Executive 4-25-2011


College Dems

Rep- Opportunity RI. It is a bill that is being proposed at the statehouse right now, introduced by Chris Blaisejewski, giving a tax credit to anyone who graduates from URI to stay in RI to work. A lot of students faced with debt that forces them go to work outside of Rhode Island, even though they have been educated here, but might have better job offer when they would rather stay in RI. It’s called the brain drain. Talking about how to stop that from happening and invest in RI. Giving students and employers opportunity to take advantage of tax credit. Incentivizing students to stay here. Amount to being available to all RI students and colleges but based on URI tuition. Applies across the board- CCRI, RIC, BROWN, any RI institution gets that tax break to stay in state. That would attract employers to stay here.

Rep- Another aspect is that the tax credit can be claimed by a person or business. Idea is to attract businesses that have talented pool of RI employers to stay in RI which can bring businesses here, because it is in the business’s best tax interest. They are getting the credit and you have the job. Win-win for students and businesses in RI. Saw Dave speaking about it in the cigar, but we would like for URI to join Brown and PC, student governments have passed resolution endorsing this bill. Have the Brown bill here that we can pass around. Looking for an endorsement that Chris can take the statehouse and say we have support of public/private universities across the state as well as the student governments.

Rep- This was passed 68-0 in Maine, bi-partisan bill that past unanimously. Pays for itself because they are giving you a tax credit. Income, sales tax, all going back to the state. Program that is supposed to pay for itself.

Holzman- How successful as this been in Maine?

Rep- It’s been less successful than they would like for the only reason that it hasn’t been published and not enough people taking advantage of it. The idea is strong.

Holzman- The model works?

Rep- More making sure it happens on a larger scale. Aimed at developing economy of the state.

Coates- Are there any estimates based on percentage of number of URI graduates and other graduates and how many jobs this could create?

Rep- Not that I know of. I think he is basing this off the program in Maine and looking at the success it has had while being introduced a couple years ago and how it is starting to turn around their economy. In terms of logistics of how many students can take advantage of it, I think you are looking at the population among URI students out of state that would have the most buy-in to this. RI students who come here have an investment in the state already, but if you come from CT or New Jersey, you are more likely to go back home and with this tax credit, incentive to stay.

Segal- Would it cover full amount of loans for tuitions and fees?

Rep- Cover 8900 dollars at a four-year college. Involved in 5 year program, 5 years of loans at 8900 dollars.

Coates- That is a big tax grant.

Rep- You go to Brown, you have possibility of getting a lot of student loans so 8900 might not be significant number to cover it all, but it is a good enough number to incentivize.

Coates- Any other questions?

Lamoureux- If this works for us and other states adopt this, how do we guarantee the businesses will come here?

Rep- good question. Getting national attention- written up in Arizona newspaper for turning around their economy as well. If every state did it, wouldn’t make a difference. NY, Boston, don’t have incentive for doing this because they don’t need people to be incentivized to go there. Long term, that is a legitimate issue, but I don’t think it is something too pressing at this moment. If that became an issue, that would mean Rhode Island has done a good job with competing NY and Boston.

Boiteau- How many years can you take the credit for? Is it just 8900?

Rep- Four years, but you can add on a year for a longer program

Boiteau- Concerns me that people will stay here, find a job, and move onto a bigger company.

Rep- I asked that same question, and it seems, to me, that it’s a plan that is thought-out and will not let it be taken advantage of because point of bill will be lost. It would be limited to the four years.

Coates- Seems like people moving on after they got jobs because employers could still hire next graduating class. Constant flow of people to fill those jobs and tax credit would still be available for business. Any more questions? I am in favor of the bill and drafting something similar to that to put on for this Wednesday. We could draft a bill from an informal recommendation from exec, pass it back to external, and put it on the agenda for Wednesday. Everyone agree?

Troiano- I showed them the paper that you gave me and we voted on writing up a resolutoion for the future. Already passed in committee, but not the actual verbiage. Unanimous vote.


Coates- Needs unanimous backing from external committee. Unanimous in exec as well. Goes on floor this Wednesday, sits for a week, and the new last day of classes is when it will be voted on.

