Executive 9-5-2012

Attendance: Dobrzynski, Holden, Kilduff, Smith, Murphy, Pishdadian, Musali, Atkins, Stewart, Segal



Jones- Please get template minutes out to vice-chairs. Any new vice-chairs, let me know. Thinking about doing Kudos suggestions box in the office for anonymous requests. Send minutes to uri.studentsenatesecretary@gmail.com.



Dobrzynski- Orange sticker battle going on that is going to be going to the court. Want to get in touch with students working on that. Also want to reiterate that Stafford Loan interest rate increases were declined this summer. Did other schools send letters?

Segal- I know Providence College and Brown student government president contacted me and all other Rhode Island schools. He had sent something as well. Went through the Providence Journal. That’s all I know of.

Dobrzynski- I also wanted to get your thoughts on another Commuter Appreciation Week. Hopefully try and get some vendors involved this year. When are elections?

Atkins- Week of the 24th. Make sure to get things in to book 2 weeks in advanced.

Dobrzynski- I will try and talk to Katrina Dorsey to see if she can help me get that under way.



Smith- Have to talk about Lorrie tomorrow about First Night expenses from the past years. Don’t know what that is for. Paying the bills as well.

Stewart- You have to sign signature cards. Also take the Finance quiz as well.



Kilduff- Alexa had mentioned a website about Archivist. Going to take a look at all and maybe use it to store data. Ryann Rossi wanted me to tell you that Elections bill is today and we will be meeting sometime soon whenever we can. Kim would like me to do a Senate resources page for common forms and pages so that they do not have to keep asking.



Musali- Two committees were brought to my attention today- search committee to hire a police officer. Chrissy has been on it in the past. Also talked to Kim and Bruce about a committee regarding residence halls and rebuilding some of the dorms on campus? Trying to decide whether to renovate or rebuild. May put a number of students out of dorms. Could be issue for students out of state.



Pishdadian- President’s Meeting on Monday.

Stewart- Do you want me to do the Finance presentation now? Or in October? I have been telling students October. New Finance handbook can be done to be handed out to everyone. What time is the meeting?

Pishdadian- 7pm. Working on the agenda for that this year. Going to be talking about re-recognition. Talked to Bruce and Maureen earlier. I think we are trying to do something new with re-rec. If a group is recognized two weeks before re-recognition, the only thing they have to do for re-rec is send me updated information of group members. Okay’ed with Bruce and Maureen, and if we don’t have any serious concerns, think it may be a good idea for when re-recognition comes along. A few groups interested in getting recognized as soon as possible. I do not want them to wait until the end of September. I would also like to nominate Senator Blanchette for Vice-Chair.


Pishdadian- That’s pretty much it for now. Ski Team has contacted me. I’ve asked the person who contacted me to talk to CSIC. My committee is taking a look at the matter together.

Stewart- Have you sent out emails about re-recognition yet?

Pishdadian- I will be sending out an email, covering some things about re-recognition and the President’s meeting.

Stewart- Include that presidents and treasurers have to attend October’s meeting.

Pishdadian- Also have three committee members as of right now.




Atkins- Getting ideas for the next newsletter coming up. If you do anything exciting on your committees you would like the general student body to know, please let me know. Let me know who you like to nominate for Senator spotlight.




Stewart- Sent out emails to groups already about taking the Finance quiz. I encourage you all to take the Finance quiz. I made this checklist that may be helpful for groups- titled the “Pre-Finance Committee Meeting Checklist.” Gives groups a heads up about what to expect at the meeting. Please have groups who come into the office take the Finance quiz. Already completed changes that I thought were fit for the Finance handbook. Hopefully have the new handbook out by October. Received the memo over the summer that men’s and women’s hockey team paid their loans from last year. IFC and Panhel came to us over the summer about opening their budget for their leadership retreat. Initially, they were denied. However, we worked out a probationary term that they hand in their bank statements related to items in the Compact. I think we all know about the Cigar situation. No one responded from the Cigar after I had sent the email to them regarding the resolution.



Holden- Committee chairs- please make sure you are emailing your attendance when you are emailing minutes. Please let me know when your committee times are. No committees can meet on Monday with Finance and SOARC meeting on Mondays. Let Kim know your office hours. They need 3 office hours from Exec. Retreat as of right now- looking at September 30th. It is a Sunday. President Segal and I have to go over a few things as we confirm that. Hopefully, before next week’s meeting I will have a definitive date. Emailed Melissa over the summer about what we will be doing. I will be making announcement tonight about forming committee for Senate scholarship. One goes to a person in the Greek system. Another goes to a person in a student-recognized group or the Student Senate. I will be talking to the DOC about getting the word out on that. Only 2 or 3 senators applied. Let’s set a good precedent for the new senators this year. All comments, please relate to the meeting. Some Senators are in danger of violating attendance policies. Have some seats open for the Fall. May be less seats before elections in the fall. Happens every year. Will have a full Senate in about a month from now. During my office hour, I will look at committees and see what I can do for membership. That is it for me.

Pishdadian- If the 30th does not work, I cannot attend on October 6th.

Dobrzynski- Are we planning recruiting activities?

Holden- May want to ask Elections committee.

Kilduff- We will.

Smith- Can Seniors apply for scholarship?

Holden- Yes. Awarded when the committee votes on it.



Segal- Gabe will not be returning this year. We will be looking for new Academic chair. That will be on the agenda tonight. Elections next week. For now, we will have the Vice-Chair give the report. We will have an exec retreat aside from the full Senate retreat. Not a ropes course, but similar to an Exec meeting. We will try and do it outside of the office. There was a “hate” issue that had occurred. A former senator was contacted by others from the university about issues regarding the LGBTQ Center. I had returned the phone call, but was not able to get a hold of him. If somebody asks you about anything related to University, you cannot speak on behalf of the Senate. I will have more to share next week.

Smith- Is the Senate going to release an opinion?

Segal- I will have to get in touch with the individual who brought the issue to my attention and get more information. In other news, other things to share tonight.


Adjourned 6:09pm