Executive 4-9-2012

Attendance: Smith, Musali, Dobryznski, Lamoureux, Pilkington, Segal, Ferreira, Jones, Roy, Atkins, Kilduff, Holden, Mullin



Roy- Human Resources came in and was recognized at Category A. Should be getting funding from business department and have a Human Resources department on campus. Also, need to inform you about Ski Team for the past year. About four years ago, they were in trouble for hazing. Put on probation from CSIC. Required to have adult chaperones and went on a skip trip in which they were in trouble again. They are kicked out of CSIC completely and want to get recognition from Senate. They are trying to get recognized, but they are now a huge liability. We need to remember when this comes up that say, for example, what if a Greek house was kicked out of IFC/Panhel, and we need to treat this the same way. We can’t overhaul any decision made by IFC/Panhel or CSIC. I will be checking in with CSIC. Probation period is two years, and they may be allowed back after two years. Two years from January, and we need to uphold that. I won’t be here, and I would like everybody to know that before it comes up.

Segal- They had originally come to me. I told them to visit me a year from now. They have two years for CSIC to re-consider them. Typically, CSIC takes student senate recognized clubs and recognizes them as club teams. I was thinking at this point, there is no repercussion for what you had just done. They mentioned having an advisor come with them which did not stop them last time.

Roy- They had another instance five years ago.

Segal- We did the same thing with Snowboarding Team a few years ago. Like IFC/Panhel, we do not step on their toes. Ski Team is also selective membership.

Roy- I will definitely update Erica on this. I also wanted the Exec board to know of this as well.



Smith- I signed my signature card today, so I am now paying bills.



Musali- The only thing I have for tonight is the Ellery Pond bench. The whole issue with Brenden.

Segal- We have to find out the reality of that and talk to Holzman.

Roy- He was asking for it back in January.

Segal- He has been asking for it back and all of a sudden we have to give the money back. If we did this a year ago, it may have been a different situation.

Lamoureux- I honestly think Cologna deserves his money back.

Jones- I would also follow up with Brenden and see what his thoughts are on the idea of where his money is being funded before we give back the money. He deserves his money back, but you should also follow up to see if there is any support for your current plans.

Ferreira- It wasn’t that there wasn’t any initiative was taken, Lands and Grounds had been doing work. So it’s not like nothing was being done.

Dobryznski- I think the professor should also be contacted and Brenden should be re-funded.

Smith- I think we should re-think the idea.

Musali- What should I do about it?

Segal- I would talk to Holzman and talk to Bruce. He will understand if he is not able to get a check tomorrow.

Ferreira- How is the campus map coming along?

Pilkington- I rotated it and then I put a key on to have it face in the direction that everyone usually thinks of the campus. I am going to send it out again and see what campus thinks and if we go forward, I will put some around campus.



Dobryznski- Getting everybody’s leases in with the next week just to have them on file to go forward with the website. We want to look at comparison about fees that you have to pay. Sending out a letter about the interest rate increase to raise awareness. Would I be able to get an opinion bill of the Senate?

Segal- I think it would be good if we have Senators from the states specifically from which URI students come to go here. That could be more effective.

Dobryznski- Will try and get into committee next week to edit it and will bring it up. Would I apply for money to get stamps for that?

Segal- Yes. It shouldn’t be more $50.00. We could probably take it out of our line.



Lamoureux- There are a few things that came up in the meeting- College Readership. The math department in Lipitt Hall wants a ProJo machine and The New York Times. Since there is one in Ballentine and one in the library, they are able to go next door. If they want students to read, they can go and get the papers from there. Had an academic complaint today and ended up resolving it. Andrew Pilkington wrote up a nice letter for Early Adoption. Trying to get professors to get their books in sooner rather than later so it can cut down cost of books. The later that the professor get the books in, the more work the bookstore has to do to find the books and don’t have time to shop around for prices. I am also going to start working on Exam Rights flyers. Putting them out now so students know their Exam Rights.

Segal- The lower their prices are, the more students are going to buy from them rather than Amazon. The professors hopefully will be helping them out as well as students, so hopefully the letter gets that point across.





Lamoureux- Can I nominate Ethan Zawatsky for my vice-chair?

(10-0-0) for Vice-Chair Zawatsky

Dobryznski- I want to nominate Rosemarie Thomas for my vice-chair.

