External 10-28-2013



Committee: Lanoie, Uy, Hetland, Wang, Hill, Teekema, Pasquale

Gildein (excused)


Carnival Prizes

  • Prizes have been draw.
  • Winners have been contacted and they will be able to retrieve their prizes from Kim in the student senate office.
  • Whoever wants to count the drawing cards and take the statistics (grade level, living, and do you know about student senate). Chairman Lanoie will send out a google docs about this later this week or next week. Your efforts will be acknowledged.


Commuter housing fair.

  • Wednesday, Oct. 29th 2013 in one of the atriums. From 11am-2pm.
  • There should be 2 people will be working the booth. There will be student senate fliers.
  • Usually specific and small group of individuals will probably go. Mostly sophomores looking for housing for the next year.


Rate my house website.

  • Somewhere like a forum to write how realtors and houses are as a reference for current and future commuter students.
  • Chairman Lanoie will talk to the lawyers next week on a Thursday or a Friday.
  • Student senate might not be able to make the website. We might have to find someone else to make it or a student group, it’s more up to the students if they want to do it or not. We can only facilitate.
  • Web site should focus on student issues.
  • Examples: Students are allowed to know who the lived in the house prior to them, if they received their housing deposit back if not why? What was the reason? How do we want to have it?
  • A Blog or a website like ratemyproffessor.com.
  • Committee might have to review posts to determine if they are appropriate for the site.
  • Student senate might not be able to make the website. We might have to find someone else to make it or a student group, it’s more up to the students if they want to do it or not. We can only facilitate.


Coffee at the commuter parking lots.

  • Give out coffee for the commuters probably around the spring time around February or March. More on this later on.


Next meeting.

  • Nov. 4th 2013 will be a relatively long meeting because Linda Anderson will be coming to speak. Her, Karen Sherman, and HRL wants to have a possible focus group comprised of student.
  • Goal is to have a focus group to know more about living on campus/off campus to forecast the housing demands at URI for the coming years.
  • Discuss possible issues or reasons why people don’t want to live off campus.
  • Committee members should be prepared to answer questions and be helpful.