Executive 3-16-2011

Jones, MacKinnon, Rossi, Segal, Coates, Cologna, Prata, Boiteau, Roy, Holzman, Davis




Mackinnon- bills to pay. Will show steph how to. Stipends through this week so we can get them next week.

Coates- Questions for the treasurer? Congratulations, elections committee. Did a good job.




Mackinnon- Bill on the floor tonight, I will recommend it. We will vote on it at the annual meeting.

Coates- Questions for Elections?

Mackinnon- Kayla Flynn declined her seat.

Boiteau- How much is the stipend for CIO?

Mackinnon- $250




Rossi- Presidents meeting on the 4th at the alumni center. Free food. I have senate conduct on powerpoint, trying to get it to Word.

Coates- there will be a meeting next week, supposed to be, meeting with Dr. Dougan, Bruce, MU Staff, Managers, Security Company and Police and PINK. I am going to oppose any attempts to restrict University events to students only. It will kill attendance, which is already bad in terms of student organizations having turn out at events. I have suggested a compromise. Right now, they take pictures of the IDs. I’ve suggested that they have the URI student be responsible for their guest and will not discourage students from coming down to the parties. Not feasible to not have any URI students at the event. Any money that was missing has been recovered so their account is not frozen.

Rossi- Xposure’s big bang is on Friday April 8th and are asking organizations to work it, so I said that we may be interested, especially in light of this situation. You only have to work for an hour and then are free for the rest of the time. Would have to be here at 9 so they can brief us on what to do.

Coates- Questions for SOARC?

Boiteau- Concern for next year. I think its bad that we recognize groups mid-semester, should do a recognition with a time period maybe at the beginning and end of the semester, force them to wait and do a sit-down meeting with them and show them policy procedures.

Rossi- We’re going to make a finance info. Session of the requirements to be recognized. So when you fill out paperwork and meet with SOARC, you would have to watch a video.

Coates- But don’t want to crush momentum of student groups and make it rigid for when they come in for recognition. Can wait until the end of the month for an information session.

Boiteau- Some type of structure, once every month or beginning of semester or end of semester, so they can learn the ropes before they are thrown into everything.

Coates- Maybe instead of just giving a presentation, can actually show them how to fill out the forms in person, for a hypothetical event for example. Questions for SOARC?




Boiteau- Tonight we have budget bill. I expect IFC and Panhel to come , only 2 that should not really be happy. We are going to line by line each group and all M and S groups should be present if there are any questions for them. We’re going to ask them if they are happy or not happy, the reason, and then we can talk about on the floor. We can vote on each individual budget and then the budgets as a whole at the end. Pretty much it for tonight.2 groups coming for contingency, going to do those first. Gave money to Gaming Club to buy a new TV. Gave them $300.

Prata- Is that going to be inventory?

Boiteau- Yes. Also, I am working on the recognition process. For the next finance chair, if they weren’t able to make the first budget meeting, I would put a powerpoint presentation on the finance computer and fill out a worksheet quiz and review it with them, what things they got wrong and what they need to be reminded of. Might be more effective than meeting itself.

Coates- Questions for Finance?

Boiteau- Questions on Budget?

MacKinnon- Voting line by line or group by group?

Boiteau- Group by group. Going to be repetitive, but don’t think we should vote them all at once.

Coates- Questions for Finance?

Rossi- We all should also do Re-Rec like that as well.




Davis- Going to pass out flyer for “Diversity Services of URI”, March 31st, 11-4. Everything is underway. Advertising is out for that. “Meet and Greet” flyer is also out, Mr. Abdul-Matin is a guest speaker and he is the keynote speaker for Black Scholars award. Something that is good for the community at-large, student athletes. Also have Adopt a Plant. Jacob, myself, Chrissy, and Brit have meeting with Lands and Grounds to see what we are going to do for planting part. Want plants near Ellery Pond, so we want to see if student organizations can plant and donate funds. Rock the Pond is underway, meeting tomorrow with SAA, SSDP, and WIU. When we come back from spring break, advertisement will be done. Rammies is going well. Brittany did a great job. Nominations booth were yesterday. Thanks to those for supporting at the booths, good turn out. Same time tomorrow 11-4 at the Union and 4:30-7 at Hope.

Coates- Tell Pezza to put it on Twitter. Or I will put it up.

Rossi- Forward it to me and I’ll send to all the groups. I can give out flyers as well.

Coates- Also, need the number you need for co-sponsorship for “Meet and Greet.”

Davis- $155.75. Also, a couple of my friends are putting together a “March for the Community” due to the issues and recent events on campus. Christina, advisor for Stop the Hate campaign last year is helping us out. Date for that is Wednesday April 13th @ 11am. Also, seeing if he can make an In-Class Civility Day to see if classes can be cancelled for the hour for that event.

Prata- Location?

Davis- Start from the Quad.Walk past Quinn and Union. Go down the Hill along Butterfield Road, East Alumni Ave and Fiji and Library. Also work with police to make it peaceful. Does not interfere with Greek Week or Africa Week. Also had a meeting with Chief Diversity Officer today, talked about what was going on on-campus.

Coates- Questions for Cultural?

Cologna- Can mention the March to the Provost. Take this proposal with you and can talk with him.

Davis- Put the flyer inside the RA’s boxes so they can make an announcement.

