Executive 9-12-2012

Attendance: Segal, Pishdadian, Stewart, Jones, Musali, Kilduff, Atkins, Smith, Dobryznski



Pishdadian– President’s meeting tonight. Had two groups come in today. Greek organization we labeled at “R” and Italian Society at Category “A” because they work with Italian department. Almost done with the handbook. Bruce and Maureen will be looking at the updated SOARC handbook.

Stewart- Did you print out new definitions of the categories?

Pishdadian- Yes, I have them. I am putting them in the new version of the handbook.



Cicero- Good to be here. Going through the transition binder. First goal is homecoming planning. I figured out my meetings for Cultural will be 1:30pm on Fridays. Going to reserve the tent and purchase requisition. I have appointed Pitu as my vice-chair.


Dobryznski- Any ideas what you have for homecoming?

Cicero- Caramel apples was successful from last year. We will probably be doing that again.

Smith- Date of homecoming?

Cicero- Have to find that out.



Jones- Kudos suggestions box going up in the office. Any kudos, write down a suggestion and I’ll look before the meeting. Vice-Chairs, please tell them to send me minutes on the template. Haven’t gotten many minutes yet. Also, please remember to CC Casey for attendance.

Stewart- Just learned how to make group contacts manually. Brian Sit taught me how to do it.


Finance Committee

Stewart- Had our first meeting this meeting. Musician’s Guild wanted to come to our meetings but they had not signed signature cards or opened their budgets. Brian Sit is going to be vice-chair for Senate.


Stewart- We started going over the handbook changes, too. That’s about it. Lots of groups signed signature cards today, too. Steve Simo also asked me about having someone else witness the signing of signature cards. Don’t see why they would be issue but will follow up with others about more information.



Musali- Talking with Chrissy about setting up a Campus Lighting Walk. Have not gotten schedules from everyone so not able to sign up meeting time yet. Brian Sit asked me about how to make the campus more bicycle friendly, so I will be working with him to see what ideas could come from that. Major Baker has been emailing me about how he is going to get in contact with me about the search committee. Treasurer Smith has mentioned to me issues with parking and influx of traffic. Will be looking into that.

Stewart- I would just set a meeting time and see who signs up.

Musali- If nobody gives me their schedule by tomorrow, I will have to set a schedule time.

Dobryznski- Talked to Chairwoman Musali about the letter regarding the LGBTQ Center. I think we need to do something about this.

Kilduff- Can we have Annie Russell talk to us directly about that?

Segal- I’ll get to that in my report.

Cicero- Meeting with Annie Russell on Friday.

Smith- Have you checked the blue lights on Plains Road.

Musali- Yes.


Kilduff- Sticking with google docs for housing information. Elections results for every google election will be on the log so that we do not have to refer to minutes. I am going to do a “Resources” page with Kim whenever we can get that started, probably next week.



Atkins- Contacted the Cigar last week about Elections because I wanted ads running as of tomorrow. Got in contact with WRIU. Going to have commercials run every hour for Senate elections. That should be playing soon. Elections- we book the booths for them starting this Wednesday. Please sign up.



Smith- Signed the signature cards and took the Finance quiz today. We went over what I answered incorrectly. Did a couple of purchase requisitions for our blanket purchase order for campus copy. I made the decision that we need to renew our domain name (the URI Student Senate. Org) which is $16.99. We made the decision to do a renewal for 4 years. Realistically, we will not be changing our domain name anytime soon. Filled that out and handed that in today.



Dobryznski- Changing my committee time because I have class. Now 1:30pm on Mondays. Sent out an email. Also emailed Katrina Dorsey to set up an introductory meeting about possible ideas and things to be done for Commuter Life. Also talked to Senator Pickard today. His house father knows how to design websites, so he is going to help me design a Commuter website. Want to get the leases up there.

Stewart- Did you get mine? Left it in your mailbox.

Dobryznski- I will look! Talked about the Commuter Housing Fair. Want a booth there. Want to talk to our lawyer about it as well.

Pishdadian- Somebody told me I should have brought up my issue this summer with the Commuter Housing office, so I was told to bring it up. Do you know who I should talk to?

Dobryznski- I would ask Katrina for her advice. That’s why I would like to focus on Commuter Housing Fair and have printouts of renters’ rights.

Smith- Are you doing Commuter Appreciation Week?

Dobryznski- That’s what I am emailing Katrina about. Going to see if we could explore funding options again. I want to do it sooner than last year.



Segal- I have been getting calls from Hertz. They are looking for an intern right now to act as a liaison. I did not think we should make senators act as representatives, so what I am going to do is see if any students would like to volunteer act as a liaison in exchange for driving credits. I will open that up to Senate. I have other liaison positions mentioned last week. I will try and get them filled. First look on Senate and then look elsewhere. Vice President Holden has handed out retreat flyers. Want to do an Executive Committee retreat as well. Will probably be in mid-October. The declarations are open for elections- keep spreading the word. Please let students know we have these open seats. Lastly, the letter regarding the LGBTQ Center- I have tried to contact Douglas Toundreau. Emailed him today. Senator Cicero is going to a meeting with Annie Russell on Friday. I am not sure what our approach should be quite yet. I really hope I can reach out to Douglas and speak with him first.

Kilduff- I think we should meet with the students of the LGBTQ Center as well. I think it’s important to reach out to both parties.

Dorbzynski- You are trying to reach out to Douglas?


Adjourned 6:50pm