looking good. I will send it around again just in case anybody wants to sign up again. We have all the supplies and got all of our caramel and toppings. We are thinking about pre-wrapping some apples so that people don’t want to eat them can just take one. The only question I have is that do you think I should top them or keep them as caramel?

Coates– Do both.

Ferreira– The LGBTQ director interviews started last week I believe. I attended one on Tuesday. There is another one Thursday and Friday. They are student open forums. You can go and ask the candidates any question you want. They are encouraging participation. 1-2pm or 2-3pm usually in the Atrium. Everyone from Exec is welcome. Diversity Fund committee working on proposal for political boot camp. Chris Cicero said that the Spirit of Giving meeting went well. He will be attending the next meeting before Thanksgiving break.

Coates– Everything all set with Michelle? November 10th is a Thursday. If I could get you excused, there is a meeting at the Alton Jones Campus starting at 9am going to 3pm. It is Equity Council people. I have been invited and they are coming whether they like it or not.



Segal– No report.



Jones- I’ll just give my report tonight. Running out of time



Coates- Started drafting up the flyers and advertisements that are going to go out for my job wanted for the DOM. I have people emailing asking me about it from the College of Business. I have a feeling I am going to have a lot of people apply to this. Business majors are hungry for a lot of people. I want to have a nominee by the end of this semester, hopefully second or third week of November. Advertisements are going to go out by Friday electronically. Also, Senator Merolla is on the business advisory board. He is networking for the college for me and will be going to the dean to make sure all marketing majors are notified of the position. I will be notifying the communications department as well. It is not limited to marketing majors. Prior professional experience highly encouraged but not required. I started narrowing down list of elections companies. I have already crossed two off the list so we will have to plan a meeting about that. We have to pick a day during business hours to call these reps. They will probably want to do a conference call. Hopefully, once we narrow it down to three companies, maybe we can get them to come here and give us presentations. UC-Gen. Ed.?

Caisse- We were talking last night about how to do that forum. We will blow up advisory council and ask for student participation as well as Dean and Faculty position.

Coates- Work with Cordisco to help them advertise that. Actively use your committee to reach out.