Executive 11-18-2010

Segal, Sinapi, Boiteau, Prata, Pezza, K Stewart, Cologna, MacKinnon, Coates, Holzman, B Stewart




MacKinnon: Need to order printer, writing things for stipends for next week.

Coates: Cosponsoring basketball tickets about $500




Sinapi: Looking at sakai for online voting. Can own and manage site. Potentially use as online voting tool.

Coates: Sophisticated enough?

Holzman: Peoplesoft?

Sinapi: Online ballot

B Stewart: People can ask people to vote for them

Sinapi: Hertz is going to be doing booths and presentations

Boiteau: Fine arts, there is an unlocked gate by the parking lot and somebody drove through

Sinapi: Digital version of the map, several options, either blank version or photo shop the one we have. Want top of campus up.




Segal: Nothing





B Stewart: Coalition meeting last night, December 7th is another meeting. Me and Chris Knight are going. Alexa Roy is head of all South Kingstown things. Her and Ted are setting up a meeting.

Coates: Cross walk across from sig ep/lamba house and lighting.

Holzman: Traffic light is probably a state thing not a town thing.

B Stewart: Road to the statehouse next semester. Bracelets? Plan a pancake breakfast for town.




Holzman: Student organization handbook almost done. Being reviewed. Out for December 6th presidents meeting. Transition binders I’ve started. Make a framework outline that will tell you how to fill it. So you want to start a student organization is done and just needs to be passed by Steve.


Vice President


Prata: Meeting with Amalfi’s, its now January 29th instead on Saturday. Putting deposit down tomorrow. 7-11 having presidents of sec and saa signing contract as well. Seeing about buses. Ski trip. We need at least 40 people for group discount. Fill out snowman forms.




Boiteau: Had sailing come. Vote if we want to give them $25,000. Inventory stuff is good. My committee is doing sample forms of finance forms. Gave Hillel another $200.




Pezza: Basketball tickets I’m assuming nobody signed up. Want to do display case with pictures of all the committees. Public info booth?




Messineo: Every SOARC chair comes up with punishment for not handing in rerec paperwork on time, should be in bylaws. Also rules from colleges of what they will fund and what their rules are. Committee members are getting in contact with organizations. Organization book is coming along.




K Stewart: Met Friday at 3, set up suggestion box, email.




Cologna: Over 1000 people took survey. Happy. Talk to provost and faculty senate. Academic complaint, done. Forwarded advising problem. Met with committee of assistant deans new proposals about drop period. No sales rep at USA today. Ballentine and Chafee still broke. Meeting with Dooley as well about advising. T Jones is writing article to make it aware of what UC does.




Davis: Retreat this weekend, saw how cultural affairs can better affect campus. Multicultural fair December 2nd Thursday. Starts at 7, done before 9. Project Pangea flyer.

Boiteau: How are we paying for CDs?

Davis: I have connections. Master calendar done by fall 2010. Toy drive boxes in buildings tell everybody. Black tie mocktail event. March project Pangea and April adopt a plant and Rammies.




Coates: Exciting Pauly D stuff…Got a letter that 4 loko is bad and reasoning in which it was changed in handbook. Bad stuff happened at retreat.