Rep- Senator Whitehouse is speaking at Edwards tomorrow. We are inviting anyone who is interested in being there. He will be here from 6-7pm in Room 308- Q & A.

Troiano- Other than that, we had a guest come in, spoke to Coates. He seems to be saying the same thing that we have been saying, nice to have an ally in the coalition. Took up the entire meeting.

Coates- I have a couple of issues with his angle. Mine are mainly – I wish my peers would act like adults sometimes because I don’t think parents should be involved.

Troiano- He emphasized students are not adults which I disagree with.

Coates- There are a number of students who don’t rely on their parents to pay for their stuff. Putting emphasis on involving the parent is unnecessary. That being said, there has to be middle ground somewhere. Seems like someone we can definitely work with.

Troiano- He is on our side in a way.

Coates- Did you hear back about the traffic light?

Troiano- Was going to go tomorrow to check it out.

Roy- Where are you going?

Troiano- Kingston police station down the street.

Troiano- She said he probably wouldn’t even bring it up but thought I would try.

Coates- State road?

Troiano- Yes, but he sits on the committee and already on the agenda. Requested to bring up general discussion. She said it was unlikely that it would be brought up. Last meeting of the year for that committee.

Coates- Might mean the fiscal year.

Troiano- They don’t meet over the summer. Well, they do meet over the summer, but last meeting for the academic year.

Holzman- Well-directed letter to the right person may be fitting.

Troiano- I wrote a letter. I showed my letter to a number of different senators.

Coates-Let’s get someone from External, who lives in RI, on Summer Senate to work on this.

Troiano- Is Thomas up for Summer Senate? Actually, don’t think she is from Rhode Island.

Coates- Maybe she is staying over the summer?

Troiano- She is pretty ambitious.




No report

Roy- Mentors of RI came last week, but we did not recognize them, did not have proper paperwork on their signatures. Spoke to jumpstart, they are coming back this week, sign their paperwork, and if it’s going to be in our reign, we will pass them.

Coates- tea club? Questions?



Segal- Steve transferred money for me so we can pay for those sunglasses.

Ferreira- They were denied originally.

Segal- It was denied because we tried to take it from the wrong account.

Segal- I put it back in today from the account it should be coming out of so it should go through. I met with Lorie and I learned some things.

Coates- Neat financial tips?

Segal- She gave me some but I will research them on my own. Want to catch people’s attention.

Holden- We get paid tomorrow, right?

Coates- Go in after 2pm.

Segal- Hopefully you all handed in your paperwork.

Juhr- Where do we go?

Coates- the half door where you hand in everything else. If you don’t have an account in the credit union, you can get in the system by showing them your license and social security number and they will cash those checks. Just have to fill out a sheet of paper.



Lamoureux- Advising booths are going up this week. The booths that are about the academic advising, sign-up sheets are in the office. Need people. Chairman Caisse is going to send through instructions on the list-serv later today. We are still researching advising situation at sister schools and we are also looking into global studies minor at sister schools. Have a resolution on the floor for a changed drop period at URI. Chairman Caisse said if you have any questions for it, bring it up to him and he will be glad to answer it. Any changes you want to make, let me know, and I will write them down.

Holden- Are you going talk about what happened last week

Coates- Everybody is aware about the drop period. It went to the floor with six weeks proposed. Faculty Senate pulled a fast one and passed on 3 weeks. I sent a sharply-tongued email to the chairperson of faculty senate, which is Nancy Eaton. I also scheduled a meeting with the President for Wednesday.

Boiteau- Can you talk about ice time?

Coates- Probably not, only half hour. He is leaving campus later. They squeezed me in. I am going to inform him that he has the ability to veto a resolution from the faculty senate and encourage him to do so. I am going to bring the applicable sections of the constitution of fac senate that we found and inform him of the minutes of last month’s fac senate meeting, showing a 16 vote swing which is ridiculous.

Roy- What do you expect caused a 16 vote swing in a month?

Coates- Pressure. That. The meetings really depend on their mood. I also plan on working with fac senate executive committee. Sinapi has been doing a lot of research. He discovered as an ex-officio as fac senate, I can make a motion to recall previous resolution and then make a motion to rescind it.

