External 1-30-2012

Attendance: Labate, Troiano, Pickard, Lanoie, Brehio, Thomas, Dobryznski, Connelly, Smith, Derek

-Still attending hearings on higher education

  • Chairman Troiano, senators Dobryznski, Connelly, and Smith attended the meeting held last week at URI
  • Senator Dobryznski spoke during this meeting
  • One more meeting on feb. 15th at the CCRI campus in Newport

-Chairman Troiano spoke to President Coates about splitting up roles amongst the external affairs committee

  • Committee members will be assigned a role within this committee pertaining to an off campus issue/area
  • Some of these roles include helping Chairman Troiano with statehouse issues, orange sticker/ any student violations, off campus realtors and housing, any town meetings that take place, looking at various leases/ contracts, look up/ research laws and statutes of Narragansett, etc
  • Whoever assigned to south Kingstown will have to deal with traffic light issue at the intersection of Rt. 108 and Rt. 138.
  • Right lane traffic continues to flow even when light is red technically illegal so to solve this we want a green arrow because most students don’t stop at the red light then proceed to turn.
  • More definite role assignments will be assigned next week, we only made tentative roles/ senators to fill them temporarily. We will discuss concrete roles and positions next week in committee

Chairman Troiano wants to create an off campus commuter website through external affairs

  • Idea for a “rate my landlord/house” will be a new addition to the website for students to write about their experiences with a particular house/landlord.
  • Include house listings, general information on what the external affairs committee can do for off campus students, policies and laws off campus students should know about.

We also briefly discussed the idea of looking into students rights and the laws of Narragansett in terms of orange sticker/ getting in trouble with police.

  • Discussed the idea of letting off campus students dealing with any violations to approach the lawyer who comes in every week and possibly meet with him to discuss several things to address to students in order to make them aware of laws and procedures.