Executive 3-2-2011

Segal, Coates, Roy, Rossi, Prata, MacKinnon, Holzman, Cologna, Davis, Boiteau




Prata: Extend senior speaker committee 1 person signed up communications department hopefully sending out another email and other places as well. Deadline is 4th, but accept until following Tuesday

Coates: Talk to tour guides and orientation leaders. Last year Greeks and admissions people mostly applied.

Prata: They speak at annual meeting, but if we need 1 more week we can. Ski trip is 12th but not enough people for bus so carpool. New senator orientation Casey will probably run.

Coates: Work with Casey and Holzman on Roberts rules. So it’s more interactive at meeting the 29th from 6-8. You’re in charge of planning barbeque. We can do it in our backyard.

Prata: Spring retreat for senate.

Coates: I want to do exec only.




Rossi: 1 bill on floor. Meeting with surf club to talk about mission statement. Made up what to do at senate meeting paper. See if anything needs to be added.

Coates: Know what were talking about? They have series of fundraising events for next few weeks. They had whoreing it to Nicaragua which is changed to date auction and bikini contest at Rhody Joes. I think they need to be reminded of mission statement. We have derecognized for that reason.

Prata: Last year did event that was like surf barbeque and bikini contest so they can do stuff like that.

Coates: They say they still plan on bringing Badfish and Nicaragua an annual event and that’s not what their org is for. Should provide lessons and service, if not rerec. They need to make a decision to do something. Not turning blind eye when others have been derecognized.

Holzman: Put in organization manual not only do you have to act in accordance with mission statement but also category.

Prata: Can I go to SOARC meeting?

Coates: If you want. SOARC made any progress son outside funding?

Rossi: A little bit

Coates: Presidents office, provost office, alumni center, deans office, student affairs, diversity



Segal: Not much, still waiting for liaison reports, didn’t mean to start a listserv argument. But my terms almost over so I don’t care anymore.

Coates: Want to make liaisons more effective because student reps cant make meetings. Hard to get people to volunteer and that doesn’t work out.

Cologna: Go through committees?

Segal: Most go through academic

Coates: We work it out. Had secretary file because wanted all chronological and before creation of CIO




Holzman: Some people are making progress son binders and some people are procrastinating. Is Kim done with the mobile ready site?

Coates: I think so

Holzman: Bylaws and rationale on why we don’t fund what we don’t fund, work with Boiteau, Stewart and Pezza

Coates: Looking for small book report to be presented to equity counsel. Trying to show groups fundraise more and it’s crucial because the amount of money it costs to run certain things are more than we can provide.




Boiteau: 2nd round of budgets 3 hours reason. Typed memo to transfer $20,000 contingency to programming. Already spent $13,000 Monday night. Meeting with Bruce Maureen and Susan yesterday about 2nd round of budgets and took look at budgets I did and put lines in.

Coates: Did you increase contingency?

Boiteau: I’m going to

Boiteau: I’m over $50,000 over what Allen budgeted for but its fine because we have the money and there was new groups. Budget bill goes on floor next week goes on floor after that so study before hand it will be long

Coates: You turned down Model UN for travel contingency for seniors like finance handbook says, but discretion should be used, we don’t prevent club sports seniors from traveling. Intended to stop people for paying for job fair for professional development but Model UN is going to a competition so I don’t think it fair. They still pay same tax money everybody else does

Boiteau: Only gave for 1 person girl was at class and didn’t get specific piece of paper saying. She came 2 weeks before conference and caused a big thing because she wanted all this money in her account.

Coates: I just think it’s not a conference, it’s a competition

Davis: It is a conference not a competition. Submitted proposal to diversity committee. Boiteau: A few groups came for money

Coates: I feel like ASA fell apart

Davis: They have an event coming up

Rossi: Announcements for presidents meeting

Coates: Proposal for presidents meeting. Should ask groups to send announcements the Friday before the meeting electronically.




Cologna: Faculty senate passed no new drop period and 2 extension day. Had academic complaint come across my desk. She is handling it. Transition binders are pretty much done so well send all info to Holzman. My transition binder is still at same spot try and finish this weekend.

Coates: Recommend college rep is student chair person

Cologna: For college of business put get in contact with dean and something…

Cologna: They can talk to college about what were doing so it would be easier than trying to set up meeting with dean

Coates: I think more stuff in academic affairs then. More students involved in decision making process.

Coates: I know you weren’t in favor in expansion of 2nd grade option, but I think you should explore. Other schools have it.





Davis: Rammies save the date flyers this week, searching for announcer. Rock the pond is meeting Monday to get underway. Meeting with wiru tomorrow and how they are helping to sponsor. Meet and greet with the former vice president who won a scholar award grad in 1999…April 4th MCC. Proposal, saw people doing graffiti and asked if there was a wall where they could graffiti would they be interested and they said yeah. Possible?

MacKinnon: Talked about a while back

Prata: Who do we talk about…Bruce

Davis: Do research and let you know




MacKinnon: You all got paid sorry for the delay. Jones get your paper in




MacKinnon: Declarations by 1pm Friday. Next Wednesday and Thursday and Tuesday there will be q and a session in atrium. Go to cigar after to see if they want to cover event. Trying to figure out attendance. Don’t know why we have a lower interest rate this time around




Juhr: Bill on floor about Tootell east renovations. Sinapi wanted to know if it could be immediately considered because it is clearly stating what needs to be done and there are time restrictions. That’s all he said.

Coates: Ask if he has info that it needs to be done in the next few days

Juhr: He said because time sensitivity could be finalized any day and we want our bill prior to that.




Jones: Meeting yesterday, bill on floor to vote on tonight, we talked about it yesterday. Amendments done on floor tonight. Talked about road to state house. Supposed to get a call back today about it. Were going to give out student senate post its. Sam Pezza found a web site online. I got a purchase rec from Kim.

Roy: Coalition meeting last Thursday, ripped apart action plan. Biggest highlights were expanding off street parking in residential neighborhood. Want to consider police ride along.

Boiteau: Action plan is what we already do but makes them feel important

Roy: Told me I’m chair of coalition.

Coates: Tried to tell them ride alongs weren’t good.

Roy: Want to pick students to go on ride a longs




Coates: Revising letter to gov asap. Sending to cigar. Preparing.

Conducting DOC job search. Send out email as well as pamphlets.

Handed budget reduction principle out to everyone going to make some revisions. Had problem with identifying critical programs. No BOG currently, not confirmed yet. I found out before university about deficit about 3 months earlier. I knew in December, problem.