Executive 11-9-2010

Segal, MacKinnon, Coates, Prata, Sinapi, Messineo, Davis…Farrow, Rossi, Knight, K Stewart, May




Sinapi: 4 loko, all info for banning was info from media. Media has no studies, just opinions. Incidents, people drank more than just one of these, other alcohol and drugs. Reasoning behind ban while other schools are educating or waiting, we just banned. Right now unsure and don’t want to risk. Way of educating students was ad in the cigar a few days before. No general email, had it since October 7th. Why does public school ban, but private schools haven’t?

Coates: Fact that its public, doesn’t make a difference.

Sinapi: Private can get away with anything except breaking fed law, public cannot.

Coates: Maps?

Sinapi: She said couldn’t convince 2 people in charge of editing. My argument was perfect, but she cant have them turn it a different way. So we will have to continue to talk to them.

Knight: What grounds can they refuse?

Sinapi: They don’t want to deal with it.

Sinapi: Talked to cigar about safety and lighting walk, so hopefully something will get done.




Messineo: Presidents meeting went well

Rossi: We still have a few bills for rerec, I emailed only NESBE responded. The health professionals, revised to category A.

Messineo: It was a typo

Rossi: Sports medicine association came to get recognized but that’s next week and electronic music association next week?

Prata: On floor tonight

Rossi: NSBE, ASA, scuba, health professionals.

Messineo: People who turned in paperwork late, well question them a lot, make them sweat it out

MacKinnon: Allied health because changed category, vote next week?

Coates: No, tonight




Farrow: Bill on floor for drop period. Cologna met with provost office, no 1 option set in stone, still working on it. AA met with college of gen ed committee, discussed concerns about 4 credit system. We said, what is 4th credit worth, what would you get out of it. Smooth transition into system. Also option of choosing 3 credits or 4 credits for class. Also gave template how gen eds would work. And that’s it. Continuing drop period survey on website. Still handling cels academic complaint. Working to finalize and support from deans for course materials. Finishing syllabus skeleton all for faculty senate monthly meeting with provost, talked 2 hours about drop period.




Davis: Today was supposed to be multicultural fair, postponed. When would you like it to be? After thanksgiving

Prata: First week on December

Coates: Book a room

Davis: Project Pangea December 6th and 7th. Open auditions, flyers approved, were getting them printed. Setting up meeting with people helping us out. November 18th 2nd meeting with MCC presidents. Meeting with IFC and Panhel. Master calendar, set up meeting to talk about that, and how quickly we can get that completely. Placed boxes in dorms for toy drive. 3 organizations signed up, still contacting more organizations.

Coates: Organizations linked to boxes, are they decorating?

Coates: Diversity retreat this weekend

Davis: I’ll be facilitating a few workshops. From November 29th to December 3rd AIDs awareness week. Do you want to be part of sponsoring organizations?

MacKinnon: What do they need help with?

Boiteau: SAWA came for contingency money. Money for pictures of people. And buying ribbon for trees on quad

Davis: Still doing concert but not paying for it




Boiteau: 2 bills on floor, outing club wants to buy some new things and tax grant to pay for CIO. Club sports came to committee to ask for 2 loans for men’s and women’s hockey. Hired new coordinator, old coordinator didn’t pay bills. Agreed to give loan, free money but have to pay us back there are penalties. Help them get back to 0 deficit. Men’s hockey is 6 yrs $5000 a year, women’s is 4 years. Talked about working with ice rink because its ridiculous how much they have to pay. Run by URI but other organizations, get cheaper ice time. They’re really organized with what their planning on doing.

Coates: Need to have another meeting with her.

Boiteau: They increased dues to help pay for it. Gave SAWA money $600 for AIDs awareness event. Computer tech was supposed to fix software on computer.




MacKinnon: Paying bills. Bobby’s check form April is settled.


Vice President


Prata: Working on formal. Laser tag may or may not happen for this month, if not spring. Handing out stuff for secret snowman next week. Senate scholarship due November 12th. Leave it with me in my mailbox. Make sure people are going to committees.




Coates: Met with TD twice last week. Cancel meetings on Friday. Meeting about add drop period, work in progress. This Friday meeting with IFC and Panhel. Meeting with athletics to discuss promotions we do with them. Apparently mob gave them a lot of money for pink out. 4 loko thing, it was apologized for the way they went about it and changing handbook without telling us. Emailed chairperson of math department and chair of faculty senate, to see if why if they can change it on their own, why is there a committee. Hopefully get more info on possible tuition hike.



Farrow: Booth Monday 10 to 4 so people can take drop period survey. Sign up tonight.

Coates: At about 540 people


MacKinnon: Tennis courts getting finished ready for next fall. Turn east gym to weight facility.