Holden- A lot of people didn’t know but our presence there is really big and crucial. When student senate shows up, things have previously gone in our favor. There was only senator represented at last meeting. When you do hear about next meeting, do everything you can to attend because it is important our presence be there.

Coates- May 12th at 3pm.

Holzman- Just go because if something does come up, you are informed and they actually think twice about what they do when there is non-faculty auditorium.

Holden- Kirk Auditorium.

Holzman- You walk up like you are going to FAC.

Holden- Meet in the office beforehand usually.

Coates- What was rec on bill?

Lamoureux- No idea. Meeting on Wednesday, proposed so just wanted to show it to you.

Coates- Questions? Wish I had more info, but after Wed afternoon, I’ll have more info.


Boiteau- sailing team came and they are going to the RI semi-final competition in Long Beach, CA. They just won last weekend so came this week to request money. The event is this weekend, and we are going to give them tax grant for $6000 and loan for $1900 to be paid back over 4 years. We have to immediately consider this week and they just found out, so immediately consider Wednesday and vote on it.

Segal- What would happen if this didn’t pass?

Boiteau- We paid for their flights $7900. Flights for the co-ed and the women’s team. Both won. The total cost of the trip was $15,000 for the nationals and semi-finals. We are paying $7900 for the flights for semi-finals. If it doesn’t pass, they don’t get money and have to find funding elsewhere. They have already applied for contingency through CSIC. They have only fundraised about $11,000 this year. I called ex-chairman Allen Petit during the meeting because we couldn’t remember if we have given money for this in the past, and he said we just give money for world competition. But dealing with their budget and fundraising, thought it was significant for tax grant.

Ferreira- if they make it to finals?

Boiteau- Come back again this money and will plan on giving them loan and less tax grant, so next week the incentive is to fundraise more. $19,000 loan paid back over 4 years at $475 a year.

Coates- We need to figure out a way to club sports and senate to be prepared to pay for championships instead of immediately considering. Need to be more ready. Club sports, in terms of budget, are a mess, but need to be better at having funding set aside for championships.

Boiteau- the students that came in said they are going to be paying costs out of their pocket, and will fundraise the majority of the rest of it. Have been supportive of them in the past. Other than that, I emailed the lady for the inventory system and got that back up and running and put a note on my computer not to unplug any wires because it messes up everything else.

Coates- Questions?



Holden- First of all, the senate bbq is this weekend. I am going to count frosty money tomorrow and see how much we need and let you know on Wednesday how much we need for the event. I am going to send around a sign-up sheet on Wednesday, indicating whether they can drive and who needs a ride. Asking them to behave because it is someone else’s house. No one has let me know of their committee times next year, so let me know this week. Need to move around people. Please do not make them on Wednesdays because it makes it difficult to put things on the floor for that meeting. Already people are getting 3 absences so talk to members and tell them to be cautious of that. Whoever is going to be elected for summer senate, please start planning for first night when you meet. Already registered you guys, you are all set. Figure out what you need to do. Maureen needs to know soon. Talking is getting ridiculous during meetings, especially during exec, so please set example. If it is really important, send a note. Finally, voting on Wednesday, keep it civilized and professional. Need to set an example for everybody else.

Ferreira- Absences don’t renew until next term?

Roy- You need to clarify that.

Lamoureux- How bad is it for Wednesday’s meeting?

Holden- What do you mean?

Lamoureux- staying away from Wed. meetings. Caisse is an exception. But right now have two meetings that meet on Wednesday, so I am hoping that one can move his time.

Coates- Chris might move his earlier in the day.

Holden- President Coates said it makes things a little bit more of hustle. As far as Alexa’s comment, I have sent out an email to those in danger of their three absences, so they can come talk to me.

Coates- I forgot to tell you I had a senator who attended Rainville, and it could be held as his office hour.

Holden- if you don’t come to something because you are at a senate-related event, that is fine with me, but let me know.

Ferreira- Can hempfest count as an office hour

Holden- Yes

Ferreira- Count as this week or next week?

Coates- Next week.

Roy- I was wondering about food for cookout. Pass out list of what to bring?

