Executive Minutes 9-8-2014


September 8, 2014
Attendance: Boutmy, Hetland, Kilduff, Maynard, Patterson, Rode, Sit, Solomon, Yip


President’s Report
• Project Adventure:
o May be filing a lawsuit
Every public worker needs to have prevailing wages
URI Senate only paid for the climbing wall but we may need to pay for the entire project that was completed by Project

• RIC’s Student Senate President wants to do an AIDS walk with us
o Early October?
o Cultural and Campus (Camptural) can collaborate on this

• All Exec members need to post office hours

• Brown students contacted us about bringing an app they created to URI
o Ventful
1. Allows students to know what is taking place on campus
2. Syncs your classes to the master calendar that tells you what is taking place on campus for the week
3. You can update your preferences about the types of events taking place (Academic, Cultural, etc)
4. Students can save/pin the events they like and it syncs to their schedule
6. Hoping to get this up by second semester
7. CIO can help with this?

• Proposal: condom-dispensing vending machines
o The selling of condoms would possibly go to a charity
o The idea has already been brought up to faculty
o Health services may help fund this
o If Senate funds this then the condoms will be charged for profit
o More information is needed before decisions are made
o Maintenance of the vending machine will be where most of the money goes

Vice President Report
• Senate Scholarship will be starting up soon
o Need to market/advertise
• Idea to do a Senate Retreat instead of a Senate Ropes Course
o October 4th (Saturday) as possible day
o Safezone training
Will do advanced safezone for those who already received basic training
• Let VP Hetland know who is showing up to your meetings

CIO Report
• By next Exec meeting the Robert’s Rule quiz will be ready to view
o Cheat sheet for senators will be provided
• Will be meeting with liaisons after meeting on Wednesday
o Idea to promote liaison report adherence: If reports are submitted on time, a giant cookie will be made for Senate
• Senator Garcia wants a liaison position made for environmental issues on campus
• Kim does not want to do club websites off of the Senate website because it will be hard to manage once current CIO leaves
o Look into this issue

External Report
• Met with new police force
• Met with Mary Jo
o Report of police activity for this past weekend in Narragansett:
1.  67 total arrests
2.  60 noise complaints
3.  26 cases of minors with alcohol
4.  5 cases of minors driving as DD with alcohol in car
5.  7 cases of open containers in the car
6.  17 social hosts, 4 of those homes now have orange stickers
7.  3 DUI’s
8.  Littering

• Meeting with lawyer soon
• Kilduff and Maynard will go on a ride with police to see what takes place on a Friday/Saturday night. Want to make sure that police are doing their job and being fair


Campus Report:
• 2 complaints:
o Butterfield lights: People do not feel safe in that area
o Parking
1.  A huge part of Keaney lot has been given to members of Greek system.
2.  Many unused spaces by them that can’t be accessed by anyone else

• Safety and Lighting is October 9th
• Uber has been contacting Campus
• Working on getting marketing done for Zipcar
• Working on doing a campus cleanup

• Wants to change funding to funded/unfunded
• Re-rec: only Amanda can do signatures!!
– Closes the 3rd
• Working on recognizing Power Lifting Team (with Budget Line)
• Working on recognizing SAA
• A Capella groups want to be recognized
– Will be recognized separately based on mission statement

Finance Report
• Kathleen (DOC) says let her know how you liked the newsletter
• Finance is going to buy a new computer
o Need to get bids from groups who are applying for the computer
• Draft will be coming on the floor this Wednesday for the Finance Handbook
o Will be voting it on it next week
o Inventory System is something new that will be added to the handbook
o We have applications for inventory clerk
-Should we hire 2? It will provide more flexibility.
• Mandatory meeting for Finance will be Tuesday September 23rd at 7PM, in the Ballroom

Secretary Report:
• Electronic voting: waiting on Enrollment Services
o Going to see Bruce about how to tackle this
• Contacted vice-chairs over the summer regarding correct way to send minutes
Cultural Report

  •  Working on Rhody-thon

– Going to a retreat in Boston to learn about costs/etc for putting this together
– SAA and SEC want to help with this!!
– Working on location

  •     Homecoming

-Candy apples

  • Diversity Week

– September 29th to October 2nd
– Cultural Committee will be doing an event at 4PM that Friday
– Will count as office hour if you go to an event