Executive 3-19-2012

Attendance: Coates, Troiano, Mullin, Zaman, Holden, Pilkington, Juhr, Dobrzynski, Segal, Ferreira, Jones, Roy



Troiano– Buses will pick you up on Thursday for Road to the Statehouse. No excused absences will be issued.

Dobrzynski– No sound amplification and signs with sounds on them

Coates– I have secured for us a letter explaining us where we going and that it would be appreciated if teachers could consider excusing students. 11am Thursday, will be returning at 4:30pm.

Holden- Can we let our groups know?

Roy- I will let them know.



Segal- Am I allowed to send out a DOM or DOC search ad before I am confirmed?

Coates- I will sign it. I do not see why not.

Holden- Did you get email I forwarded to you?

Coates- We can talk about it afterwards.



Jones- Please have minutes CC’ed to Kim if you can so that she can post them on Senate website.



Zaman– Please send me end of the year reports.



Ferreira- Strategic planning going on at the MCC. Saturday, there is going to be a conference. Need a senate representative.

Zaman- Is that on Saturday? I might be going.



Coates- First CDO candidate is on campus today. Tomorrow, from 4-5pm, the Chief Diversity Officer candidate will be on-campus. There will be a student forum in the Senate chambers. This is a huge position. The other two candidates will be in March 25th and 26th. After that, the 3rd one will be April 4th and 5th– Wednesday and Thursday. Forum is on Wednesday.

Ferreira- Location switches to the library for the second one.

Coates- Talk to people on committee. Impacts everything, way we operate. The other candidates are Jesus Travino will be second candidate on March 26th and 27th. April 4th and 5th, her name is Jacyn Lewis. Finance will be putting end of year report for how much money we gave MCC organizations for Multicultural programming. The other thing is the parking issue that we had in Narragansett with students. ACLU got back to them and is sending a letter informing that they should halt operations or they will be sued. Aside from that, the Student Rights and Responsibilities committee will be finalizing the handbook. I have it on good information that one of the more controversial issues that we have had a problem with will not be making it to the President. Budgets are this week- hope everybody looked over them. There are at least one or two organizations that are not happy with their budget and plan to contest it. I am personally not necessarily pleased with the decrease in programming contingency which is a result of included in Lorrie’s salary in the budgeting, which is something we needed to do. We included a provision that a certain percentage over our estimation will automatically be allocated to programming. Projected total income for this year is $993,000. I expect questions on Wednesday.

Segal- What are the two groups?

Coates- I know SEC was not happy but I am not sure if it has been taken care of. SEC and IFC/Panhel.

Roy- How are they going to do on it Wednesday?

Coates- Not sure. We have a bill on the floor affirming for our commitment to the amendments of the United States.

Bill calling for the re-affirmation of (5-2-1-).

Coates- In other news, budget deficit is $4 million higher than we had thought. Also, Haitian Students society was going to put on an event involving gospel music, but it is considered religious music according to how they advertise it.

Roy- Finance should know what is going on flyers before they give money.

Coates- Looking at the flyers I passed out regarding the structure of the Executive Committee with emphasis on committees. The other flyer is the University as a whole, showing how the University is structured and showing the stakeholders of the University. For transition binders, it is important to add what you have been working on all year. Want to include what’s in your binder besides what is written in the bylaws.


Adjourned 8:07pm