Executive 4-6-2011

Segal Roy Coates Cologna Boiteau Holden Rossi Davis




Cologna: Alev looking at advising, talk to dean of business and comm and pr are all over the place with advising so looking for student to appoint to committee planning to talk to successor about what people should do. Ac standards and calendars drop period change. Alexa and successor and me doing this committee. Exam rights.

looking into things with future Calendars for if says get missed again like this past semester.

Roy: Thought trying to fix exam week so wouldn’t have to move exams

Cologna: Can’t throw extra day on end of semester before exams so it would have to be after exams




Boiteau: Got filed contingency balance for year. About $8,000 left. Took some from travel and general. Groups coming to finance this week. Included revenue, finalize spreadsheet. Gave Hillel money for event and msa for event. Capital improvements to sailing club for new sails and to surf club for surf board.

Cologna: did surf change mission statement

Boiteau: Right now s and used that as. They can get a surf club either way. Gave loan to ema for tshirts.

Coates: gsa came into office and exec quit and being run by 3 freshmen. The girl thought she would be reimbursed and I’m going to give cosponsership and take 25% penalty so its like 66, so i just need it approved.




Davis: Rammies in 3 weeks, voting booth yesterday. Everything is basically done except script and getting senators who would like to present. Rock the pond makes me ticked off. Concert supposed to happen, rep with wriu I was working with hasn’t been to eboard so advisor didn’t know it was happening. Yesterday had meeting with Bruce and telling Maureen today. so if she says no concert isn’t happening and if yes then it can. Tomorrow I have meetings and Chrissy Juhr is working on presentation stuff with rock the pond. Chris and Hania finished diversity services project, looking to make it annual.




Rossi: Presidents meeting, got told they are lousy and we need to rework into round tables. Surf club did mission statement, they didn’t take what we said the first time, so it didn’t make sense the first time. So we rewrote it for them. So they will be category r Holzman was there to talk about financial changes.

Roy: surf club is coming back this Friday if don’t get reauthorized, if doesn’t go through should get tabled until they figure themselves out.


Coates: What if we do meet and greet with new presidents and treasurers?

Boiteau: Solves finance issue of signature cards

Coates: People see us as principals office. Want to stress building relationships

Davis: Could do speed dating kind of thing




Segal: Nothing really, I know who I want for kudos.




Coates: I want to make it clear about my appointees, my appointees are my appointees.




Holden: Kim asked to make sure desks and floor stays clean. They will throw stuff out when cleaning, summer senate will plan first night. Tonight talked to Coates, ballots for each position will be color coded and I will count the number of ballots in and somebody didn’t hand in a SOARC ballot last week, it was on the floor. Tell successors their schedules and committee times need to be submitted by tomorrow. A couple will be dependent on who wins.

Boiteau: Summer senate granting money to sailing team

Coates: Summer senate will be all instate, really tough to schedule it will be me finance chair 3 others and SOARC chair… perhaps Jones




Coates: Friday 9 am have meeting with field lighting committee, just came into existence, my field is FINALLY getting lit! Exciting external news! Mccarthy cancelled on us tonight, super secret URI coalition meeting Thurs of spring break. Exciting things happened…. Stewart told Mccarthy like it was and Mccarthy told her to “shut up!” carol quit on the spot. Tempers flared. Susan Boinano suggested coalition take 6 month hiatus. Shields and Mccarthy have burned bridges with town council who doesn’t want to hear from them anymore. IT’S ALL OVER. New external chair should approach Grady Miller (town manager) in order to work on compromise of orange sticker policy… he’s showing willingness for an appeals process (administrative appeal) strategic budget planning council on Friday. I will be in attendance at Big Bang on Friday. Trying to chart out end of semester.. we need a firm exec. time. will ask for solc to come into one of our meetings