Coates- I usually bring food. I guess we can send around a list at the meeting.

Boiteau- I’m bringing the grill.

Holden- people from last year’s senate are also invited to that too.

Coates- talk to your committees too. People don’t always feel like they should come. Reach out and make the effort to have them come. We have a lot of fun.

Lamoureux- Should we bring anything else?

Boiteau- Root beer will be present.







Juhr- Higher one bill on the floor this week. Police interviews are all done. 6 candidates who are going to be picked out of the 15 who are going to be sent to police academy. I emailed you and Boiteau about the new project. Campus wants to make a little island landscape to represent senate to get our name out there. Out back near the union and the hill, walking up to Swan. Next to the bookstore. Matt and I got the idea from it when we were talking to Shaleen Clark from lands and grounds. Matt came up with the plan of what we are going to need. Going to need 50 boxwood shrubs that spell out student senate part. decent amount of Belgium blocks. Vary in price. Crushed landscaping grass with Rhody blue in color. He wants to put in a tree, 2-300 dollars and flower bulbs to highlight senate logo. Asking for 1500 but should cost 1200 dollars or less.

Roy- Is this something that can be added onto in the future? Like a bench?

Juhr- Yes. So that’s pretty much it.

Lamoureux- Do we have permission to use this spot?

Juhr- Lands and Grounds gave us permission.

Coates- Probably ask the Union.

Boiteau- Would have to do a tax grant for it. Don’t have enough money in our budget.

Coates- Do we want to do this? Money left over in our budget for capital improvements for senate.

Holden- Wait and see if the Union approves.

Boiteau- I think it is beneficial.

Coates- Don’t want to rush this but I mentioned it to Bruce. Had a proposal, and he would probably be very upset if you didn’t talk to Union before we make any decisions too.

Lamoureux- Not regarding this, has there been any progress for Redbox?

Boiteau- There used to be one for where the pool tables was.

Coates- Couldn’t get approved. All kinds of problems, and the University was moving too slow. You could look into that. Questions for campus?



Ferreira- Rammies are tomorrow. Everything is done minus few minor things, some have to just get printed. 6-10 tomorrow in the ballroom. If you are presenting, be there no later than 5:45 in the ballroom. If you want them earlier, I can try and send it out tonight. As far as Rock the Pond, hopefully sunglasses pass and we can have booth at Hempfest. Still sign-up sheet in the office. Also working on poster in committee tomorrow. Also working on ways to improve homecoming for this year, so we are going to compare sister schools and see what they do.

Coates- Have been asked for money for fireworks. We talked about making homecoming bigger last year and had some discussion about that with Mike Nolfe. Were supposed to get John Stewart or Stephen Colbert but there was scheduling conflict. Asked us to be prepared to spend money on that. I want to bring in a meeting since we are being asked for money. I want the meeting with SAA, SEC, and Alumni Association and any other parties with interest in homecoming. There had been discussions many years ago about bringing back “Midnight Madness,” when they literally tip off the games at midnight. I doubt we can do it for next fall, but maybe a year from now.

Ferreira- Should we have a rep from SAA and SEC that we are meeting with on a weekly basis for this?

Coates- I wouldn’t say weekly, but just include them. Any questions?


Holzman- I am working on Kim about making minutes searchable. I should be getting the Alumni List back from the Alumni Center soon. Just cross-referencing and double-checking names. Kudos to Ryann for making a well-detailed transition binder, which is the 2nd binder I have received.

Coates- Since the equity council won’t stop, they have requested to see Senate’s budget next year on a powerpoint. They want the budget that we passed for every group, which is already a matter of public record.

Holzman- When’s the next meeting? I could go through last year’s budget and go through organizations that aren’t utilizing their budget.

Ferreira- Sometime in May. At the end of the semester.

Coates- Thursday, May 12th, same day as Faculty Senate.

Holden- Fac. Senate meeting, the last one, was later in the day.

Coates- Need you to do that for me. And also one of the RFI’s.



Coates- I have been working with everyone. SBPC meeting on Friday. I will let you know how the meeting goes with the President.


Adjourned 7:14pm.