Executive 12-2-2010

Segal, B Stewart, MacKinnon, Coates, Cologna, Pezza, Prata, Boiteau, Holzman, K Stewart, Davis, Sinapi




Cologna: Exam rights Monday, hand out flyers weds at meeting. Volunteers for each academic building. Tomorrow is academic standards and calendars regarding drop period. Getting proposal for faculty senate, new proposals coming from other departs, taking the poll results. Handout with proposed changes. Trying to get days before Christmas off.

Coates: Potential to get day before Thanksgiving off

Cologna: USA Today coming tomorrow at 2. Regional marketing director. No real academic complaints

Coates: Problems is department chairs are clear and think mandatory for final. But not the case. They book rooms they don’t need and give out take home finals due on that day.




Messineo: Presidents meeting Monday. Got thrown up on by first grader.

MacKinnon: How do you play Quidditch?

Messineo: Every group shows up and talks

Coates: Been discussion by bylaws committee about including SOARC handbook in updating bylaws, make sure committee is aware, do you have discussion with SPO about penalty I want to be enforced. Which is workshops at presidents meeting for organizations, continued to offer workshops if want, instead of just freezing I think we should make them go to workshop before we unfreeze, try something new. If miss budget timeline internal group issue but should be educated on leadership skills. Groups that miss rerec should need transition workshop which few groups sign up for.

Messineo: SPO is pretty much non existent. You don’t know who is signing in at presidents meeting as part of groups. More of who you’re sending than if you’re sending anybody at all. Some groups have people sign in one person for 2 organizations. Had group presidents knew paperwork was due and held onto it and told organization they handed it in. We can’t ask people how their president is doing. Can put standards but down to person to do their job. Senate can’t run 90 clubs.

Coates: Rather have somebody from organization than nobody

Messineo: But if general member doesn’t pay attention its good as nobody being there

Boiteau: We can freeze budgets now but doesn’t teach them a lesson

Coates: We don’t want to be a no fun committee, we have to be serious because we’re nonprofit

Boiteau: But we’re still students

Coates: And so are they

Messineo: Need to figure out what is going on with speakeasy, is budget frozen?

Boiteau: No

Messineo: Needs to be, told lady I won’t respond to emails anymore, told her I need to deal with student.

Boiteau: I’ll say their budget is frozen until you talk to us. I’ll freeze it tomorrow. Anybody else to freeze?

Messineo: That’s it.

Boiteau: If not recognition this year keep till next year and then drain

K Stewart: Kid came in today and said professor wants me to start sociology club

Coates: why we don’t fund

K Stewart: Pretty sure he will sign up and Kim gave paperwork

Messineo: Speakeasy isn’t recognized because don’t have treasurer




Pezza: Shirts are here, I’ll know more. I’ll get on e-newsletter when GMATs are done. Need info for condolence card.

Coates: Coordinator for faculty senate’s husband passed away.


Vice President


Prata: Thanks for moderating had make or break exam. Formal is January 29th sat $45 a person money ASAP to Kim. Deadline is the 17th for the semester. Wanted us to talk about how long we need her in finals

Coates: Kim is going to keep regular schedule for exam week, but did tell her she can take day off that week if she wants and can come one day the following week would be fine. Approached wanted Kim’s assistance for student part of website. Huge for students, I told Kim if she wants to come in 5 days in January and work on that I’m ok with that. It’s very important and we should do it. Make a huge difference in campus life. 5 days of pay, not huge deal. She already took 2 days off so its only 3 extra days really.

Boiteau: Not a big deal, she actually works.

Coates: Very important needs to get done right. We’re going to have input and say on what goes in

K Stewart: She asked me things that should be on it

Coates: Huge opportunity for us.

Prata: For formal payment is when Kim’s last day is. Need to give final payment 7 days in advance, and have final number, I can give final payment the day of. Thing with bus you already heard. Ski trip in February.

Cologna: Co sponsor with snowboard club

Prata: Probably, good way to collaborate with groups more. Secret snowman stuff due this week.




Boiteau: 2 bills next week, contingency travel. Meeting on computer tomorrow with inventory people to install software. Not communicating. Then should be all set to label everything. Kim made budget paperwork timeline poster board, gave groups same time lines Allen has in past. Behind my desk as well. When out last Monday have until February 4th so enough time before finals and a week after we get back.

MacKinnon: have fun with budgeting

Coates: How are sample forms

Boiteau: Still on desk

Holzman: I think one of my purchase recs was lost

K Stewart: 10 4 Holzman




Holzman: get SOARC handbook finalized to get it out for Monday presidents meeting. Framing transition binders so you all get homework over winter break. Write letter to next person in your position.

