- Attendance: Hetland, Montecalvo, Rode, Boutmy, Ferrara, Patterson, King, Stuart, Stikeman, Oliver, Anderson, Glass
- President
- DOMR Bill & New Contract
- Replacing with someone we pay per diem
- Understanding why we’re getting rid of the position is in the resolved
- DOMR Bill & New Contract
- Brand Management as a potential new position name
- Variety vs. One individual
- The next exec would approve this person
- New Bill—(11-0-0)
- Campus
- Event called “Squad on the Quad”
- A lot of groups don’t feel connected
- A way for them to interact with other orgs
- Senate to take a stand to sexual assault on campus
- Recently a big problem
- Not enough resources on campus
- Event called “Squad on the Quad”
- Protocol for RA is wish-washy
- Counseling center takes a long time to get an appointment
- Talking to student life about using resources
- Self-defense classes
- External
- Town hall council meeting is Monday, February 29
- Same format as the last one
- Ad-Hoc
- Town hall council meeting is Monday, February 29
- Peer
- Eastward
- Narragansett 2100
- Us
- Vice President
- Money due for formal
- Commencement
- Academic
- Bookstore and licensing meeting tomorrow
- Informing people on how they make book decisions
- Sweatshirt info is on Facebook
- Stipend review is ending
- Working on some bills
- Send in Transition Materials
- Cultural
- Ace of Cakes
- Finance
- First round recognition for budgeting went well
- People are receptive of their budgets
- Second round is this Friday
- Bookstore and licensing meeting tomorrow