Executive 10-25-2010

Boiteau, Coates, Cologna, Davis, MacKinnon, Pezza, Prata Segal, Sinapi, Stewart, Farrow




Sinapi: Waiting on car sharing lawyer, don’t know why still dragging his 1 foot. Working on tour guide thing.

Coates: Should create a list of student worker rights in general for people who work on this campus.

Sinapi: Publications thing. Safety and lighting walk Thursday at 6pm.

Coates: Went through committee priorities today and I think campus maps should be a priority. Internal priority is I want from you for Ellery Pond to take what we talked about, make an itemized list of costs, so Branford knows how much to fundraise.

Sinapi: want the RIPTA GPS done, and voting thing. Do you know if there is food for Muslims in dining hall?




MacKinnon: All getting paid tomorrow, computers are ordered. Talk about tax grant to get Bobby’s stipend from April and CIO stipend.




Cologna: talked about accreditation for URI. Uri has been asked to put together committees for it. Were handling 70-page report for Coates. Hopefully have it by next weds. Casey and I academic standards and calendars meeting weds morning about drop deadline. Were apparently voting on moving it. I’m assuming they want tot make it earlier. Talked to my committee they want to keep it the same. Only situation ok to move it earlier is if permanent 2nd grade option, but still would have kids retaking classes and take up spots people need.

Coates: we don’t have to worry about what faculty cares about. It’s what is more beneficial for students.

Cologna: what if somebody is trying to get in a class to graduate but can’t get in because another student is taking up a spot.

Coates: I think 2nd grade option should be like other universities used anywhere in college career.

Cologna: 3 people calling UCONN, UNH and Delaware to see what they’re doing so I have it for meeting. Farrow got me her college report. Sent out an email about what I want college reps to talk about and what AA is doing. So they know what were here for.

Prata: A lot of college reps on your committee?

Cologna: 3

Coates: Maybe appoint somebody into empty college rep positions.

Boiteau: Library closes early this year at 11:30.

Sinapi: What changed?

Cologna: College readership still trying to contact USA Today and Pro Jo. Going to move from Fine Arts to CBLS. Fix card readers so professors can’t steal newspapers.




Stewart: Chris Knight and I are working on stats. It will be done by Wednesday. Alexa emailed town manger about traffic light. She has done really well so far with that. Getting new senators involved. Don’t ask about tree thing. Narragansett coalition meeting Wednesday the 17th, nobody is going to that. It is during senate meeting and philanthropy week event. Never have had it on Wednesday. Working on lobbying trying to figure it out. Now that we have new committee members. Branford and I are reading over new Obama financial aid bill. Tell him I’m looking for him.

Pezza: Obama is in Providence

Coates: They’re doing fundraiser.

Prata: He didn’t come when there was a flood




Boiteau: Asking for senate to help pay for UMASS buses. Only issue is it comes out of co-sponsorship. Last year it came down to wire when they asked, but it’s in January and they didn’t try to fundraise yet. It’s almost $2000

Coates: Tell them we’ll give half

Boiteau: Me and my committee should go talk and say were willing to help but try to find money first

Coates: They’ll know senate paid for bus

Cologna: No they won’t

Boiteau: People came for money for event in March, told them to come back. Working with Branford to get bills from past for gingerbread houses.

Coates: It was a good event




Pezza: As far as t-shirts go I talked to him today, 44 as of now. Said he can probably get to $10 if that’s the case. Should I send email or Kim send it?

Prata: You can send but tell them to respond to you not listserv

Pezza: I’m going to type everybody’s name to make them feel guilty. Sent cards to family and to the Dooleys.

Coates: Great. We will be doing a public information booth. On a Wednesday, people staff all day, exec member at all times I might have JCAP meeting though as well. DOC Pezza will make an advertisement for website because we’ve never tried to advertise one before. Also next week I want to give new senators bullet points on what to talk about if asked a question. So write stuff relevant to you committee.

Stewart: On quad?

Coates: Yes weather permitting.

Cologna: Need to figure out basketball tickets before Wednesday.

Pezza: Don’t tell anybody its $10 yet incase its not.



Segal: Everybody has been getting me their minutes which is good. Me and Coates made a liaison format/structure for senators to follow while writing their liaison reports to make it easier for them, so we’re going to give that to everybody. Homecoming went ok, didn’t get as many people as I expected but for what we had it went ok.


Vice President


Prata: All should have new committee members and lots of people at meetings. Get me attendance. Kim has extra space in file folder so you can keep attendance in there so if I have a problem with somebody in regular meetings then we can look into committee minutes. Formal date set, calling tomorrow and making appointment Friday. Formal is in January. December is secret snowman. I need suggestions for month of December. Brenden said laser tag in Fall River. On Wednesday open to senate. Safety and lighting walk Thursday.

Coates: Lets plan a day for happy hour with presidents of organizations that are 21+




Coates: Setting up meeting wit athletics to talk about getting more tickets. This is format for strategic plans. I’ve been writing my own liaison reports. And agenda for tomorrow. Good thing I have a paper due. Section of new fees charging. Tentative rates. Instate the same. But mandatory fees go up $90. Room board and communications fee is going up. Out of state is staying same but fees are still going up. Regional tuition will be the same as well. Summer state dropped for instate but went up for out of state. New tech fee per semester $40. Raised transcript fee from $35 to $40. discontinued diploma replacement fee. No 451 engineering fee. Pharmacy students increased curriculum fee.




Davis: By end of week seeing what organizations, sororities or fraternities want to participate. Also we are thinking of projects for Ellery pond fundraiser. Project Pangea. Thought about since last year, incorporate a lot of people. Tomorrow seeing Katie, probably not doing movie night, because of time.

Coates: Told Sinapi to hand you list so you know how much you need to fundraise

Davis: Meeting for toy drive

Boiteau: And gingerbread houses

Davis: How would you feel about concert on football field or quad next semester?

Coates: They won’t let us use football field. One of those things we would have to work with SEC over. But I’m sure we could get them involved.

Coates: Committee chairs, give tasks to other people, if you don’t delegate you’ll stress yourself out. Everybody has been working hard. Were at a point where we have a lot of new senators who want to get involved so we don’t want them to go the old route so get them involved.

Sinapi: Safe ride program from past

Coates: Too expensive, well over $25,000 a year. Doesn’t start to account for liability now

Sinapi: Band practicing in parking lot

Coates: Yeah we have to move them. Offer to give them tax grant for pod to store equipment. Build parking garage and charge faculty $1,000 to park.

Boiteau: Rerec tomorrow, and something crosses my mind about rerec of IFC and Panhel, I know compact exists but I don’t think we should accommodate that.