(10-0-0) for Senator Thomas

Musali- Senator Pilkington as my vice-chair




Ferreira- I only have three members on my committee right now, so I have to get back to you about vice-chair. Chairman Lamoureux made the flyer for the Rammies, so I will be sending it out this week. Try to spread the word for the voting booths. Also going to be trying to get in contacts with booths to go to their organization’s meeting. Also putting ballots in each of my committee members’ mailboxes to get at least 10 people to vote, if they need more. We are thinking about using the survey monkey account for this week and next week. The Chief Diversity Officer search committee- have been working on getting information from student governments of schools past candidates were at to see how they were at past schools. Should have those reports in by the end of this week. We registered for the Diversity Week event. Proposal has been submitted. Proposals close by the end of this week, so we will hear of our time slot. Already started building ideas about how our diversity week event is going to run.



Atkins- I went to the office on Friday. Have some ideas about newsletters. I will be in the office on Wednesday, starting on that then. Trying to figure out how to get in contact with the Cigar then.

Roy- I have their up-to-date information.



Kilduff- Working on a signature to send out on their emails to make it more standardized. I would like to talk to all the liaisons about what they would like to put in their reports and talk to their liaisons about.

Roy- I need the format for the liaison report as well.

Kilduff- Can you send me the template for the minutes, Jones?

Jones- Yes.



Holden- First Welcome Day is this Saturday, and we would like a big turn out. I am working the event, so I can’t be at the Senate table. I just need bodies there. A sign up sheet will be going around on Wednesday night, so I would like an executive member there at all times. 9am-2pm on Saturday. If we could please have someone there, that would be good and the following Saturday as well.

Segal- I can go earlier.

Holden- I will have a sign-up sheet there. We have gotten a lot of Senators before at Welcome Day. These are the students who are enthusiastic about student government that we would like to get on Senate before they even come here. Office hours for executive members- need to hold three office hours. Please let Kim know what those office hours are going to be and make sure you are there during your office hours. If you need to change them, let Kim know asap. Please try and keep your desks as clean as possible. Looks a bit unprofessional when people come in. Stipend forms- if you haven’t filled out those forms, talk to Kim. As far as attendance is concerned, chairs will be getting an email of your attendance. If people have not been attending committee meetings, let me know. That’s it for me.

Ferreira- How is the Senate barbeque looking?

Roy- Dave is going to talk to you about that.



Mullin- I will be in the office Wednesday. We should set up a time to talk about Welcome Day. I will be playing around with twitter this week and I can show the new DOC about how to play with it for Senate updates. We are going to be working on letterhead and a signature that we can send out as the standard for all Senators. We are re-doing the board outside the office. Kim had mentioned it would be good if we could put up the four committees that pertain to the entire student body. I was thinking now that we have our new chairs that we could put up a new blurb about the committees. If you guys want to get that to me, I can work on that. I am speaking in three classes this week with professors about finding a new DOM. I believe we have three applicants. If you want to email Assistant Dean Peg Boyd, she may be able to help you as well. I would love to hear about who you have for the new applicants.

Dobryznski- What do you want in our blurb?

Mullin- Maybe a short bio about yourself and what’s going on in your committees. If you want to email me, we can even put up pictures for your committees.



Segal- Went to the congressional breakfast this morning. It was basically just a question and answer event on the stage with Senator Reed and Senator Langevin. Aside from that, I got an email from the Rhode Island Board of Governors about going to a meeting on Wednesday at 2:30pm. I am hoping to go but if not, I would like to send someone in place of me. As I touched upon before, had my first interview for DOM today and had two more coming up. If you guys want to talk about it, we can talk after. Going to Dooley’s house on the 12th. I switched the days is because next week is Greek Week and a lot of Senators may not be able to go. The lady from the foundation emailed me and wants to come in and speak with us about a workshop. I will see if she can come next week or the week after. I will see if she can come next week. Dave made me an admin to the Senate facebook. I have talked about an alumni event I would like to do next year, and I would like to do something maybe into the next year. Looking into online voting right now as well. Holzman had talked about high fees for OrgSync, which may be problematic.

Dobryznski- What is the Board of Governors meeting about?

Segal- It is just a general meeting. I am going to try and go.

Roy- Do you get to sit on the board?

Segal- CCRI representative has a two-year term.

Dobryznski- Not sure if I have a class at 2pm. I can let you know.


Adjourned 7:13pm