Cologna: Contact sheets would be cool

Holzman: I’m going to make up a template to go off of and binder with not a lot of stuff and figure you’ll stuff that should be in your binder and put all in there. Every position will have a this is how you do the job binder then a general binder of info not position particular. Have started framework

Coates: Need to have good binders because new people will be taking over positions




K Stewart: Don’t know what you want to know but last week tackled DOC and secretary job descriptions. For DOC takeout that DOC can report to full senate on decision need interpretation. Made a table of contents which is 4 pages.

MacKinnon: I’ll present amended version tomorrow

K Stewart: This week Bruce is coming. Need to look at liaison reports and change to allow online voting. 1 bill at end because it seems best

Cologna: Just not annual meeting

Holzman: If cutting that close extend committee

Coates: Got to be careful with new senate

K Stewart: Calendar of stuff can add things to it

Coates: Suggestions coming your way

Coates: Apprehensive about online voting

K Stewart: At least make it option I would say

Holzman: Currently say you have to appear in person so one thing to have it online at polling station but to do it via sakai where you can do it wherever whenever.

Cologna: I have required class next semester 6-8. Technically according to current language of bylaws I am allowed absences then I go to rules and ethics, other people interpret I appeal to rules and ethics. My biggest thing is if I can have my vice chair at meeting and I have committee, because transition would waste time.

B Stewart: I don’t think anybody will write you up.

Holzman: brought up about being SOARC handbook to solidify rerec. What makes most sense, proposing to bylaws requirement that SOARC chair maintains SOARC handbook like finance handbook which would mean it needs to be there. Leave changes to SOARC handbook to SOARC chair by majority vote.

Coates: Get printout of schedule if they have class that time. Send out email about next semester.

Cologna: My point was I wanted to go through parliamentary procedure of it.

Coates: I don’t know what to do, it would be diff if wasn’t losing 2 top people on committee would like to work something out




Davis: Today is multicultural fair. Last week had meeting with director of WRIU for project Pangea and djs. Went well. Working on presenting good event for fundraising Ellery pond. Incorporate SEC and other orgs as well. Next week another meeting to finalize what we want to do. Ill let you know what plans are exactly after. Next presidents meeting is next week.

Coates: Terms I’ve coined to describe parts of our budget so it doesn’t say r and s are not budgeted. When org that is not an r, m and s either teach skill or provide service or major enterprise. Only reason they get more money is they have associated costs of doing business. Sec is exception

Boiteau: Only a handful of groups could request more. Majority of groups are r.

Coates: Cicero at request of Brandford has been looking into other schools about chief diversity officer. Associate vice president of diversity. Going to work with him with that, if you have ideas let me know. Need better working between committees. Master calendar put as cultural issue. Requested I go to meeting at Brown. In terms of diversity we’re doing good because I went to Dooleys office and told him stuff and it was in paper few days later. Positive feedback from the vice president about what Dooley thinks.




Segal: Still barely anybody handed in their liaison reports, haven’t gotten anymore.

Coates: For future liaisons in bylaws, be strict requirements about what they have to do, and when a president appoints there should be written agreements.




B Stewart: Not too much from last night. Got email from secretary of Narragansset coalition, complained about parties and action plan how to fix. Nobody really cares. Want to lobby town counsel. Don’t want them to revise ordinance, want to take action before. Come up with plan to go about this. Getting down to wire now, they’re getting more aggressive and create action plans that aren’t good. Maximum occupancy one is ridiculous. C knight and I going around to realtors tomorrow to get statements they should hate it, will lose money. Town thinks if house has 6 people will be crazier, but 4 people could be just as bad. Some houses 3 people just as bad. Awful what think they can get away with.

Coates: We need to protect students and rights

Prata: Can Dooley and administration help us?

Coates: Can’t depend on them

Prata: They don’t take us serious because were student but if president is backing us

Coates: Aren’t going to interfere with town counsel issue. Need to be serious about this and only worry about ourselves

B Stewart: Meeting is 7th, so faster we work the better

Coates: Need to pry into minds of town counsel members

Coates: Talked about 18+ nightclubs on campus at meeting today Kingston is a dry town so need to lobby that. I suggested find nightclub owners that would be interested in investing. 2 competing clubs different themes, serve alcohol to 21+




MacKinnon: Paying bills, got printer




Sinapi: Fitness center, there would be classes for certain things.

Coates: I thought it was going to be all open space, no segregated rooms, see from one end to other end.

Holzman: Then I am not remembering correct

Sinapi: 1 floor for fitness, massage therapist, personal trainer

Coates: Supposed to be 2 floor student rec

Sinapi: Tootell east only athletics when renovated. Natatorium?

Coates: not happy I think we should have them not renovate.


Coates: In process of banning bus trips from campus to Providence for clubs. Not sanctioned by URI.

K Stewart: Cancelled one last year

Coates: I told them they WILL NOT DO IT!