Coates- Want me to call the President’s office for the March?

Davis- Yes.

Coates- Questions for Cultural?




Jones- Meet last Tuesday. Planning for Road to the Statehouse is going well. Post-it gifts are ordered. Have a banner. Committee members planning on making excerpts as well as a powerpoint presentation to give out. Sent out a spreadsheet to Exec. and everybody on Senate about bills that are being circulated through the Statehouse. Take a look if you haven’t yet, and if you have, talk to me or anybody in my committee about anything you think we should highlight or talk about when we go up there. Sending a sign-up sheet at tonight’s meeting to see who can go on April 7th. Other than that, I don’t really have anything else. Vice-Chair Roy, anything going on with the Coalition or Town Council?

Roy- Coates and I are going to the Town Council meeting next Monday during Spring break.

Boiteau- Jerry MacArthur is one of the co-chairs for the Coalition and he is scheduled to come to Public Forum. Going to present the Action Plan. Next Coalition meeting is next Thursday. Katrina expressed a concern. Students will be away. Told them we discussed and agreed it should be after Spring Break.

Holzman- Anyone looking at becoming the next External Affairs chair?

Coates- Two candidates in mind. Holzman, help external affairs come up with the most affective way to present a briefing or report on issues such as when we are going to the Statehouse, the best way to structure what’s going on in the bills and for them to read them.


Holzman- Not doing anything other than RFA for tomorrow. I’ll be back in the office on Friday. Want to hear about people’s progress with Transition Binders. Brenden is the only one who has made progress and talked to me about it. Want a chance to review everybody’s transition binders before the actual transition. If you are going to make it last minute over break, we can talk via e-mail so that it can be ready for the next person to come into the position.

Coates- For you and Boiteau, I want multiple color copies of everything. I want the original graphs you made me. K-Stew gave me the breakdown about administrative expenses and how much we’ve given to club sports and intramurals. Get it from her. Multiple color copies. Also include the breakdown of RAMs. I want the actual definitions of the categories included.

Holzman- Re-defining in the By-Laws but I will include the past proposal.

Coates- Let’s just be able to show the groups we give tons of money to- Cigar, etc. Want to show that they raise money on their own and that we fund on a minimal level. I want it very clear.

Holzman- What time is meeting?

Coates- 9am.

Boiteau- Can’t go. Presentation.




Segal- Liaison reports, I got one. From Business. They are due at the Annual meeting, the rest of the reports. Keep getting minutes. Kudos, I have ideas, anything else let me know. Have a good idea.

Coates- Questions for Secretary?





Cologna- Resolution on the floor regarding creation of the Advisory Councils. Memo on advising has been distributed to the Provost, Faculty Senate, and whoever else you asked me to send it to. Haven’t responded yet, but did talk about it at BSAC. Along with that, Linda Lyons administered this survey last semester on freshman opinions on University College advising. Got less responses than our survey did. Overall feel is that freshmen are pretty happy with advising- 79% say they get accurate information from their advisors. Probably will be going over that in committee next week. Senator Pilkington did an amazing job researching Second Grade Options at our sister schools. Basically, we found that we have the strictest model of the Second Grade option, but committee felt we not express concern on this issue right now with drop-period deadlines. All these schools have strict drop periods. Not a good idea to do this until proposed changes to our drop period. Second-grade option can be re-considered, next Academic Affairs Chair. The PSAC is today at 5pm. Handing out letter from Brandford. Lamoreaux will give report at the meeting tonight.

Prata- Is that worded correctly (Resolution) so that we don’t have a lot of minutes on the floor?

Cologna- General bill for the whole University. I gave Labate a comprehensive list of what the bill is for. So she will be well-prepared. The only thing I can see people having questions for is how it is modeled after College of Business Proposal. Doesn’t have to be the same but recommendation that Deans can follow.

Coates- Questions?




Prata- BBQ May 1st. Same day as Oozeball. Do that and then come to my house. Only days that will work without interfering with finals. Old Senate and new Senate will be invited. Also, if you want to do Oozeball, talk to Alexa. People have been told to sign up on the facebook group if they want to do it. We did not make it as finalists for the Rainville award this year. However, we are still getting our picture tonight as a whole Senate. Do a slideshow for all those that are nominated. Including Coates and I, but haven’t heard anything. Top 3 Senior Speakers are tonight, which is on the agenda.

Mackinnon- Thought it was 2?

Prata- We had 3 last year. Going to be Brandford and Val as well as Brendan Hall.

Coates- Anything else?

Prata- We’ll vote tonight for Senior Speaker.

Mackinnon- Does appointed people vote too?

Coates- Yes. Everybody votes.

Prata- Also, got an email from Meg, a facilitator for us when we did Challenge Course. Wanted us to know that there are jobs available for Ropes Course Facilitator- High Ropes or Low Ropes. Reaching out to us because she knows we are on Senate and there is an application and website if you want to become facilitator for Student Leadership Center.




Coates- Currently in the process of figuring out New Exec.Towards end of April, going to have SOLC to one of the Exec.meetings and talk about how to run an effective committee with SOLC. Going to go over some of our goals and also will have outgoing senators write me up a list of recommendations of things we could do to improve and have those by the end of the annual meeting. Have to present to the Equity Council tomorrow and still haven’t heard anything about the Board of Governors. Beyond that, that is about it.