Executive 4-13-2011




Holden- For new executive members, fill out those forms and hand in to Lorrie so you can get paid at the end of the month.

Segal- If we already have one from last term, do we fill out another one?

Coates- No. On file.

Holden- Let Kim know your office hours. And let me know as well, so I can redirect people. Also, Chairmen’s committee attendance should be passed in. Couple of people who can’t make any committee times. Brittany- you have one student like that and so does Derek. Let me know if they don’t meet with you. Get going on when your committee can meet next semester, so I can reassign people again if I need to. Avoid Wednesday nights if you can. That’s it for me.


Troiano- Do you know who from my committee can’t make it?


Holden- Maybe Dobryzynski but I’m not positive.


Ferreira- Are committee times ok with being Wednesday at 3?


Holden- Yeah, that’s fine. Try and change for next semester.


Coates- Hard to make the agenda.


Holden- SOARC is still trying to meet on a Monday?


Roy- Either Monday or Tuesday depending on availability of committee.


Coates- Not same time as finance.


Roy- Right.


Holzman- In the handbook that it is on Mondays, but don’t remember it being there.


Coates- Did 2 people who said they can’t make meeting show you their availability?


Holden- I can ask them again for the class and work schedules. I let it go for this semester, but next semester planning schedule around general senate meetings.


Coates- Any more questions? We can vote on vice-chairs now since it is a quick meeting.



Troiano- Nominating Labate for Vice-Chair







Ferreira- I was thinking Zaman but don’t know if she wants to do it yet.


Coates- I’m sure she will. Talk to her tonight before the meeting.


Ferreira- See her at cultural at 3. Talk to her then.





Coates- I appointed Karim Azizi to UC gen. ed committee. Told him he could primarily use that as a meeting with his Dean. Probably talk about anything that can be talked about at the meeting- more productive


Cologna- Who is on the advising steering committee?


Coates- You are there in supportive role. And it’s also Roy, Caisse, Knight on the advising steering committee.


Roy- Can’t go to the meeting tomorrow.


Holden- Question for Academics- meet with the college reps yet?


Cologna- Ones that can meet, coming today. Know of 2 or 3 that can’t make it today, so I’ll email copies of the advisory council resolution.


Ferreira- Concert for Ellery Pond is off.


Coates- Planning an outdoor concert in 2 weeks didn’t really work. WRIU rep didn’t really talk to anybody. Also, I am going to go through list of liaisons and divide them up into what committee should be reporting to. Probably be some new ones and ones we don’t need to fill. IFC and Panhel should come out of the by-laws, can’t make someone go to an extra meeting every week. For external, it may be more beneficial to break it up into like geographical area or something.


Segal- Two things. IFC and Panhel- it’s in the compact, do we take that out?


Coates- Expires at the end of the year. Have to re-write it with SOARC


Segal- I’ll do liaison stuff next week. I will make an outline on how to write a report.


Coates- Caisse passed out the ones you had from last semester and passed out to college reps.


Roy- Really quick. Tonight on the agenda, Surf Club is being recognized at Category R next week. Motioning to table the bill for finance for next week. Problems? Talk to me now. Also, Holzman, I was wondering if somebody asks why we’re not immediate consideration for category so we can do finance tonight, can I yield time to you? If it were me, I would want immediate consideration.


Holzman- I will talk about it.


Coates- Supposed to sit so public can ask questions.


Segal- This isn’t time-sensitive.


Roy- Somewhat time sensitive if finance bill is being tabled.


Holzman- Finance bill isn’t time-sensitive either.


Holden- Finance committee is ok with tabling it?


Roy- Boiteau isn’t.


Holden- Why?


Roy- Doesn’t listen to any opinion than his own.


Coates- I want Alexa on Summer Senate for SOARC. Need to investigate what went wrong last summer and make possible category changes. That would make 2 more positions. They should be Rhode Islanders, summer senate could not meet. My schedule is busy in the summer. Might not be able to make it. Will try and schedule with SBPAC. Nice to have non-exec members on Senate as well. I prefer that it be 2 senators.


Roy-How can we find out who is from Rhode Island?


Coates- Ask them.


Holden- Is that tonight?


Coates- Soon. Also, I am legitimately serious about sensitivity for exec. members. I will set it up. The other thing I am going to do is ask SOLC to come to an exec meeting and might put back exec start time to 7 that week so Caisse can make it and SOLC will run through effective committee management.


Jones- We do a good job.


Coates- We can be better. I will also try and plan a meeting where we can go over the goals and work on what we want to accomplish next year. Come over my house for it. Questions?


Roy- We can have a senate meeting in my house this summer for summer senate.


Coates- Has to be on-campus. Anything else?


Troiano- Declare our vice-chairs in our reports tonight?


Coates- Declare and congratulate. If you are on the exec. committee, put every single person from senate in your phone with their contact information. Anything else?

Meeting Adjourned 2:45pm