Executive 2-23-2011


Segal, Roy, Rossi, Boiteau, Cologna, Prata, Holzman, MacKinnon, Holden, Acevedo, Sinapi, Cowen, Pezza, Davis, Stewart



Cologna: Resolution regarding make up days. In committee worked on transition binders for college reps and things they should talk to deans about. Get more specific questions for college reps.


Prata: Have all college reps met with deans?


Cologna: Fall semester yes, this not really


Holzman: Mini education thing for college reps about what should be doing


Prata: Mandatory?


Cologna: Highly suggested, or mandatory


Rossi: Nothing


Prata: Talked to Dave, if you want to go through old rerec bill in March line by line and check mission statements


Boiteau: Bill on floor for 411 in 401 in r but last week was a


Rossi: Film collaborative was trying to get funding, they aren’t


Prata: If nobody asks question on floor say it


Boiteau: Talk to Dave and see where compact was?


Rossi: Left note and didn’t respond


Prata: Said something to me on phone that it lasts 2 years but does need to be updated


Rossi: Thought Katherine and Allen updated last year


Boiteau: Still 1 2 3 4


Segal: And ideas for kudos? Mentioning liaison reports tonight because they’re actually due today


Roy: Wrote bill yesterday for external. Senate opinion bill on cuts for higher ed.


Boiteau: Strike significant?


Roy: Ok I agree


Roy: Idea for road to state house mention it to external, we haven’t thought of anything


Prata: Ideas?


Roy: Wristbands, post its


Prata: When?


Roy: End of March. Planning next week. Coalition tomorrow night




Boiteau: Contingency and category exchange for SEC. Talk to Bruce about $20,000 from tax to see if I can strike it or what needs to be changed. We have $1,500 in contingency for rest of semester. $20,000 will get us most of the way through. Inventory for over $50 ill have decision to scan it, did xbox for gaming club last week. Second round of budgets next week. Didn’t have finance this week because of day off and exam


Cologna: How’s inventory going?


Boiteau: Haven’t started. Haven’t decided if I want to start from this point forward or do past things. After budgets we’ll look into it



Holzman: Talked to some people about binders, still need to talk others if you need help talk to me, trying to make myself more available. If there’s a section of binder that doesn’t apply to you don’t worry about it. Create new category if needed, its just a guide. Do I let exec or floor approve memos about bills?


Prata: If exec approves and its split then go to floor?


Holzman: If not unanimously accepted?


Prata: Yeah


Cologna: If went to floor it would help senators learn history of senate


Holzman: In favor of going to floor as adoption, good


Holzman: Interesting thing at meeting, motion to change category, 2nded and it died. My recollection if an amendment is not favorable in committee you need 2/3 approval of floor to override unfriendly vote. If I can make motions which is debatable by how we follow rules. Category of film club, might bring that up tonight


Prata: Please let me know if you’re planning to


Holzman: Its improper and should be fixed, that said group is under impression its an a because it thinks it can get money from department. Just saying motion to reconsider is in order


Prata: Shot down in committee so supposed to go to floor for 2/3 vote


Holzman: I’m going to check with Bruce

Vice Pres

Prata: Hope you guys all go on ski trip, money by 28th to Kim. I’m going. Working with snowboarding and outing club.


Kim: I won’t be in on Friday


Prata: If you need Kim for anything figure it out earlier. Senior speaker, me, Ferreira, Steph, Nicole and Chris knight. Deadline is March 4th to apply. Add going out in cigar, stuff on twitter. It’s on communications server as well. Committee narrows it to 2 finalists and they speak at senate meeting. 1 speaker. We’re teaming up with SEC for relay for life, turning over to Casey, it happens after I’m out, but ill still go. Good cause. Working on transition binder haven’t started yet. Office policies, if you check out key after business hours your responsible for people in office.



Holden: Working on what have been working on, started transition binder. Might need a little more structure.


MacKinnon: My bad about his week, they’ll be in Tuesday. We’re happy with our budget



MacKinnon: Declarations are ongoing, 5 signed up for off campus and 2 on for today. Results from last week are posted.





Pezza: Compared e newsletter prices, found one that is good fit. I don’t know if they need a credit card or what so well discuss later. Not worried right now. Other than that, had a meeting with welcome day and they’re looking for senate and other groups to get involved. I wont be DOC anymore so Coates will be main contact. It will be great for recruitment.


Sinapi: Bus tracking for shuttles will be in place in September. Don’t know what company yet. Tootell renovations, making bill against it in committee Hertz cars are on campus, not in spots yet. Parking services knows hertz is ours and not universities.


Prata: Can we send out giant memo?


Sinapi: Have somebody do it.

Cologna: Motion to close meeting


Prata 2nd




Cologna: Snowstorms, I got informed that URI is now involved in lawsuit with people that got hurt in snow. URI will probably just settle. RA got called today because closed meeting. Already told Coates. Cigar will know soon. Not public knowledge. Provost office issued that draft on protocol to class cancellations so there’s no miscommunications and will be cancelled when supposed to be.


Sinapi: When goes public we’re going to submit additional revisions

Cologna: Motion to open committee meeting


Segal 2nd




Davis: Had meeting with MCC reps. MCC liaison planning lock in, took trip to Ellery pond, now know where it is. Talked about plans for that. Rammies in making, few more weeks looking for people to help. Each exec member will be a presenter no option. Tuesday April 26th 6:30. DJ?


Prata: Yes


Rossi: Film collaborative to tape?


Davis: Yes I offered $25 to do something. Small fee so they can eventually get money they need. Soon they’re going to have a lot of money events for diversity services of URI March 31st on quad unless it rains ballroom.


Davis: When is ropes course. Do one before this senate is over? Rock the pond team with SAA. ½ proceeds from ooze ball go to it? April 30th hemp fest so want to get donation table out there for Ellery. Friday April 29th cookout at Ellery pond with dining services and after concert with wiru…after party in gym. All proceeds will go to Ellery.


Prata: Senate ooze ball team?


Davis: Who heard of black scholar awards? None, for 13 years they have been here. This years recipient. Student athlete here and vp of senate, graduated in 1999. Published a book. Honoring him this year looking to put together a met and greet for athletes and students and because he was vp thought we should be a part of. Cosponsor or go?