Executive 10-4-2010

Coates, Cologna, Davis, MacKinnon, Pezza, Prata, Segal, Sinapi, Stewart




MacKinnon: Winter indoor track schedule out, we approved them as advisor board is obligated. Waiver of one meet sat after reading day. Its home so it was no big deal. Athletic starting own 5 year plan, giving brief outline once meet again. More waivers for men and women’s basketball team. Next meeting is November 5th. Paying the bills.




Pezza: Waiting for new senators for t-shirts. I need more facebook stuff. For hearing are we encouraging public to go

Coates: It’s going to be full should only bring 8 people.

Pezza: How was interview?

Coates: Went good, use sound bits.

Pezza: Have to do board over too

Coates: Here is stuff Kim got for window and take a look and make sure this is what everybody had in mind. Found out last year person from athletics left but Andrew something replaced her. We need to find him. Ask about seats.

Prata: Meet the senators in window?


Vice President


Prata: Sorry I wasn’t there but heard bill did good job. October 17th hanging out with Dooley’s 7pm. Exec you need a vice chair according to bylaws and minutes need to be sent to Steph.

Coates: Next Monday must have a vice chair

Prata: Senate scholarship applications are on table. Attendance for committees, I’ll leave a folder for you guys to leave them on my desk. Planning formal by end of week. With SEC again. January?

Coates: After break because when we finally get rest of internal people in it will be end of October. They won’t want to come to a formal.

Cologna: Training for new senators?

Prata: There is so many so big training after. Next week right before meeting at 5:30 quick meeting with new people, go through agenda explain bylaws agenda. Not worried about picking committees too much.

Cologna: Situations where certain things we use a lot come up.

Prata: For now I’ll just run through and maybe motion.

Coates: Taking schedules that day and temporarily assign committees until we get more people. Getting 24 new people.




Stewart: Exhausted so if I forget something bring it up. There wont be any talk of trees this week, you don’t want to know what happened. But if you see Berger ask him about it I haven’t talked to him or seen him. People are asking questions I have no answers. Hearing is weds 9:30 Roger Williams law school. Get out of class free cards. Meeting at 10am about all stats we got. Pass them around to you. 2 best ones, number of orange stickers and during spring number of incidents and 100 person plus parties doubled. Trying to see if there is a correlation.

Coates: On ride a long there were young kids, didn’t look like they had alcohol just out. Need to build a legit nightclub to attract people.

Stewart: Numbers were dropping but now back up and a problem. Going to look into the correlation. Trying to get dates tomorrow. Need to figure out some way or the numbers won’t go down. 25 less rented houses than last year.

Coates: I indicated police might be lying on radio today

Stewart: Called about traffic light, man calling me back. Light by 108 and 138. Man who deals with problem will call me back. Hasn’t yet, might need to send a few emails. Coalition meeting October 14th 6:30 atrium 1. Lots of people, advertising soon. Meeting Wednesday after hearing probably going to be mad. Topics for coalition. Introduce a few speakers. Trying to make it a public forum.

Prata: Looking into stop sign?

Stewart: Still need to

Prata: Almost got hit again.

Coates: Once you have 18+ stuff give to Sinapi so he can propose a nightclub for campus.




Davis: Friday had meeting. Discussing our annual holiday toy drive that were taking part of. November 9th– December 6th. This year looking for a way to increase more toys because more families. Looking to work with sororities, fraternities and residence halls to help get donations. Constructing a program where boxes get distributed and there will be incentives for those who participate. 2nd next week is meeting with MCC presidents. Anything people want to know? Or feel would benefit then that I cant ask.

Coates: Just report back to us issues diversity week this week, hopefully attend event besides tomorrow.

Pezza: Need help before?

Coates: Toy drive, tonight I’m going to make announcement that we’re doing it and make it competition and groups can decorate box and sponsor one. Incorporate that and Branford is going to do gingerbread house thing again this year. And window painting. Find a way to roll things into 1 competition, one prize was presidents suite for a basketball game. Important. Almost 400 toys last year.

Prata: Tomorrow 6pm atrium 1?




Cologna: My committee met with guy in charge of bookstore. Sinapi helped a bit. All comes down to faculty needing to tell bookstore when they want books sooner. Wants to set up deadline for Fall semester has to be in by April and for Spring by October. So when kids pick classes know what books they need. Bundle books, binder books, new editions. 87% faculty issues book deadline for Spring and 90% for Fall.

Coates: Before presentation find out date professors find out teaching session. Sometimes people don’t know what class they’re teaching when they’re teaching.

Cologna: Provost meeting with Dooley showed syllabus skeleton. Pretty much liked it. Business communication teacher making students go to classes. I’m going to send her an email because 2 showed up at committee meeting.

Prata: You talked about renting books?

Cologna: If get the buy back and adoption thing right when it would be cheaper

Coates: Talk to curricular chairs committee.




Sinapi: Send email for car sharing. Get in mailbox too about little comparison sheet. Use it to talk about it on floor. Sending email about lighting walk. Thursday over next couple weeks.

Prata: Not 14th but after that.

Coates: Have you emailed about car sharing. Mention that Enterprise contacted them but decided to go with Hertz and see if they review the contract. Ellery has been drained dredged and stuff, planted to replace excessive overgrowth. Put fire pit in. also volleyball court behind eddy. Sent emails to person in charge so I get updates on anything else.

Coates: Next big issue is going to be basketball courts

Sinapi: Board is going to be best idea with map on it. When it’s no longer useful take it off.

Coates: Project manager approved for rock gym and lighting project. Means that university planners office admitted don’t have enough power to do all the projects. Positive sign because looking at 2 projects they’re doing. Outdoor basketball courts. Said that won’t happen until one of 2 projects are done. Already spent some money, architect has been consulted. Going to call one of the offices that would know when lease is up on that land.


Cologna: Also building manager in CBLS still isn’t giving into papers but dean is on our side.




Segal: I’m getting all the liaison reports, so get them to me if you are one. Perfect job for me because I enjoy yelling at people.

Coates: List of people that are liaisons and she is going to organize them in binders. All committee minutes go to her too. Vice president is supposed to get minutes but she will forward them too. Is going to be put in binders and made publicly available.




Coates: Already saw website stuff. Not supposed to print things for class on computer. Scheduling issues for union and make sure everything is correct. If a president of another organization book separate from senate. Jorge gave me report. October 13th 5:30 to 6:30 orientation for new senators. Bill on floor this week. Internal elections October 20th. Possibly another orientation for everyone October 21st between 5 and 7pm. It’s Thursday but at least we won’t have to wait until next week for responsibility for committees. Need to put advertisement for elections in paper. Need to set dates for spring election. You guys are doing a great job. If you feel overwhelmed talk to me I’m here to help. I bark a lot of orders but pass it down if you can. People know we’re there for them.